Who Keeps A Gun In Their Car?


New member
I won't even leave home without it now. There always seems to be something stupid going on with another driver messing w/ me or even starring me down. You never know when it could get ugly and they try to carjack you


New member
most definitely all the reasons above and I also work on a plantation and you never know when things could get ugly with a poacher so I always have at least a pistol and most of the time a rifle of some sort being a hunting rifle or an AR


New member
Every time I get in the car, my Walther goes with me. If I need to leave it (during work) it's locked in the trunk. I also keep it in a "custom" case that makes it hidden in plain view.


New member

That's the same situation with me, I have to leave my gun in the car when I go in my office, if I had my way I'd bring it in but I wouldn't want to get fired over it.

Dave R

New member
The only time there's a gun in my car is when its on my hip, and I'm in the car.

Or when I'm on the way to go shooting.


New member
+1 Dave
I won't leave my guns in the car unless i'm with it. If they can't be on you, what's the point of leaving them in your car to be stolen? If a situation arose that you needed a gun, would you run across the parking lot and unlock everything to get to it? Would you have enough time for all that?


New member
I live in a neigherborhood with lots of bars on windows and impalas in driveways (take from that what you will), I go NOWHERE without some means of god-aweful retribution. Ironically, without my ccw (yet) I cannot stick it in the glove compartment or under the seat, but has to be in plain sight (at least it can be loaded), But I usualy like to just stash it under the seat and make DAMN sure to politely inform any traffic officers as to it's whereabouts and explain how it may have 'accidentally' slid from plain view to under the seat (just follow the ccw guidlines and you should be alright...hands on the wheel!). The one officer that's heard the story didn't seem to mind, just mind your pints and quarts...


Who Keeps A Gun In Their Car?

Not me. No way. I keep 2 guns in my vehicle. A pistol, in case I don't have my CCW gun on me for some reason and need it. And a rifle, for coyotes, feral pigs, other varmints, and Mark Wilson scenarios.


New member
Whether I'm carrying or not, for the past a year so so I've had a pistol close-by in varying calibre's in my truck. Not left overnight....In our parts, we have some "perps" impersonating LEO's with the flashing-alternate lights stopping mostly women, and lately some men....


New member
My car is a total chunk and in the 6 years I've had it, no one's ever broke in.
Plus I can see it from my window at work.

Edit: At night, however, everything comes inside. And when I'm at work, I'd rather have to run to my car to get a gun than to my house (1 hour away).


New member
I usually keep a 45 in a lockable case in the front seat, that way it's legal and I can open it easily if the need arises. It goes in the trunk when I leave the car and in the safe at night.

When not in my town for school, I always keep a 22LR semi auto in the trunk, that way I can always do some plinking when the oppotunity presents itself.


Typically I carry a BUG .38 Detective Special in the glove compartment in my car. My primary I carry on my person. Recently I started occasionally carrying an AR-15 locked under the backseat with the magazine in the glove compartment.
Something happens to my primary gun, I have a BUG. Or if my primarys is not concealable enough and I have to take off my coat quickly I can just drop my DS in my pocket.
As for the AR-15.....well, that's a last line of defense. And that's all I'll say about that as so many "people" in here are sick of highly improbable (but not impossible) senarios.

Garand Illusion

New member
I have a lock box that attaches to the seat rail with a cable. I usually have a weapon either on me or in the lock box (I know it's not easily accessible there, but it's a little better than having nothing at all).

If I go in someplace (like work) where I can't carry, the weapon usually goes into the lockbox for a little extra security.

99% of the car robberies around here are smash and grab, so the lockbox is enough to keep the gun secure. The punks don't carry the equipment to cut cables and don't take the time to work at anything.


New member
I am waiting on my carry permit. So, I have to say that I would never carry a loaded handgun in my vehicle. After the permit arrives, I will seldom NOT have a loaded firearm in my vehicle unless I'm going to the airport or some other high security area where your vehicle could be searched.


New member
I always have a gun (if it isn't on my hip) in the car. I feel that driving is where I am most likely to need it because people seem to leave their manners at home when they drive. Not that this is bad because it provides me with a great deal of entertainment, but it is when accidents occur and that leads to irrate people. Some people will just go off no matter who's at fault the fact is that there car is smash up. I just don't want to be on the losing end of a 300lb temp. crazy guy. Carjackings I really don't care about because if all someone wants is my car, they can have it. Nothing I own is worth taking a life over no matter who's life it is.


New member
Cannot carry at work and don't want my good stuff swiped so I carry a .35 snubby under the seat. Glove box is the first place someone will look.


New member
I only carry on my person. I'd love to feel confident in keeping a pistol in the car, but I don't... If I'm going to prepare for the worst by keeping a pistol on my person, I'm going to prepare for the worst with the contents of my vehicle as well. We had five break-ins at CHURCH a while back, if the parking lot of God's house isn't safe I'm not going to put a lot of faith in the rest of the places I go either.