Who hates one shot case lube?


New member
I use One Shot. Haven't used anything else for years.
I have nothing negative to say about it.

Tex S

New member
I use Imperial. I have also used a buddys can spray lube before and it worked ok.

I still use Imperial, though. Its the best. It doesnt create an extra step in the loading process; you simply get some on your thumb and forefinger and gently roll each case before sizing.

Stuff lasts forever too.


New member
I gave it "one shot". Stuck several cases and threw the rest of the can away. I use Imperial only now and have not stuck a case due to the lube in years.


New member
I have a cardboard box that has short sides. Something like a case of soda comes in: the sides of the box are maybe 3" tall. I put my cases in that box, I never counted but 50 or so cases fit easily. I then spray the cases with a good coat of One Shot. I then shake the box around which obviously turns the cases over and mixes them up while also distributing the lube to some degree. I then spray them again.
I imagine that I am getting a certain amount of the lube inside the case necks, but I am not doing anything special to ensure that.
I have done it enough to know how much lube I need. If the press isn't smooth when I am sizing, I might shake and spray again.

I have had very good luck with this method. I have used other spray lubes and had problems but One Shot works great for me. I have tried Imperial Sizing lube and have some at the bench but it doesn't work as well for me. I tried the lube pad years ago and it was a PITA as far as I am concerned. I have actually run out of One Shot and simply stopped loading until I got more even though I had several other methods of lubing cases, that is how much I enjoy using One Shot.

FWIW: I size my cases, then tumble them again to get the sizing lube off the cases. I am not sure if this is nessessary, it is just what makes me feel good. Again FWIW: I use reloading as sort of a leisure activity. I try to go into the gun room when I have some time, put on some music or a sporting event on the radio, and do some reloading process. I am very seldom actually loading complete cartridges from start to finish. I might size and deprime 500 cases and put them in a container. Then I might trim all 500 cases and put them in gallon Ziplock bags. These proceses might take weeks to accomplish in my spare time. If I actually need ammo, I can take out as many cases as I want, prime, powder, bullet and I am done. This is an on-going thing that I spend some time with several nights a week. I have thousands upon thousands of partially processed cases on the shelf. This of course only applies to rifle cartridges. Pistol stuff I load on a progressive, so I am just churning out loaded ammo. But again, I usually load 1000 or more rounds at a time in a given caliber when I do it.


New member
I put all the cases in a small rcbs loading block and spray all sides.Some does get in the necks.If i haven't used the dies for a while i clean and spray them also.I then put them in a tumbler for a short while ,It gives me a chance to get the other stuff set up.I started with the lube pad but got tired of trying to get all the lube off the cases after sizeing.Just the way I do it now.Good luck


New member
I'm a single stage loader at present

Imperial Wax...why settle for anything less?

No overspray,no shaking, no wait time,no dirty pad, no odor. No Stuck cases

Lube goes exactly where you want/put it.

My tin is still 2/3 full after 6 years and @ 15k cases.
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New member
Isn't it funny how everyone has a different favorite with a different style of using it. :D

RCBS used in combination with the pad.


New member
One shot is the worst ap-cray on the market. I tried it once, stuck a case, threw the rest in the garbage. I still have the loading block that I used, it STILL has a white mess on it from the overspray.

Imperial is NOT the best either. To me, IMHO, RCBS case slick pump spray is the best.


New member
Try this

I was a commercial loader from the 60s to the 90s here in Phoenix Az
I did have a store front and with close to $16.000 going to lube.
yes $16.000!
I went lanolin mixed with 70% rubbing alcohol
mixed it in a yard sprayer for weeds. I would put the cases in a cement mixer and spray the cases.
It worked great.
I had a die for 30-06 RCBS tool steel with a little over 6,000,000 resized cases
never a problem with them and easy to clean. No Stuck cases.
Its the same mix that several mfg use.
