Why .45?


New member
I feel more confident that it will do what I have handguns for.

And I shoot it better.

Nothing wrong with the other calibers; I shoot those too. But .45acp is my first choice for serious shooting.

Claude Clay

New member
a 9 may expand but a 45 will never shrink

at the reloading bench 45 acp or colt is only a penny a round more than 9mm.
12 vrs 11 cents.
and a heck of a lot easier to reload the bigger mouth of a 45 than a tiny 9;)
Beer... My gun has to match my beer.

Because they don't make the Sig P220 in 9mm any more.

Because it's got a more pleasant recoil impulse than .40S&W.

Because it's easier to reload, and in a revolver, quite a versatile load.


New member
Because I like it! I shoot it better than all the other autos I have tried. It has plenty of stopping power and mass. Conceals well(1911's)...what brought me to the mighty 45? Stopping power .


New member
1. The holes are bigger so they seem to land closer to each other. .45 makes me look like a better shooter than I actually am.;)

2. They make a more audible satisfying sound shooting steel plates.

3. If I'm limited to FMJ's I'd rather have .45 than 9mm I guess. But if I wanted a bit better penetration then 9mm FMJ. Kind of a wash there perhaps.

If I want more "stopping power" I better reach for a rifle or shotgun. Marginally better is of little comfort to me.
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New member
Because I can is the best answer any of can give.

For myself, its a cost per shot thing. I cast lead I get free. So, my reloads cost me what I spend on 22LR that my kids shoot till its gone.

Man, its not about stopping power, penetration, or stopping a "BG".

45ACP is all about the feel. The feel of a finely tuned 1911 slide doing its thing. Slamming closed on a fresh round. The push rather than snap as a spent case is ejected and a fresh one is stuffed in the pipe.

The 45 thing is hard to understand till ya really start shooting one. A lot.

No disrespect intended toward any other cartridge, but "that's the way it is"

This is just my humble opinion.


New member
45ACP is all about the feel. The feel of a finely tuned 1911 slide doing its thing. Slamming closed on a fresh round. The push rather than snap as a spent case is ejected and a fresh one is stuffed in the pipe.

The 45 thing is hard to understand till ya really start shooting one. A lot.

This about covers it as eloquently as I've seen...


New member
Thank you.

I tried to come up with something that most could understand without pickin nits. I sick to death the age old mine is bigger and bader than yours arguement. That one's been going on since before any of us were born. Old news.

The feel. That's it. Many try, but none compare to the feel of 45ACP hardball in a finely tuned 1911.

Ya'll have a nice day.


So, what's the logic behind getting and shooting .45?

Some guys just like to make big holes when they shoot.




New member
There's just something about them big slow moving bullets thats hard to explain. 45ACP, 45Colt, 45/70. Fun to shoot and do their job well. :)


New member
I've gone to shooting a lot more 9mm these days due to the cheaper cost.

That said, there's just something about shooting a 45...and you know what...if I have to explain it, you wouldn't understand anyway. ;)


New member
Like the other posts:
I like the feel of 1911's.
Because shooting twice is silly.
It's fun!
Less over-penetration.
Like the Jeep: It's a .45 thing, if you have to ask, you wouldn't understand.


New member
Well, .45's are not very much more expensive than 9mm or .40 if you reload.

Most 1911's are chambered in .45 Auto

.45 Auto is an inherently accurate round, moreso than 9mm or .40. Tons of accuracy development has gone on with the .45 and platforms that fire it.

.45 Auto tends to deflect less than .40 or 9mm when fired thorugh intermediate barriers.

Making any minimum power factor in competetive shooting is easy with the .45, not always with the others.

.45 Auto is more effective when FMJ rounds are considered, and is more effective if the hollowpoint fails to expand as can happen.

.45 Auto recoil is mild, many prefer it to the .40

You see, there are many reasons to run .45's!

Thanks .45shooter!

This makes sense to me.

Alot of you just answered with what I initially thought, it's just machoism. I don't have time or money to do things just to feel bigger. I want to shoot the caliber that is most practical for all intents and purposes.
The most affordable yet still has the capabilities without compromise.

Thanks to all who gave serious responses.
