Why no Steyr mentions?


New member
I went to the range yesterday with a friend who had just bought a new 9MM Steyr. I shot a few magazines and was impressed. After I shot it, he told me that it was a DAO pistol. I wouldn't have known from the trigger pull. It was really, really good. I was just wondering why I don't see many mentions of 'em here. Do they sell a lot of guns?

The one I shot took no getting used to at all. I got deadly with it in 2/3 rounds.


New member
there seems to be alot of fans arround actually.

although im not one of them...

dont like the sights and they have too many reliability issues from what ive seen.the .40 i shot couldnt make it through 2 mags without a FTF...new gun,clean and lubed,with FMJ(WWB IIRC).

i know 3 people(offline) who have owned one.two have sold theirs and one is considering doing the same.

granted its a small sample,but enough to sour me on them.

YMMV(as im sure you'll hear from others).

btw,i almost forgot to mention...they make a Glock look like a beauty queen.:p
Ive only handled them but I thought the ergos on it were really excellent. I would like to shoot one. Could you expound some on how the accuracy, recoil and follow ups were? Thanks


New member
OK, a mini-review from someone who only has Com Bloc semi-autos and an old Wolverine. Oh yeah, a P3AT, too. Anyway:

We had a mixed bag of cheap-o ammo, about4 brands, half of which was Wolf. It never faltered once, I was hitting POA in 2-3 rounds. I had no problem keeping things in a 5" group when I was shooting rapidly, 2 per second. Well, that's rapid for me. Maybe 9 seconds for a magazine, around there.

It was a little utilitarian appearing for my tastes. Aesthetically, it was not a good day. But, it felt great in my hand and everything was easy to work. I was at home with it in a minute. It's easy to control.

And, I didn't know it was DAO when I first shot it! It's got a great trigger.


New member
I bought a Steyr M-40 A1 recently.

I've only shot a few hundred rounds out of it, but I've had no malfunctions.

The gun is much more accurate than I will ever be.

Field-stripping is easy.

I bought it for the price (around $400 for a NIB gun), and I loved the ergos. It feels like an extention of my hand.

I also liked its appearance. Looks like a ray-gun to me - not just another plastic gun.

It's a good size, heavy gun. I've read it was designed with the .40 S&W in mind, and it would not surprise me if that is true.

I got used to the triangle sights quickly.

All in all, it's a very good gun. Almost half as good as my Walther P-99 AS. :rolleyes:


New member
Love my Steyr

I have Steyr S9 and love it. It fits my hand well, shoots well and is accurate. It makes my targets look good at the range, too.! :D Found it gently used in a local shop. Not a failure since we got it. Bonus: I LOVE the sights! Wish I could retrofit all my handguns with 'em.

The hubby has a Steyr M9, purchased new, and an S40 gently used. Both are also terrific pistols. The S40 is the first .40 cal semi-auto I enjoy shooting. The recoil isn't sharp or jerky to me, like the other .40s I've tried. As with the S9, I love the sights!

Personally, I like the looks of the Steyr also. It's similar to the Glock, but not as harsh to me. However...I don't buy guns JUST because they "look good". :eek:


They have lost their importer 3 times in the last 4 years. Until 2007 they had no US presence. They were sold about a year and half ago.

They have ZERO market efforts here. They make a decent gun but for almost a year there was no support. Took over 9 months for them to replace a S40 frame which cracked in my hands with a new gun.

I sold my other 2 before the s40 came back and the sold that within a week. They do not understand the us market and in the end their products suffer. It would not surprise me to see them disappear from the US market again.


New member
They are a nice gun, but...

Mine has broken three strikers from dry firing. This is ABNORMAL. Most people report thousands of dry fires with no problems. My biggest hangup with mine is the trigger. 7/10 times it is crisp as all getout and reasonable light - 5 LBS. IOW - better than Glock/XD etc. Very short, very crisp. But about 2/10 times it will stack - it will "pre-break" before the real break. Then, about 1 in 15 times, when it stacks, it will take a REAL squeeze to get it to break - probably 10 LBS! This makes me not like it so much. I will dry fire a bit more, probably shoot it again (guns DO feel a bit differently than in dry fire mode), before I spend the bucks to send it in. OTHER than that, IF you get one with a decent trigger - the trigger is very good, and:

- SAI in GA supports it well - maybe not like SA, but they are pleasant and will send you a part if is broken and an easy install.

- It is accurate, and most have been very reliable - mine is 100%.

- I like the looks and the OG slide looks way cool. The Tennifer they use is now excellent.

- Is about the easiest pistol made to field strip - it takes literally 2 seconds. Easier than an XD, and MUCH easier than Glock.

-You can pull the extractor like a Glock - my big hangup with the XD.

- I like the sights.

- The grip is VERY good - makes a CZ feel thick (and they aren't).

-Fit and finish are excellent. My slide to frame fit is very tight - better than my XD.

If my trigger was more consistent, this would be the ultimate plastic gun - and I THINK I'm a minority report on the trigger.


You ain't been reading MY posts

I have 3: an M9-A1, an S-9, and a recently acquired S-40. I LOVE'EM!!! Steyr doesn't do much advertising. As far as I'm concerned, they're the best-kept secret since, "I didn't do THAT with THAT woman."

They're solid as a rock, perfectly ergonomic, VERY accurate, and just an all around darn good gun. Typical Austrian quality. Once you get used to the sights, they're VERY quick to bring on target. Not too expensive, either. The S-40 is my main carry piece.

They look good, too. What else do you wanna know? :)

Edit: Sorry, since I got the S-40, my wife has taken over the S-9.


New member
- Is about the easiest pistol made to field strip - it takes literally 2 seconds. Easier than an XD, and MUCH easier than Glock.

ive heard this before...

im assuming the Steyr is a Transformer?...push a button and it strips itself?

because i can field strip a Glock in about 2 seconds as well.pop the guide rod with my thumb as im removing the slide and gravity basically does the rest.

i can imagine anything being "much eaiser" to strip than a Glock...unless it falls apart pretty much on its own(which im thinking wouldnt be a good thing).

just to prove a point to a friend several years ago,i field stripped and then reassembled a Glock blindfolded.did it in under 20 seconds first try,pretty sure i could cut that in half with a little practice....and reassembly is the difficult(if you could call it that) part.


New member
Like the S&W M&P the Steyr is basically a single action. The striker is about 98% to 99% precocked. The sear moves to the rear and down when you pull the trigger but because of the angles involved with the striker tab and sear it only moves the precocked striker about one millimeter or less to the rear.

The newer pistols don't even seen to move that much.

So much like the S&W M&P they are not DAO. People only like to call them that.


New member
well,technically that "1%-2%" take up would still make it a DA no?

although i agree,they're nothing like whats typically thought of as DA.


New member
I have two M9A1s, four friends with (1) M9A1 ea., and another range buddy with a M357A1 w/ M40A1 conversion kit - they are all exceptional pistols and we absolutely love them! Check out SteyrClub for more info...


New member
"well,technically that "1%-2%" take up would still make it a DA no?

Well then any AR with a military trigger is a DAO.

Any SKS with an in spec trigger is a DAO.

They both pull the hammer back about one millimeter or so when you pull the trigger.

This DAO BS is all a gimmick to sell guns to PD's and others who don't like single action guns.


New member
i couldnt care less how they work(just that they do).i only mentioned it because i got the impression the OP was expecting a more traditional DA.