Who Would You Like to Hunt/Shoot With?


New member
If nobody is going to pick me then I'll have to take myself hunting... I'm a hell of a fella! And my company is incomparably boring! Folks should feel privileged :D (my daughter is my favorite woods companion, as she is extremely attentive, crafty, stealthy and has eyes like an eagle!)

If you think about it, Chuck Norris is a horrible hunting companion.

Chuck Norris doesn't go hunting, because the word Hunt implies failure, Chuck Norris goes KILLING... :D :D :D


New member
Do I forsee a few TFL shoots in our future. Do it by area. Maybe all the guys around Central Ohio hitting the Powder Room? It would be a good time me thinks.


Uncle Buck

New member
Beentown, That sounds like a great idea. I wonder where we would hold it around my neck of the woods? I know, My house! (The shooting part at least.)
I'd like to shoot with PlayBoyPenguin and his big gun collection. And peetzakilla; he seems cool too.

I'd love a NE Florida TFL shoot, esp. if it was at Bullseye gun range in Jacksonville (which is five minutes from me and to which I have a membership).

mr kablammo

New member
There are some TFL members in Cent/South Texas with access to hawgs... On a more metaphysical level, Bob Brister, Lewis & Clark, some pre-gun African tribes, Mammoth-chasing cavemen.


New member
I dunno. I'm kinda funny about hunting or shooting with people I don't know. My Dad and I got a chance to go to a indoor range before he died.
We didn't get a chance to go to a outdoor range so thats my answer; my Dad.


New member
I'd like to go shooting with whichever serviceman/servicemen carried M1 Rifle made at Springfield Armory in 1944, s/n 3138689

is it bad or good that I can recall my rifle's s/n from memory? Good, I suppose...

And if they are not available, I'll take Summer Glau to the range

Tucker 1371

New member
Osama bin Laden... he can change the targets too, he's worth about $5,000,000... day dreaming about all the guns and cars I could buy :rolleyes:. I'd like to snatch that nifty little Krink AK he's always totin around too :D.
Can I change my answer to Chris B's? I'll take Summer Glau as well. Oh, and Eliza Dushku. Oh, heck, the entire cast of both Firefly and Buffy. The guys can reload for me while I correct the ladies' stances. :D


New member
I'd have to go with Hemmingway on an African Safari. Read True at first Light and you can picture yourself on a classic safari, hunting lions and shooting plains game, and spending the nights drinking gin and sitting around the fire. I'd also like to hunt with Capstick, I grew up living vicariously through his books!

Terry A

New member
Entertaining thread!

I'd like to go duck or pheasant hunting with Tom Knapp. I'd also like to go rabbit hunting with Jerry Miculek and watch him hunt with his revolver!

And Larry Vickers. Up north in Canada for a week or so. Grizzlies of course!

Most of all though, my grandpap, Michael J. "Mike" Kusky. He's been dead since 1995, I'm 50 now and I still miss him every day. I could cry I miss him so much. Great memories though!


New member
My son. He is in the Navy [for the last 16 years] and my grandson. They will be home for 25 days soon. I hope we get time to go to the range. I bought my grandson a new 22 rifle. I hope it works out this time.


New member
My father, who is gone on, my brother - but other than family I think it would be an experience to have hunted with Teddy Roosevelt in his time or the same with Daniel Boone. Or to shoot with Carlos Hathcock or Alvin York. Perhaps to shoot or hunt with John Moses Browning. Of the modern living shooters - Rob Leatham probably.