Will Hilary be good for the Firearms industry?

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New member
But if it is an influx of new buyers and shooters maybe it could translate to new voters tipping the scales in our favor

I like this thought and think it might have some validity.

The anti folk have made a complete and utter mockery of the term 'common sense' but to twist it back on them I would say when someone new to firearms gets to shoot one and gets to see what guns can do and also what guns can NOT do then 'common sense' pushes them toward our side.

Example: Hi capacity magazines---when I showed one person how easy it was to change magazines they said words to the effect that 'well then the ban on high capacity magazines doesn't really accomplish anything.'


New member
I believe, Dalea, that it was Mark Twain that wrote "common sense is very uncommon". I like to dream, and hoped that this millennial generation would panic and cause a surge in firearms sales and realize that shooting is a real fun sport for the whole family and are no more destructive than an automobile driven by someone driving drunk or texting.


New member
Gun ownership is enjoyed by less than half of the adult population. It's going to take a very, very, large surge in new ownership to equal the numbers of new voters.

Nor is there any guarantee they will vote to keep their rights. There are dedicated gun owners on this forum who will vote for the anti-gun party for one reason or the other. That's not going to change.


New member
The anti group far outnumber us. The message is: guns are bad. Now that most people believe that, is only a matter of time. Majority of states are blue now. We may not see a republican, or gun friendly president for a very long time. The SCOTUS will most likely be anti gun for even longer now if the right chips fall. It's now the age to right wrongs, and gun owners are one of the social wrongs.

All the while gun owners are saying "they'll never!!!" When in fact they are. It's happening at state and local levels.

Even if gun owners outnumbered antis or people that don't have a dog in a fight, it wouldn't matter if they aren't dispersed in the right amounts in battleground states. It seems hard to get pro-gun people to vote it seems. People on the side seem willing to vote.


New member
I hope this question is ok to ask. Politicians take an oath to defend and honor the constitution of the United States, right ? Then they want and try to alter or eliminate parts of the same constitution, isn't that treason or at least breech of oath ?


Active member
It's time to be a single-issue voter this fall.

I have been a single-issue voter since I made the mistake of voting for Ross Perot. Firearms freedom controls my vote and, quite frankly, it doesn't matter what else the candidate espouses as long as he/she is STRONGLY pro 2nd Amendment.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
We've wandered into political speculation and irrelevant comments.

Before, I close this - can we understand some basic principles before we throw around terms like treason. It has a definition.

Altering the Constitution - is that why there is an Amendment process?

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