Will Hilary be good for the Firearms industry?

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I was just pondering with a cup of coffee and Kahlua if Hilary could actually be good for the firearm Industry? We all know that president Obama, reluctantly earned his title of "Best Salesman of the Year" for the panic he created during his run in office. Because of this, Smith and Wessons stock went up 160% and Rugers stock went up 80% according to the Motley Fool.

The panic might have also caused more Americans that were on the fence to actually jump to the other side, in which more than 23 million Americans alone in 2015 applied for license or applications to purchase a firearm.

I firmly believe that the ranks of gun ownership grew thanks to President Obama, and truly wonder if, and that's a big if, if Hilary Clinton does get elected, will she too be responsible for pushing the neutral or undecided population towards the ranks of gun ownership. Maybe she could de-throne President Obama as "Salesman of the Year".

Anyway I need more Kahlua in my coffee. Have a great day and safe shooting everyone.


New member
There might be a post-election surge, but in the long run, she would like to sound the death knell for the industry.
I know we're not supposed to go political here, but I'll say it - I don't know why people seethe about Obama. He hasn't really done anything except talk. The guy's an ornament. The Shady Lady, on the other hand, is competent enough to be dangerous.


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There's the distinction to be made between what's good for the industry (and consumers) and what's good for our 2A-assured rights. Recent panics have generally occurred because of either direct attempts to impose restrictions or events (eg. Sandy Hook, San Bernadino, etc.) that triggered talk of such attempts. Under the current administration and - until recently - the SCOTUS makeup, any "credible threats" were limited to executive orders and such. But depending on who ends up replacing Scalia, you could see a significant shift in court decisions, down-ballot elections could alter the balance of power in Congress, and God forbid some other shooting further turns public sentiment against gun rights.

So, the industry could see a massive surge in demand equal to or beyond that of recent election cycles, but if Hilary wins and has the power of the courts and/or Congress behind her, it could be quite a rough road post-election.


New member
There is a problem I have with some gun owners' thought processes...

They think someone is going to ban AR's so they go buy one but they don't think 'they' are going to come and take them away (paying pennies on the dollar for reimbursement.)

I guess the old 10 year 'assault weapons ban' is a valid example of this actually happening but what I'm hearing now is we have to be afraid of 'Australian Style' gun control where it actually becomes illegal to own one. In which case your AR becomes kind of a white elephant that you can't sell or shoot. If you really think this could happen then why buy one in the first place?


New member
I don't know why people seethe about Obama. He hasn't really done anything except talk.

There's a web site out there with a list of 23 things Obama has done to damage the second amendment rights we have. The latest being the ban on importation of 5.45x39 ammo and anything made by Kalashnikov.


New member
I suspect after the election there will be an initial surge, but long term she’ll be bad for the firearms industry, gun owners and freedom in general. She’ll place at least three new judges on the SCOTUS that will reshape the Second Amendment forever. I suspect she’ll flip a few congressional seats, so the Senate probably tilts back and the House may even go the other way. Regrettably we’re probably the last generation to enjoy the freedoms that we currently have. No longer will we discuss what’s easy to conceal, holsters, caliber wars, where to shoot etc. No, we’ll debate how best to use our monthly ration of FMJ ammo and if the revolver is the best platform for the new six round capacity limit. :(


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Mike - sorry - yes, there are many things a liberal president will do through executive orders in areas like import restrictions. I would say they fall under the heading of recalibrating the margins. There are other things a president could try to do that constitute a fundamental altering of the landscape, like mandatory liability insurance or controlling what can be sold in stores through consumer product safety regulations. They are grey areas in today's legal environment, which is why the Scalia's passing is so very important. I don't think a strict constructionist could be appointed in today's climate, one more reason Ronald Reagan really was the last great president.


New member
I think that she might be the first person that can actually do something to kill the 2nd amendment. She has so much money backing her and is so liberal it will become a calling card for her. And as others have she will select 3 Supreme Court judges in her 4 or 8 years. If this happens guns are gone.
That is why this year’s battle is so important. I feel if we lose we will lose our country for ever. Not just guns, but most of our freedoms.

one more reason Ronald Reagan really was the last great president.


Active member
There will be a buying surge in high capacity magazines, high capacity semi-auto handguns, drums, ammo, and assault rifles ("high capacity":D). There will be a corresponding dip in sales of bolt-action rifles, pump shotguns and revolvers. There, that's my prediction.

However, I predict that Hillary will not be the next president. Let's put some ******'s here so that we can find my prediction easily come December.


