Who Would You Like to Hunt/Shoot With?

Uncle Buck

New member
After reading a lot of these post and getting to know some of the online personas of the posters, who would you like to hunt or shoot with?

There are some pretty colorful characters here on The Firingline Forums. Some I would love to meet, hunt with or just target shoot with. For me I have a list of about 13 people (so far) I would like to meet in person.

Who are your top three and why?

Mine are, in no particular order:

1. HogDogs: He seems like a real hunter and enjoys being in the woods. I have not asked, but I think he would like to be in woods even if it was not a successful hunt.

2. UncleNick: I could pick his brain about reloading and I know I would learn new things from him.

3. One of the Moderators: It is actually a toss up between three of them. Between hunting stories, legal issue and their experiences, I think it would be very interesting.

OK, I have to give honorable mention to OldGrump, Jim March, WildAlaska, Peetzakilla, UncleBilly, FarmLand, Mleake, Art Eatman, Budhelms, Mike Irwin and Tuttle8. I have learned a lot from these folks and have definately enjoyed the stories and experiences and info they post. Please keep it up. I know there are at least a dozen more I have left off the list.


New member
Maybe Daniel Boone or that Grizzly Adams guy. Or yeah, maybe hogdogs.... pretty sure we're shootin' somthun'... an' eatin' it. I might not know what it is, but we're shootin' it an' we're eatin' it! :)


New member
Ted Nugent would be high on that list. Steve Williams aka Stone Cold Steve Austin would also be on that list. As far as others on this forum I haven't been on here that long but most of you I would like to meet up with. Guns and good conversation and always a chance to learn something new.


New member
Several relatives and friends that have passed on would be my first choice.

Jim Bridger and some of the other mountain men would be second. That might be more because of the allure of hunting in pre-white civilized America.

While I'd be pleased to hunt with folks on this board, it would be different areas and types of hunting that would interest me.


New member
The EX Vice President:D I really think he got a raw deal accidents do happen. If had been anyone else it would never have made the paper:confused:


New member
Laugh all you want, I would love to go shooting with VP Dick Cheney.

I've heard he was more guns then many third world countries. I've talked with SS agents who tell me he goes with them to the range all the time is there are few who can out shoot him.

Leaving politics aside, I'd love to go shooting with Dick Cheney, better yet, to go fly fishing with him would be my Make a Wish wish if I was eligible.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
:eek:It's an honor to even be mentioned Uncle Buck, we can go shooting anytime you like.:)

Hogdogs (Brent) would be high on my list. He's my kind of redneck.:)

The first famous person I can think of that I'd like to go hunting or fishing with is President Obama. I doubt that there are 2% of the issues that I would agree with him about but I'd like to know what he's like "man to man", also President Bush (both of them) and "Uncle" Ted.


PlayboyPenguin would be in the same "agreement category" with me as President Obama, although it might be 10% of the issues we agree on;), but I'd still like to go shooting with him.
There are probably a couple dozen other guys that I'll remember when I "see them" in a thread, but it's hard to think of all the names now.


New member
NOT Dick Cheney, I would worry about what the Secret Service would do to me if I didn't apologize for getting my face in the way of his birdshot.


New member
Wow. What a question.

Boy, there's quite a few here I'd like to shoot with. But it'd be about the place, too... This is a "what if" thing, I figure; so it wouldn't just be at some regular range. It'd be a beautiful morning and afternoon of shooting in exquisite natural surrounds with snow-capped mountains in the distance and a crystal brook winding through it, with breaks for coffee and food; and later, camp martinis when the guns have been stowed.

Fine conversation. A campfire. Owls. Wil-o'-the-wisps. Shapes in the darkening forest; monkeys quietly stealing meringues from the swamp people as the soft hush of migrating sloth passes by in the still autumn waft; sound of silent creatures in the dark - caffeine smokem-wafflings, illicit night chumbly-bumping and grunty muck fufflies heard through the bush in the night-time. Men by the fire with cigars. Lone pursuits of inedible but dangerous prey, hidden in the darkening dawn, when all else have fallen to breakfasty sleep.

I hope that most of those here that I'd like to shoot with already know who they are. But there are a few who might be surprised to find that I'd like to shoot with them.

I'd hate to ruin the surprise, so I'm just going to give you this list instead:

The Dalai Lama
Tom Jones
Ann Coulter
Pablo Casals
Jacques Derrida
Bob Dylan
Yosemite Sam
Hunter S. Thompson
William Shatner
Mark Twain

Oh - and you can come too, Uncle Buck! Just for thinking of it. Boy, what a day that would be.
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New member
I like a good story so my choices all are seasoned shhoters - hunters:
1. Teddy Roosevelt
2. Bill Jordan
3. Ed Mcgivern
4. Elmer Keith
5. Bill Ruger
6. Bill Cody
7. Bill Hickok
8. Daniel Boone
9. Ernest Hemingway
10.Charles Askins

All gone : legends all - How many sleepless nights of neverending
tales could you hope to have in one lifetime. Heaven - How much about
marksmanship could you learn,achieve with these men teaching you- A
dream I know but ......


New member
My top three of TFL-members

1. Brent (aka: hogdogs) hunting (what else?) hogs...

2. NavyLT (I'm fine with plinkin)

3. Ken (aka: WildAlaska) hunting dall sheep, caribou, pretty much anything...

Honorable mention: Pax, would love to get my wife around Kathy for a little while at the shooting range...

My top three of non-TFL-members

1. Ted Nugent

2. Glenn Beck

3. I'd love another afternoon of dove hunting with former Sen. Trent Lott... By sheer luck I wound up sitting with him next to a hay bale a few years ago in the middle of a hot dove field in the Mississippi Delta...


1) My Grandfather. Because he's my Grandfather, but he passed.

2) Clint, because he's Dirty Harry.

3) Gen. Maccarthy, just because.