who do you believe ?

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New member
I can't recall any news story from any source that was an outright lie. Every source reports the parts of the story they deem important and leave out the parts they don't see as important. Another source will do the same, but it will often seem as if they are reporting different events.

Two trends that I see as a problem.

#1 Too many people today have a short attention span. If they can't get the story in a 2 minute video segment or be able to read it in under 2 minutes they move onto something else. This tends to force reporters to limit what they say and not provide both sides of the story.

#2 Too many people choose to only get their news from sources that they agree with. If you do so you're not getting the full picture. To quote General Patton, " If everyone is thinking alike, then nobody is thinking". Another quote from an unknown source, "Most people don't really want to hear the truth, they just want constant reassurance that what they believe is true."


New member
About 100 yrs. ago there was a lot of competition in the newspaper business, so papers would publish anything they could think of, the more outrageous the better, to steal readers from the other papers........about 60 years ago or so, the ‘news’ business saw how Cronkite was doing and tried to improve their truthfulness...didn’t give it much of an effort, so now we are back to where they were 100 years ago.


New member
I remember being taught at several points in my childhood education about yellow journalism and to be critical of news sources. I’m amazed at the trust people place in anyone with a camera and microphone these days.

I learned a new term this year, “astroturfing”... it means start a fake grass-roots movement.
This applies to gun control efforts.

Double K

New member
It's pretty easy to sort out who the liars are these days, 99% chance that they've been caught in a lie by the other side and it's been put on youtube at some point, now here's the tricky part, youtube bans and sensors people that they dislike all the time but the video's come and go from the internet.
Politicians constantly contradict themselves, get caught on hot mikes they thought were off and so on and so on.
The poster child for this is Adam Schiff.


New member
rebs said:
It seems the news don't tell us the truth and even the government doesn't always tell the truth. So if you can't trust the news media or the government who do you trust or believe ?

Sometimes one reads the different question "Which news source do you trust?". Not trusting sources is the first step to giving them the scrutiny they deserve.

I believe that if you draw information from a wide range of sources over time, that you can get a decent feel for which ones are chronically deceptive or so involved in their advocacy that they can't be trusted on factual narratives. Even at that, consuming information from sources that are often inaccurate or incomplete can serve a purpose. If you monitor five sources each of which only gives you the 30% of the information most favorable to its view, you may have a shot at getting 90% of the pertinent information.

44 AMP

Part of the trick is determining if your "news" IS from different sources. You can get stories from a dozen different places but when they all start with (AP) they aren't from different sources...

Metal god

New member
Well like others have stated it's not easy finding the truth . Special report with Bret Behr I like and I started watching that new program news nation but that's not that good but better then most . The issue seems to me is the main outlets no long investigate the news they put out . There idea of corroboration is they read it somewhere else .

How many times have we heard a show start out with "so and so has an article out stating such and such" . They then go on for an hour talking about something they actual have no knowledge of with a lot of if's , ands or buts . filled with all kinds of maybe's if it's true :rolleyes:

What's more amazing to me is , the same statement can be said by different people and the reporting on it is completely different depending on who said it . This is just one of many like this but I remember Trump saying the lock downs helps you spend more quality time with family etc or something like that . He was ripped for claiming he believes that COVID and all the deaths are a good thing for America . Yet just a couple weeks later you hear celebs and other officials saying the same thing and the reporters don't say a word and just go along as if they weren't just ripping someone else for saying the same thing . There's been many instances of this over the last several months .

Admin says we need to open up safely, oh trump doesn't care about older Americans , Fauchi says we need to be careful on opening up and he's a brilliant man that can do no wrong . well except flat out lying to the public about wearing masks .

I really wish I wrote down all the things I read and heard that were virtually the same thing but said by different people and covered completely differently based on who said it . There was even a segment where some guy was quoting RBG but claiming it was a Trump quote to people on the street and many were saying what a terrible quote it was until they found out it was actually a quote from RBG lol . shallow minds want to know :rolleyes:

Back to the topic . I find I need to go looking for it and as others have said you need multiple sources saying the same thing . Hmm no wait , based on that way of fact checking If you watched CNN , MSNBC and read the NY times you'd have all the facts you need . yeah were screwed :(

Interestingly enough , I find my local news much better then the national news .
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New member
Interestingly enough , I find my local news much better then the national news .

