Who's Eaten Coot ???


New member
I eat coot all the time, good filler when the ducks aren't flying. Wrap them in good thick bacon and grill them, or bake with cream of mushroom. My dad never would shoot or eat them because he didn't know how to cook them, and he didn't like how their feet look like a chicken's, not a ducks. I started when my grampa told me our family would have huge duck roasts and they would fill in with coot. Now I always shoot them whenever there aren't any ducks around.


New member
I think I'm gonna try out the golden lab on them he is about 6 and was never trained to retrieve but the instinct is there for sure so I'm gonna take him out and shoot a couple coots and just see if I can get him to work as a duck dog.

The absolute worst that could happen is that the dog eats a coot or two. They arent wasted, the dog is happy cuz he got a bird to eat and go swimming no harm no foul.


New member
When I forst moved to SE Texas in 1976 the old timers used to refer to armadillos as 'Hoover Hogs"....lol.

An old man from Alabama I used to work with steadfastly refused to eat chicken because that's all they ate during the depression. Best fried chicken in the world and he wouldn't eat it. I can't imagine having to eat armadillo.