Who's your favorite member?


New member
And why?

I did a search and couldn't find a thread on this, though I'm sure some have veered into the topic.

My favorites are:

Dennis-Always thought provoking, even on issues i don't agree with him on.

Tamara-Common sense, a good command of the language and a sharp toungue combine for great stuff. She ain't hard to look at, neither.

Skunkabilly-Cracks me up.

Oleg-Eye candy galore. And tireless efforts for RKBA. Thank you.

Rich doesn't count as a member, BTW. He's the King.

Red Label

New member
C.R. Sam's cool. He thinks like me. I haven't agreed with everything he's posted (like I would even have enough time to read all his posts!), but I like what he says. Sometimes I think he is my dad posting as an alias...


New member
Lawdog would have to be my favorite, I really enjoy reading the "Lawdog Files".

And I also like George Hills' and Mike Irwin's posts as well.


Moderator Emeritus
Off the top of my head?

Posts I immediately zoom in on:
C.R. Sam, LawDog, pax, Art Eatman, Dennis, Oleg Volk, BogBabe, runt_of_the_litter, Christopher II, lendringser, Long Path, and our court jester, Skunkabilly all come to mind.

Prob'ly more if I think about it...


New member
I would have to say my favorites are (in no particular order) Tamara, Wyldone, George Hill, Skunkabilly, Runt, and C.R. Sam.

I expect I'm forgetting a few, but that's all I can think of right now.



New member
Aw - what a nice, cuddly thread!

I'd like to divide the favorites into "Most ---" categories, like in high school yearbooks.

Most Thorn-like Wit: Tamara
Most Favorite TFL Unofficial Grandpa: C.R. Sam
Most Favorite Laugh Until I Spew: Skunkabilly
Most Interesting TFL Experiment: WyldOne
Most Mr. Spock-o-logical: Lendringser
Most Favorite, Well..You Know: Oleg Volk


New member
Whoever articulately and civilly posts on topic provided that member also typically responds to ingenuous questions directed to him or her. At any moment that can be any one of about 15,000 TFLers. :D

BTW, isn't this thread OT unless you consider some hot tempered TFLers as firearms that can go off at any time? :rolleyes:

Dave R

New member
Agreeing with previous posts. And adding a few more that make my "must read" list:

-Anything in L&P from Jim March, our most inspiring legal activist (who also has some "must read" revolver posts.)
-News posts from drizzt, who is a great "firearms news editor"
-Reminder to LawDog, its about time for the next installment of the "LawDog files"...
-News from abroad from UltimaThule, Mike Davies, bog, mussi and others "over there".


New member
There's simply too many people here who have their own unique qualities to pick just one. But I'll give it a shot:

Awards for humor: C.R. Sam and Lawdog
Awards for logical arguments over 100K: Waitone, Lendsringer and Pendragon
Award for RKBA involvement: Jim March
Award for snappy retorts: Tamara
Award for speaking his mind: Mike Irwin
Award for the best host in the world: Rich

I'm sure there were several omissions in the above.


New member
That would be like picking a favorite child....or parent. They ALL GOOD....usually. Art's pretty cool though!

Steve Smith

New member
"Tactical" folks

I love everyone of them. I can just imagine them runnin' around in their tabi boots and their black pajamas shootin' folks with their tactical rifles.

Ever notice? Tactical types are always newbies.


New member
Ala Dan and Jim Keenan.

Just seem like a couple of nice guys who's posts I really enjoy reading.

Gotta throw in C.R. Sam too. His posts amuse me. It takes alot to amuse me.



New member
has to be Cr sam and his one liners ,followed by G. Hill , and total lunicy goes to skunkabilliy that boy is nuts ...

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
There is a "Mini-Lawdog Tale" in the CQC forum under bad martial arts, for those who wish to see one.

George's best rants, generally speaking, are at madogre.com.

I always look forward to Lendringser and Tamara. Art is always fun--I want to be just like him when I grow old. Ummm. . . up. That's what I meant. C.R. Sam is great reading . . . . that doesn't take long . . . . . ;)


New member
C.R. Sam-definate king of the one-liner.
Tamara-For having a wit as razor-sharp as her arguments.
Oakleaf-For giving the best perspective on the British experience.
LawDog-For not only being funny as heck, but also for being able to verbalize (textualize?) an idea or concept and back it up with logically sound ammo.
Carbon15-For posting really cool stuff that has to do with the science side o' shooting.
Drizzt-for posting links to gun-related news articles.
Bastiat-If for nothing else, then for the T-shirt that he offers for sale.
KSFreeman-For giving good advice, and for his weapons-grade sarcasm.
George Hill-All I can say is, well, he's the Madogre.
WyldOne-For consistently posting all sorts of interesting things from a different perspective.