Why the hate for LCI


New member
Depends how it's done.

On a couple of mine, the LCI is a bit of red paint on the extractor that wore off pretty quick anyways - the extractor is already there, so no "extra" parts involved.

My 380 has a red tab that sticks out on the left side of the slide - totally out of the way, so not a PITA at all.

Useless? Yes, perhaps. But then again so are the "Read the manual" statements stamped into just about every gun on the market.;)


A LCI is a device who's only purpose is so that a manufacturer can defend himself in a lawsuit filed by a person that is too dumb to handle a firearm. Cooper said it best - it is an attempt to solve a personnel problem by introducing a mechanical "solution". Total fail.


New member
Does a LCI make me angry like Hulk? No, I don't want to Hulk smash. Do I think it's needed? No. Why? Because Rule 1 tells me to "treat all firearms as if they were loaded". I don't need a LCI to make me handle firearms a certain way, I already do. Secondly, I know if my firearms are or aren't loaded. I can tell you at this minute how many rounds are in each magazine in my possession. I feel it's my responsibility to be able to do so. I don't remotely incorporate a LCI into my handling of a weapon.


New member
Like most everybody else, I was brought up to check the chamber in the traditional way of checking - by looking and knowing whether it's loaded or not. As a result, I always check it that way. The two semi-autos that I have are both Rugers (SR9 and MK III) and to be perfectly honest, I really don't pay any attention to the LCI or really notice it. I'm not being "smart aleck" about it . . . I just always check in the manner I was taught and really don't even pay attention to them.

Folks might not like 'em . . . but I'm sure it's all part of the legal game along with internal locks, warnings heavily stamped on barrels and frames, etc. Common sense seems to have flown out the window and we all need to be "watched over" by the various legal and governmental bodies . . . unfortunately, it isn't going to get any better.

Grant D

New member
I have a 1917 DWM Luger that has one,they are also on my Walther P-38's.
They don't bother me at all.
I don't think it was a lawyer thing back then.


New member
I for one don't hate them. Then again, I don't inisit on them either. I guess I am just indifferent to the whole thing. Some of my pistols like my XD, Beretta 92, Glock, P38 and M&P45 have them while others like my 1911s, CZ75, older Glocks and P90 for example doesn't have one. I might use them if they are equiped with one but I am still apt to do a press check anyways. None of them have ever caused a functional problem and I never found it to be an astetic problem so for me, it's really a non-issue. The only time I refused to buy a handgun with a loaded chamber indicator was when the Ruger MkIII came out. I heard about the problems of the LCI firing the round if it was struck so that turned me off of them and towards an older MkII. I mean, a loaded chamber indicator that rests on...the...primer....of a.....RIMFIRE cartridge........uh, no thanks, I'll pass on that one. That was the only occasion where I felt it was a real issue to worry about.


New member
The only advantage I can think of for having an LCI is that it let's me know whether or not the guy mugging me remembered to put a round in the chamber.