who here doesn't hunt?

Do you hunt?

  • Yes, I live for it!!!!

    Votes: 43 23.4%
  • You mean kill a living thing with my gun? NO WAY!!!

    Votes: 35 19.0%
  • Other answer-explain

    Votes: 106 57.6%

  • Total voters


New member
Your poll answer "you mean kill a living thing with my gun? NO WAY!!!" leaves something to be desired. It seems designed to make a non-hunter appear to be a bleeding heart PETA promoter.

I don't hunt because I have no reason to. I like beef and they have plenty of it at the butcher shop. They do all the messy work and all I have to do is cook it.
I don't hunt because unless there is a compelling reason to kill something, I don't think it my business to kill it.

I have nothing against hunters or hunting if it's done to feed someone, maintain healthy game populations or control pests/varmints. I do think working from a tree stand would more properly be referred to as "ambushing" rather than "hunting", but I don't have a real problem with it. Same with laying on the shoreline in a camo sleeping bag duck blind thingy and popping up with a shotgun every time a bird flies over. Just think it's kinda goofy.... and more than kinda boring.

divemedic... I know what you mean. I never did care for fishing until I tried fly fishing. I find it anything but boring. Something real special about standing knee-deep in a river and sight-hunting a specific trout using a dry fly!:)


New member
Gotta love rigged polls. This is excellent proof that not just the antis can set up such rigged questions!

Not being a hunter does not mean you are opposed to hunting, as this poll so clearly indicates.

I do not hunt. I went dove hunting almost 20 years ago a couple times and have not gone since. I have no problem with those who do but cannot myself be bothered with the effort involved and investment of my already limited and precious free time to pursue an activity I really don't care about. If you do then fine. As for me, I am on Long Island and hunting is not a thing that can be casually planned for the weekend. If I wanted to do so it could easily take weeks or months to even plan a hunt for a single day.


I do not hunt for the same reason I don't play Golf or take my autos to car shows.
I tried it and I am too impatient.
I am a gun mainly a Collector and a diaplayer. My guns are all in one room and i am working on taging them.
I have a CCW 34 years and rarely carry. No need where I live.
I buy 3 to 5 firearms a month but rarely shoot them as I am old and have the means at this time to buy them. The few times I shoot I'll go with friends so they can shoot my guns.



New member
I've been hunting in the past... deer, duck, phesant, bear, coyote and pigs. As someone else said... it's a pastime done in the cold, dark, damp hours of early morning - and I am NOT a morning person - often accompanied by natural phenomena like snow, sleet, rain, hail and wind.

It's the hardest I've ever worked to have fun.

It's educational, enlightening, promotes useful skills, forces you to think about life ..and death. It is a spiritual thing to touch the dead carcass of an animal that, moments ago, you were admiring for it's natural beauty and know that you killed it.

Having done it I've decided I have only a moderate interest in doing it again. If an animal isn't trying to kill me (or bring diseases into my campsite) I'll leave it alone. I'll kill an animal for food only if it's necessary.

This leaves more game for y'all that hunt and it saves me a bunch o' money that I can spend on other goodies.


New member
I will admit that I find hunting for trophy animals that you have no intention of eating to be wasteful, and I do not need to kill things to prove my manhood. I have no problem with shooting hunting, and I have hunted in the past, but I do not kill unless there is a compelling reason. (Humanity killings, population control, food are all compelling reasons, IMO. Killing for sport is not)

I am not anti-hunting, but don't do it myself. I do go after critters with a camera though.

That is my other hobby. I hunt animals with a camera. Mostly sea life. (All of my hobbies seem to be expensive)


New member
Hunted when I was a kid, when I went away to college and then the Army just did not have the time or place to hunt.

Once I was able to again, found I did not have the desire. Love the outdoors, even love venison, but no desire to hunt. Fully support it, think it is a good and even noble thing to do to keep the critter population healthy, just not for me anymore.

Besides once you have hunted people, a deer or even a bear seems too easy. They dont give fake addresses, have girlfriends that lie for them, or even change the way they look.


New member
Hunting != Gun Ownership

I don't hunt. I'm just fine with the idea. I just don't really care to. There are plenty of other things to do.


New member
ive hunted several times for various animals in my life...never really considered myself a hunter though.it was always just being bored and knowing someone who wanted me to go.

although recently ive went coyote hunting and its really caught my interest....wild hog sounds interesting as well.


New member
Other - Explain

I used to hunt quite often. Now between kids, work, hobbies, home projects, ad nauseum. I haven't hunted in 5+ years.



New member
At my age, I think I'd rather hunt than have sex. I can do it more frequently, it lasts longer, and I can take pictures without having to hide the camera from the wife. :D


New member
Personally, I could probably never kill anything that is living (apart from a few mosquitoes :D) I don't mind if other people hunt, but I think it is a little bit cruel. I do shoot the hell out of paper though :D!


New member
its not easy to hunt near where i live, and I dont know anyone who hunts that can show me how. Id rather shoot pests than hunt for food but I dont know how to go about that either.


New member
I dont.

I do not hunt. It is not because I do not eat meat or that I object morally to hunting. I do not hunt because I do not want to gut an animal. There I said it!!!!:)


New member
I do like to hunt, when the opportunity arises, but for the most part I don't. I'll kill a living thing if I wanted to try a recipe with the meat, or just to try the game I killed.

I usually won't kill anything unless it tries to kill me first.


New member
Warning, some will frown on this post...

POST #100, Woohoo.

Now, I'll just be honest...I absolutly love to whack critters. I love the sport, challenge, the post kill work involved. I love getting up at O'dark 30 getting dressed, looking for deer as I'm driving to the woods. Climbing up in the stand, listening to the sounds as it gets daylight. Then running an arrow thru the heart of a deer...I LOVE IT. But it's not just deer, anything and everything, I love to find and kill things. If it's not hunting season, I'll be running yoyo line for catfish or bowfishing. Now that is something I recommend, it's a blast. Especially when you get up to the bigger fish. I've shot Grass Carp in the 60+ pound range. Talk about a fight on your hands, dragging the 16' War Eagle around. Waterfowl, upland birds. If it's out there and legal, I'll hunt it and kill it. I like to kill critters.

But AS ALWAYS, I eat 90% of everything that I kill. Some varmints and nasty critters just get recycled.

So have at it. Let's here the horrible human being, little kid, or psyco rambo killer comments. It always brings about a few. I've heard them and have been chastised, but I really don't care. Some folks like to have weapons to shoot paper and non-living things, some folks like to collect stamps. I like to kill critters.

WPCEXPERT= Wildlife Population Control Expert


New member
Guns are tools, they can save life and they can destroy it.

I only have an interest in using them to save it.