Who's your favorite member?


This is really a tough one. To avoid the terminal suck-up mode, let me say that there are certain folk here who can always be relied on to provide sound opinions on an issue. Most all of us know who they are, and they have already been mentioned several times in this thread.

Rich and the Mod's also deserve special mention, for providing the rest of us with the soapbox we all love so much, and the slight rudder controls needed to keep us on course now and then.

edited to add this:

I also salute the more irreverent among us, as we should never lose the ability to laugh. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE! (What the heck is that smell?):D


New member
I don't have a particular favorite. I pretty much like everyone here. Many have numerous years of experience and wisdom that we can all learn from.

I do applaud the Administrators and Moderators for keeping this a civil environment. The lack of profanity and healthy forum environment means it is easy for me to have my family read posts comfortably without worry. I wouldn't dare do that with other forums that I visit. I also appreciate the fact that the majority of folks here conduct conversations in a mature manner, regardless of age level. Sure..we get heated arguements, but even then they are relatively mild.

So great work guys. You keep this forum manageable without being the "Gestapos" of free speech.

Good Shooting


New member
Sam, George, Tamara, Kaylee, Liz Peterson, Skunk, Atticus and Lendringser.....Hats off to you all and all the others that learn from daily. Thanks for sharing.


New member
Even though their quick one-liners sometimes exasperate me, making me thirst for details, I always read posts from CR Sam and WESHOOT. Stephen Camp is always a gentleman. I also like Oris....you can just hear the Russian accent as you're reading his posts and he has a quick temper that cracks me up.


New member
Bogie and Steve Smith. Two guys who pass out very good rifle advice. It sounds like they walk the walk and know what they are talking about.
Mike Irwin for his great S&W knowlege. Very good posts in general, very well written and intelligent. I would have to say that for pure reading enjoyment, Mike walks away with it. I always read Mike's posts.
WESHOOT2. Another guy that speaks from experience with handguns and handloading. I gotta like anyone that goes out there and puts it on the line in competition.
CR Sam, well, a lot has already been said about Sam. Clever. I also happen to agree with almost everything he says.
I have also been enjoying the Milsurp rifle banter of Cosmoline.


CR Sam
Steve Smith
glock glockler
Wyld One
George Hill
Don Gwinn
Deputy Vaughn
KS Freeman
Oleg & Runt
Ala Dan

I could go on, there's lots of good folks here!:) Too many to list really...


New member
Well its been a while but I smelled an OT thread so here I am again, DC,TAMARA,BLUEYEDOG and MISSDEMEANORS. Perhaps there is a pattern here???:D

Oh yeah I almost forgot, my partner in Crime, Don Gwin!;)

Jamie Young

New member
I'll nominate DonQatu as the biggest pain in the neck here at TFL.

I had to have a public feud with the guy but he ended up being one of the most helpful TFL members. I still have yet to take My FAL and Model 70 to the 800meter range but that guy taught me so much via email and PM.


New member
Gaah... questions like this make me feel like the mom with half a dozen of her kids lookin' up sayin' "mom, who do you like best?"

Feh.. can't answer a question like that.

That said, if I had to pick a place in the US to stay, based solely off the proximity of TFLers I'd love to just sit and chew the fat with for hours, it'd prolly be about half way between Nashville and Knoxville.*

hrmm.. just down the road from Oak Ridge. Quite probably downwind. Maybe there's a connection there. :p


(*with numerous road trips through Texas, (shudder) PRK, and Utah, of course)


New member
Knoxville is definitely downwind and, worse, downriver from OR. Night sights? Who needs them? Everything around here glows green at night!

Futo Inu

New member
I'm not naming a handful of favorites, for fear of leaving out several great members accidentally. But obviously, CR Sam is up there. Many, many peeps I enjoy though.


Staff Alumnus
Pick an easy question, why dontcha? ;)

4v50Gary for a cool world view.
Oleg for anger. And beauty.
LawDog for humor.
George Hill for being big. And loud. And liking the right rifles.
Rich for being unexpected.
DC and Tamara for wit.
Long Path and Don Gwinn for the gentle streaks they usually hide.
ArmySon for making me look big.
Spartacus for walking through fire unscathed.
Art Eatman for sounding like the voice of God.
Sensop for general grumpiness. ;)
Dennis for more frustration than I can generally muster, any more.
Mykl for stealth.
Rob for incorrigibility.

And, my email mentor long before I found TFL, Johnny Guest.

There are so many more...Thank you all.


New member
I'm raising my glass to the legions of 50+year old guys with less than 50 posts,who pop up periodically to dispense pearls of shooting wisdom acquired over decades of experience hunting and shooting, then disappear into the mists of the internet!
I refuse to name just one :)