Who hates one shot case lube?


New member
I've used one shot to lube cases for years. I've seen many on hear dog cussing it. Are those of you that hate it mostly loading with a progressive machine? I'm a single stage loader at present and never had a problem of any kind.


New member
I use one shot, and I use a Hornady LNL AP and RCBS Rock Chucker, works well for me......used it this morning on some 308 brass


New member
I've used one shot to lube cases for years. I've seen many on hear dog cussing it. Are those of you that hate it mostly loading with a progressive machine? I'm a single stage loader at present and never had a problem of any kind.

I use one shot, and I use a Hornady LNL AP and RCBS Rock Chucker, works well for me......used it this morning on some 308 brass

Same here. Threw away my lube pad 12-15 years ago and have been using One Shot ever since. Me thinks that some folks have a problem when they fail to to read the instructions: "Shake vigorously one minute before use. ".... shake periodically during use."


Not only shake it but let the stuff dry.Good Luck

If I let it dry, I get even more stuck cases.

It works fine for me when it's still wet. I spray a batch of cases, roll 'em over and spray 'em again, then start sizing.

After about 20 cases or so, I start getting increased friction and other good fun. I tend to process cases in lots of 50, so this is quite irksome.

When I use a lube pad and lube every other case, I have less resistance during sizing (even the unlubed case between each lubed one is smoother than a one-shot case).

You guys go ahead and use OneShot. Makes it nice and easy for me to find lube pad materials at the store.


New member
yes agreed one shot is meant to be used wet, once it drys it leaves no residue and you need to lube again.

Don't think you spray and walk away for 15 mins you are asking for stuck cases

spray thoroughly and start sizing right then


New member
i just spray my resizing die with some of the stuff before i start loading, makes the whole process a little smoother and easier


The stuff contains a carcinogen - be careful and do not breathe the vapors.

Besides that, my main complaint was that whatever propellant they were using seemed to run out after only half a can.........


New member
I ordered the MSDS sheet from Hornady today. I have heard it is 96% Hexane. If that is the case, that is hardly a carcinogen. Once I know for sure I will post the info.


New member
Can I say I hate it if I voluntarily admit that I have never tried it?

See... I use Imperial. And I load single stage. What I don't like the idea of is spraying something, getting it all over everywhere, or having some dedicated gooey shoe box to spray them in (and thus having to figure out where to keep a gooey shoe box that I keep for spraying)

Furthermore, I don't know how many years it's going to take me to kill this tin of Imperial... I've been working on it for 3 years and it looks pretty much new.

How often do you go through these cans of One Shot?

I also don't care for messy lube pads, either. My finger and thumb do a fine job.

If this other stuff works for ya, more power to you. But I don't even see the need to try it.


New member
dry lube no residue. I never experienced residual leftovers spraying one shot.

It evaporates and once it does, the surface you sprayed feels like it did prior.

Lube it and work it while it's wet. At least that is what she told me. :p


It doesn't take but less than 1% to be cancer-causing.....it isn't the propellant, it's the other stuff......YOU inhale it if you want, I'll pass and use something different


New member
I can't stand the smell of the stuff. I never had sticking problems. I much prefer Imperial wax. It sizes easier and it's easier to use without the smell.


New member
Tried small base sizing rifle cases with spray on stuff. Did not provide sufficient lubrication.

RCBS water soluble and Imperial sizing wax did.

End of experiment.


New member
Use spray bottle and alcohol with Lee case lube mixed in. Spray 50 cases at a time and let them sit for 5 min. Alcohol evaporates and cases are all well lubed. Never a problem, unless you are impatient.


New member
I've never used the stuff. My old-fashioned lube pad still gets the job done fine. I can roll 5 or 6 cases at once across it and lube a quart-size bucket of brass in hardly any time at all.


New member
I was getting some tech help from Redding and he said the majority of
dies sent in for case removal were because of One Shot. That said, I've
used it for many years with no problems. I use loading blocks and spray from
all four sides. If they seem a little tight I just spray a little more.
I'm guessing problems occurred because there wasn't enough lube,
but of course you don't know that until it's too late.