I used to think that. Until I was streaming a Covid task force briefing on my laptop from CSPAN, while the same briefing was on the TV. Trump answered a question from a reporter and was complaining that the media was censoring him.

Well, I knew that from my laptop stream, because the local news interrupted the briefing and the anchor blabbed about nothing while Trump was complaining about being censored, then they cut back to the briefing for the next reporter's question.

They certainly proved Trump's point!

So, their credibility is gone as well.

Double K

New member
Mainstream media in essence say's the exact same things, were all going to die unless you vote for our guy and orange man bad.
Tucker Carlson on Fox and Steve Bannon on Newsmax or on the net.

Metal god

New member
With all fairness all media must condense an hour long briefing to just a few minutes so I expect to not get all the info . It’s when they infer or flat out make stuff up that bothers me most . But yes I learned years ago on important subjects I must watch the complete hearing , speech or what ever it is . Especially when it comes to court rulings , you really need to follow the cases closely and then actually read the ruling . If not you will never understand what’s going on based on a 2 min news clip , just can’t happen even with the best of media intentions.

44 AMP

You might consider it a product of our free market society, our insatiable curiosity and our ever rapidly advancing communication technology.

People have come to expect, and demand that someone tell them everything about everything, do it instantly and preferably before it happens. 24/7/365

And, since that's what we've been trained to want, lots of people are more than happy to sell it to us.

and, since its just basic business to reduce your overhead maximize profit, and doing your own research and fact checking costs both time and money....
you can see the result, 24/7/365...

Do note how many very similar gun designs have come about in the last few decades. OR, for that matter, cars...


New member
We have a statewide news site online,,mlive....they always claim “we ask the tough questions’
Well, yesterday they put out a story that the state Health Dept imposed a 3 week lockdown, that will probably extend to year end...However nobody asked the Health Dept what the metrics are for re-opening,,, or what numbers they used and are going by.

So much for asking tough questions.


New member
How many people do you know or have talked to that's caught COVID? I've only talked to two; and older couple that caught it from a relative that works in a hospital. They described their experience of it like the flu when they were kids. For those old enough, do you remember the flu that knocked you on your behind and left you in bed for a week or more? My oldest brother and sister are in their 70s, they run all over the place without a mask. I'm surprised they're still alive but they are. Neither lives in the countryside.

Metal god

New member
Yep Powel fell for a disinformation strategy to make all the presidents election fraud claims look unfounded . It’s a time old strategy to get someone to discredit them selves . Feed them a load of crap you can easily discredit later but with just enough posible truths for them to get hooked . Even easier when it’s what they want and need to hear . The second they start telling everyone about it you come out with your facts crushing there theory and completely discrediting them and anything they recently touched .


New member
I doubt if Sidney Powell fell for anything. I suspect that the news of her "firing" is a ploy to to get her enemies to back off. She's probably been getting many very serious threats. The fear in her voice is obvious. I compared some youtube videos of her talking from a year ago to recent videos from last week, and there's a clear difference. She sounds like her voice is about to crack. I'd guess there are many people all over the world with a lot of money who would like to see her doing something else.

It's my understanding that her firing was from being on Trump's personal legal team. Maybe she's now some sort of Federal employee so Trump can legally give her some serious protection? Don't know, but I can believe that a lot easier than I can believe she got fired because they don't want her on the Trump legal team. Time will tell. I hope she's safe.

Metal god

New member
I guess time will tell . She did say quite a few things that were unprovable in any reasonable amount of time or straight false . The American people need facts that are provable with in weeks not years of exhausted investigations . If the next president is sworn in the legal battle is over regardless of who that is , even if 100% proof comes out they are not the legitimate Victor . There is no mechanism to replace them with the legitimate Victor . They can only be impeached which results in their vice president being president . At least that’s my understanding of the constitutional process .

It’s my understanding that the next couple weeks are going to be very interesting as far as legal and constitutional challenges .


New member
'NEWS' - totally controlled by media, AND our military. For the closest thing to truth, about news, politics, world affairs, - (from a constitutional viewpoint) - I would suggest a subscription to "The New American". - www.thenewamerican.com
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