Will the .45 GAP go the way of the .41 AE?

vox rationis

New member
I haven't shot the GAP, but I can see why some love it. A 9mm/.40 sized handgun shooting rounds with .45 ACP ballistics (even though it cannot go into .45 +P territory, granted).

What fascinates me in a way, is why it has been a flop? I guess those that shoot .45, want their .45 the good 'ol fashion way, and see no reason to change?

Also with the GAP you need to buy into two concepts: the Glock platform, AND the .45 GAP, something most aren't willing to do I guess.

BUT, why isn't the .45 GAP way more popular with the Glockers?

Perhaps it is due to ammo cost being prohibitive?

Inquiring minds want to know.


New member
I think if you're only comparing the 21SF to the 37 its a fair argument, but the 38 and 39 are much smaller guns.
It's also important to point out that the GAP was designed to be fired out of a polygonal (read Glock) barrel. I've seen testing that bad mouths the GAP, but the test was done in a PARA or some other land and grove rifled barrel, where the velocities were much lower because of the gun, not the cartridge.
Do I think it will become as popular as 9, 40 and 45ACP. No.
It will stick around like .357 SIG and 10mm.

Three State Police agencies have already adopted it.

All the stores around here sell it at the same price as ACP.

Officer's Match

New member
Three State Police agencies have already adopted it.

Actually, four.

BUT, why isn't the .45 GAP way more popular with the Glockers?

Perhaps it is due to ammo cost being prohibitive?

Inquiring minds want to know.

It is definitely a small following, but a fiercely strong one. I know a number of longtime Glock devotees that have literally sold off all their Glocks in calibers other than the GAP. Through my 38, it is so great to shoot that I completely understand why.

Also, frugal buyers can take advantage of the (lack of) demand for GAP's and pick up NIB 37's and 38's at CDNN for $399.99 - I bought 3 of them.


New member
It is an attempt to duplicate an ancient, wildly popular cartridge except with some trivial technical advantage. Lots of companies have tried tactic, and it doesn't work. In the long run, there's no surer way to create a flop. Although I can't quite call them marketing failures, since the gun companies did make their money on 'em all.

The GAP is at a tremendous disadvantage because, and only because, the ACP has been around forever. ACP guns and ammo are already everywhere, in vast variety, and often for less money. If it were a fair fight the GAP might win, but a 90-year head start is hard to overcome. And I don't think it's being hostile to Glock to point that out.

In fact, I suspect that the GAP owes what success it has had to the fact that a lot of people take "Glock Perfection" as more than an advertising slogan. Personally, I suspect that if any other company had introduced the GAP it would have sold about twelve.

Charles S

New member
It is definitely a small following, but a fiercely strong one.

As evidenced by you.

It is a poorly executed solution to a non-existent problem.

It operates at higher pressures than a 45 ACP and therefore looses a lot of the benefits of the 45 ACP. It cannot achieve the velocities of the 45 ACP especially in the heavier bullet weights.

It is dead!

Is that a problem for people who love it. No, I own a 41 Remington Magnum or two. Are they dead? Yes, do I feel less of a man for owning them. No nor do I feel the need to defend them. This caliber fills a niche for me and that is all I need to justify my owning of it.

I love a lot of dead calibers! I own and shoot the 38 Supper, 41 AE, 10 mm, 41 Remington Magnum, and 45 Winchester Magnum.

Do I need to defend them. No I am happy with them and I am ok if you are not. The 45 GAP is dead. Don't try to convince me or anyone else otherwise.

Officer's Match

New member
Charles S, I guess we can play sematics if you want. 4 out of the 50 State Police agencies choose a "dead" cartridge?

As for "high pressure", well, again, I guess that's a matter of perspective as well:


A poorly executed solution to a nonexistent problem? Yeah, a G19 that fires 45's sounds like a terrible idea. :rolleyes:

As I said, we may have different ideas as to what "dead" means, but to call it a "poorly executed solution" is a pretty narrow minded comment IMO. I mean you no personal offense, sir.

Charles S

New member
5 out of 50 all of whom were given then guns on a police contract with Glock. Excellent numbers. The 357 Sig has a similar claim to fame. LOL

High pressure relative to the 45 ACP...Sure you can get higher pressure cartridges.

The beauty of the 45 ACP is great performance at lower pressure, so the 45 GAP is high pressure relative to the 45 ACP. It achieves performance almost equal to the 45 ACP at higher pressure.

You are not going to convince me or anyone else. It is dead...you might choose a few other windmills to tilt....LOL