Why gun bans aren't the answer



Actually I am in tune with (ONLY) the system here in Texas...

With a adult daughter and kids (dead beat dad who does NOT have the ability to pay)

I do know it is NOT an ideal or even fair system.... she never needed the food stamp program nor any of the other give away support like Obama Phone... health care qualifying is very hard...she does work and has an income.... wife and I to do the HC support....no regrets doing this except for the HIGH TAXES WE pay ....most supposedly going to the social programs....but that is another rant

We both spent years in several capacities where we interacted a lot with welfare recipients and we live in a county with more than 30% recipients of the 19,000 population....are totally supported.... I do MEAN TOTALLY

Also have many acquaintances who are Police, Parole officers, or Teachers in Dallas, San Antonio, Houston, Austin.... we frequently discuss this topic

I stand by my assertion that SOME of the GENEROUS welfare system is causal to SOME of our current societal dis function

YOU and I have different value systems and WE BOTH argee that living on welfae is sucky and not ideal

Here in Texas we have a social welfare culture that advertises on TV on who to call to get Max benefits... they actually coach people how to GAME the system

When my daughter signed up for WIC program... she was given several instructional seminars on how to get the free cell phone, free business suit for interviews, where to apply for a free auto...St Vincent D Paul, Good will

But disgustingly to wife and I was the advice she got to HIDE her real income so she could QUALIFY for additional benefits

Contrast this to How the VA and SSA go out of their way to MINIMIZE advice to recipients about available programs and qualification......

OK that is a side show rant

Lack of father figure is a high causality
Lack of Fear that Needs can not be met...... Shelter, Food, safety,
Multi generational examples of how a non productive citizen can live realitivley comfortably

I assert that is exceedingly difficult for Parents, Educators, Police to influence a large segment of our population to be productive and contribute

Then there are the generational changes in technology that exasperate the problem with FUN distractions

Social media
Helicopter parenting
Some Rap music
Peer presure
Drugs..... adults with double standards.... states allowing recreational drug use

Again I am NOT saying the welfare system we have causes all of our current social ills... BUT I do believe it is a contributor


New member
We had the guns in the 1950s and 60s, what we didn't have were the drugs, either illicit of these "medicines".