Who's the "Steve Jobs" of the gun industry?


New member
When I think of Apple, I think of buzz and releasing the next gotta have item.
Jobs' following isn't because he's a good inventor. He has a great eye for design and is a genius at marketing...

In that case, the person(s) who own Kahr.
Apple: Under powered, but conveniently sized. Generally overpriced. Not the best hardware for the money. Seems familiar now that I say it out loud. :D


A lot of great ...

...responses here.

For pure innovation of existing products, Bill Ruger surely has an edge. He brought investment casting to the fore. He also "single-handedly" (sorry for the pun) brought back the single-action revolver, making great advancements, so the familiar design would handle hotter modern cartridges, something the old Colt Model P could never do. He also brought to modernization the single-shot rifle. The Ruger No. 1 is absolutely elegant.

The Model 77 just about slammed the door on the Model 70 (post-64). They're accurate, reasonably priced, and great value for the money.

He also entered into the modern revolver fray with the Security Six. Not taking either side (Colt v. S&W), he brought a very innovative design to the market.

Most famously however, is the Ruger Mark I. Simple in concept, it brought real affordability to the average shooter wanting a semiauto, but unable to afford a Colt Woodsman.

Granted, none of his designs were original in the sense that they broke new ground, but Bill Ruger knew how to get the most from his modifications.

In the 19th century, there were lots of designs, in both handguns and rifles, which didn't survive in the market place. Savage and Remington both had revolvers which didn't survive. Any number of repeating rifle designs died because they weren't strong enough or were much too "Rube Goldberg-ish" in their designs. There were semiatuo designs (Mauser and Luger) which died after a few years. And probably many hundreds more we can't remember.

Right now, the PC world is broken into roughly two camps - Apple and Intel. Apple still carries the day when it comes to innovation. However, for pure utility, Intel-type PC's rule the world. When it comes to software, again Apple is innovative, but Microsoft Office rules the business world.

For pure genius over a breadth of firearm designs, John M. Browning is probably the best. Who else designed as many different firearms?

  • Model 1885 Winchester
  • Model 1886 Winchester
  • Early Model 19xx semiautos
  • Model 1911
  • Model 1935 (with post-mortem finishing design by Dieudonne Saive)
  • Browning Automatic Rifle
  • Browning Automatic Shotgun
  • Browning light and medium (Model 1918, etc.) machine guns
  • Browning .50 caliber machine gun
  • Browning Superposed shotgun

Based on sheer diversity of products, Browning surely has the edge.
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New member
I think the closest living one would be the CEO of Savage. I am sorry I cannot recall his name.

That would be Ron Coburn, and he gets my vote, too. He took a bankrupt company and made it one of the most successful rifle manufacturers in the country.

Browning was a great designer and employee, but it never occurred to him to make and market his own designs, so he isn't a businees type or CEO.

Coburn was also a leader. As he walked through the Savage plant in its dark days, he noticed it was really dark. Then he noticed how dirty the windows were. He didn't have money for anything, he later said. But it only took a ladder, bucket and mop (along with some elbow grease) to fix that problem. So he rounded up the necessary equipment and cleaned as many windows as he could before he had to go back to his "other job" in the front office. When he came back through the plant, all the windows had been washed, and people were starting to clean up the place, like it mattered once more.


New member
Justin Moon

The steve jobs of modern gun manufacturing is Justin Moon ( or Kook to His family ). Kind of a mix of a Modern American education ( Harvard ) and a cult like Father for investment capital ( Daddy Moonie ) and the usual American youth bravado ( chose Kahr for the name of His company because it sounded cool, like a muscle car ) meets designer capitalist of CCW weapons.
Bill Ruger is more like the Ray Kroc of guns in my opinion..........WVleo



#4 Sam Colt
#3 John Hall
#2 Mssr's Smith & Wesson, and

#1 John Browning, obviously. If he had only designed HALF the guns he did he'd STILL be #1!


New member
Paul Pluff.

Herb Belin.

These guys can spin the internal lock into something good, like Steve Jobs does with the iPad's lack of Flash.


New member
I second the suggestion about Gaston Glock. After all Steve Jobs did a good job in making a few useful improvement in electronics (especially design and interface improvements) a matter of "cult".
Same applies so Glocks. They have a breaktrhough in materials when compared to the mainstream (plastics), some other in ergonomics (I compare the trigger of the Glock to the one button mouse of the Apples either you love it or you hate it) and most of it in creating a sort of "mystic aura" around a weapon that does the same things the others do. Like Apple vs PC....



New member
Gaston Glock isn't the SJ of the gun industry, because I have never seen him, heard from him, I don't even know how he looks.

It has to be someone everybody Knows.


New member
I read this question as "Who makes standard firearms with common knowledge and free patents but makes them look fancy and unique for a much higher price then all of it's competitors?"


New member
It isn't WildAlaska? I'm shocked...

Maybe if the question had been, "Who's the Hello Kitty thong-wearing 'Steve Jobs' of the gun industry?"....


New member
When you think of the SJ of the gun industry, think of what his company represents and produces. An influential character is not necessarily the SJ of the gun industry.

In my opinion, it would have to be someone who is trendy, advertises guns as fashion/looks, and produces a product that is more convenient. Kahr represents this in every way in my eyes. Just look at their last catalog and tell me they aren't appealing to fashion (Asian girl in several outfits posing with their guns). I also tend to think that apple makes under-powered and expensive gadgets, like kahr.


New member
Yeah, that's a bit more like it.

Although Steve Jobs is responsible for revolutionary design, it tends to go hand in hand with poor value, and widespread incompatibility.


New member
Take a look at KelTec's lineup...seriously. As far as innovative & forward thinking, I can't think of any other manufacturer doing what KT is doing. The folding SUB-2000 and SU-16 carbines, RFB, KSG, PMR-30, upcoming RMR-30...etc, etc.

KelTec is the one to look out for with George Kellgren at the helm...


New member
And don't forget that the Kel Tec P32 was pretty much the first polymer-framed pocket pistol, and the smallest and lightest up to that time in any caliber bigger than .25.