Why are all these threads being locked down?

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New member
I think the examples given are good reasons for locking threads. I log on to 5 or 6 boards regularly, but on one in particular (no names), there has been a real degadation of the original intent, as a bunch of obvious teens or pre-teens with no spelling or syntax skills and even less common sense, seem to dominate. They "threaten" other posters if they dare to disagree etc.
It would only take a second for a moderator to stop it cold, but it doesn't happen.
Here there seems to be quite a bit of freedom of expression within the guidelines.
But then, this seems to be a fairly sane group of folks here!

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
When you stop to count how many threads there have been at TFL during the last three+ years, you'll find doggoned few which have been locked.

Overall, we've not had all that many problem-people, either. Not many trolls, not many flame-happy types...The TFL Family is a pretty good bunch of troops.

And one thing about being a Moderator: Ya pretty much gotta read ALL that BS. :) Wanna guess how many times I've waded through Mini-14 vs. AR-15? It is to urp. So I will. :barf: Same deal for Tamara, et al, in "Handguns". Glock vs. 1911. More :barf:.

(I got an email offer of $100 if I'd lock any Mini-14 threads for the next two years. $200 if I'd delete 'em. :D )

So, 'bout all I can say is that I try not to be arbitrary and capricious. The operative word is "try".

:), Art


New member
If you don't want to read about Dr. King, don't click that thread. I know it is hard to fathom.

Yeah. I know. But I still have to sort through them. What you said is like saying "Don't look at the static and snow on your TV. Just watch the program."

All these off topic posts create a high (or is it low?) signal-to-noise ratio.

I think the most important thing is that immature behavior is not tolerated by anyone on these boards.

I don't know about that. We've seen an influx of posts that are titled with some faux-provocative title, and the content of the original post is some very short, gramatically-challenged statement about the subject. Occasionally a question. Anywhere else that kind of behavior would be called trolling. Here, it's allowed to go on, I guess because the thread poster makes some flimsy connection to firearms in the thread or thread title.

urban assault

New member
....and make sure you dont criticize a certain rifle stock maker, who will remain nameless... or your passport to TFL will be DENIED:eek: Ask charmedlyfe, he got bitch-slapped back to the stone age because of his complaining. Its hard to defend him though because he should have been more malleable to an offer of a discount from the company. Oh no, now watch ME get slapped for bringing this up. I am always in trouble for something;)



New member
It would be nice if the moderator would give the rest of us an idea why a thread got locked down.

A lot of the time it seems almost capricious.

If the moderators would say why they are locking down the thread, maybe there would be fewer thread started that need locking down.

As for the MLK thread (which I didnt read, and have no interest in, but will use as an example), even if it didnt have anything to do with guns at all, why was it singled out to be closed?

There are usually several threads in the General Discussion forum that are not really gun related, but are allowed to live.

By the way, I do think that any thread dealing with the assassination of MLK (or JFK, or the attempted assassination of Reagan) are all at least marginally firearms related, as all 3 of those events helped shape our current firearms laws.


New member
lets see we have coopers rules
condition color codes
and numeric carry states

maybe we need TFL closure codes

code 1 closure:
posting to annoy

code 2 closure:
posting off topic without engaging safety

code 3 closure:
posting home decorating tips while inebriated


New member
Iam glad to hear mlk was not gun related.somebody must have hit him with a rock,

the man was shot.kennedy was shot .frankly i dont see the differnce.kennedy was allowed to stay.dont pass the smell test.but i amm new here,what do i know?


Bud Helms

Senior Member
As for the MLK thread (which I didnt read, and have no interest in, but will use as an example), even if it didnt have anything to do with guns at all, why was it singled out to be closed?
lonegunman, gimme a break. I've explained this. You need to actually read my replies. Repeatedly lodging the same complaint until you get the answer you want just won't work. If all else fails, then use what you read here on TFL as your guide of what's okay to post. If you are looking for an absolutely definitive, for-final-and-always, exact guide to specifically what gets a topic closed, then I am sorry to disappoint you, but there is no such hard list of rules.

Rule #4, of TFL's posting policies includes the passage, "As we can never convey a philosophy through a few rules, ..." Rich selects his own moderators. We are expected to show patience and judgement. We strive to be even-handed and not play favorites. Yes, I admit that I let some off-topics go when other mods wouldn't. Specifically, military-related subjects. They are near and dear to my heart.

The answers to your questions are in this thread. If you don't get what you want out of it, email me and we can talk some more. But, before carrying this forward, I ask you, as the complainant here, to read every word of every post in this thread, and that includes the links in those posts, too.

The subject here has been covered. So, if you are just looking for another reason to show the capriciousness of the moderators on this board, here's another one for you ... this thread is closed.
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