New member
If Hilary is elected there will be a surge in pvc, dissicant, and nitrogen gas sales, as well as digging and gardening tools.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Short term purchases surge vs. long term confiscatory bans and lawsuits that destroy the industry.

Burying guns that make them useless for self-defense, hunting and sport.

Sounds like a plan.


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I would think that Hillary would be as good for the firearms/ammo industry as Obama is, especially if she got elected and the Dems could gain control of Congress while she was POTUS


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Let's not delude ourselves about sliding down the slippery slope by calling it a fun ride for the industry. Obama didn't push for bans and confiscation because if he did, it would ensure Hillary would not be elected to the presidency.

She is openly campaigning on killing the manufacturers by lawsuits, onerous taxes and requirements for gun owners, and outright bans and confiscation of entire types of guns, if not all of them. Make no mistake, they are coming to get them, and get them they will if elected.

With the very real prospect of the White House, Congress, and the Supreme Court being under their control beginning in 2017, silly 'Gun Salesperson of the Year' beliefs are delusional at best.

The Democrats now control the Senate, White House, and are tied in SCOTUS. Give them House and Senate, White House, and the next Justice appointment, and they will run with the gun control ball to the finish line. They've been wanting it and planning for it for a long time.

Elections have real consequences, and this election is for all the marbles.

We can weather economic hardship, dissent, socialism, all kinds of things, but when the guns are gone they are not coming back.

It's time to be a single-issue voter this fall.


New member
We can weather economic hardship, dissent, socialism, all kinds of things, but when the guns are gone they are not coming back.

It's time to be a single-issue voter this fall.

It mystifies me the number of gun owners who don’t seem to understand this. While it also confuses me that people voted for Trump in the primaries it now confuses me even more that many won’t vote for him in the general election. Folks we have two choices one may be bad, but the other will most likely be horrendous for the Second Amendment.


Hillary isn't the one who will help the firearms industry. "Help" in that regard will come from panicked citizens who feel disempowered and then purchase firearms as a security blanket for their unfounded fears. It's not H doing that, it's the ignorant and fearful overreacting. If they had a better grasp of the reality it wouldn't make a bump in the production schedules.

Presidents do NOT have unlimited powers, Congress and the Courts have demonstrated a high willingness to trash their "suggestions" where the law is concerned. They do not unilaterally pass laws on their own. Not even.

Ms Clinton will have issues with ISIS, awarding medals to veterans, and all the chores with building a village where most of the inhabitants are fiercely opposed to each other. Her fault as she played on those issues but now has to represent all of us as the head of state.

She is as much bound to her predecessors policies as her opponent if he was to win. No candidate of the opposite party has overturned significant presidential orders we've found to be distasteful. I don't see Trump making a statement he will overturn the ban on Russian ammo and guns.

You chose these candidate without regard for their actual ability to run the government, and despite their obvious character flaws. You get the government you deserve.


New member
Very well said "tirod". If anything has been proven in the last 8 years that panic buying of firearms did not keep president Obama from getting re-elected to a second term in office, so we do get the government we deserve.

During the 10 year ban of the ar rifles , I remember how high prices were getting on this types of firearms and luckily for me I did not like them than until after the ban when I got nostalgic and wanted one.

So if Ms Hillary does win I do see another era of panic buying, I just wonder how much of this buyers will truly be new buyers vs the old established shooters and hunters like most of us. If they are the old type nothing changes,and the lawmakers will continue to try to disarm us legally slowly but surely.

But if it is an influx of new buyers and shooters maybe it could translate to new voters tipping the scales in our favor, making us less vulnerable to attacks from the politicians running for office where gun control would not be a top priority and their focus could be ISIS, and our infrastructure.


New member
I was a soldier for most of the AWB, wasn't interested in ARs because I had the attitude of been there done that. Wasn't very interested in the 08 panic. Only had a small interest in the short-lived '13 panic. I'm was feeling nostalgic and wanted an m16 clone (never acted on it)

By 14 I figured some idiotic panics or real events leading to panics might occur as the election neared. Prices were too low to ignore so I put a kit together and enjoyed it. My soul mate liked mine so I built her one. Then I wanted AR pistol. Then I wanted a varminter incase I got back into the game.

Since '13, I've been slowly building an ammo stash... Not very big compared to most folks here, but big for me.

My reasons is I don't want to go two years or more without ammo like I had in the past.

I think many did what I did and there won't be much of a panic.

I do think gun control of some type is coming. More of a state by state chipping away of gun rights.

The rest of the west coast is sliding down that slope. They will get tighter in Washington and Oregon.
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