who do you believe ?

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It seems the news don't tell us the truth and even the government doesn't always tell the truth. So if you can't trust the news media or the government who do you trust or believe ?


New member
All the major news sources tell/state their "opinion" on a topic now, not the facts. I listen to a 2 or 3, then try to form an opinion, usually end up somewhere in the middle of it all.

44 AMP

Do remember that ALL the media doesn't just give us the news, the SELL the news. Even if you personally don't pay a fee you recognize, they are still SELLING a product.

And their product is whatever SELLS. Truth seems to have gone by the wayside, but that's nothing new, and its amazing to me that some people think it is something new. Its not.

Mark Twain is reported to have said
"if you don't read the newspaper, you are uninformed
If you do read the newspaper, your are misinformed!"

Randolph Hearst built a publishing empire on lies and "Yellow Journalism"

you can look that up, if the "progressives" haven't already removed it from our history....

"Fake News" has been with us, probably as long as there has been news. Recognizing it is the trick. A trick not everyone can master, it seems...


New member
Look at several sources for confirmation. Extraordinary claims should have copious amounts of evidence from multiple sources. Consider motives. Consider reputations. Consider logic and the ol’ Occam’s Razor argument that without considerable data, the most simple explanation is most likely true.

Consider who has something to gain vs. those without much dog in the fight.

Consider who gains when they claim that individuals should not be encouraged to look at the facts but should instead just take the word of an “expert” or shaman. Sources that have a valuable reputation to lose should be weighted much more heavily than anonymous stuff on the internet or claims by people that expound a multitude of ridiculous positions.


New member
If they have lied about thing in which you have expertise or knowledge to the contrary, then you must assume that they are lying about things in which you know nothing.
A man I worked for many years ago said more than twice, "Everything you read in the media is true ... unless you have first-hand knowledge of the facts."


New member
It used to be that the media reported the news. Now they slant the news to tell one end of the political spectrum or the other what they want to hear in order to boost ratings.

It's a driving force behind the political division of the country.

44 AMP


surprising how often this simple statement leads to the truth behind things.

Our 1st Amendment enumerates freedom of speech, and we boast of our "free press" but that means freedom from govt censorship and interference, NOT freedom from all influences.

There were, and still are some people who just simply want to report the news for what it is, so that people know. Unfortunately we are in an epoch which is dominated by people who want to send a message with the news.

And there is the basic capitalist outlook that (within limits) if you own something you can do what you want with it.

Once upon a time we believed that the news (as reported) were the facts and opinions were found in the editorial section. Today that is obviously not the case, which makes me wonder, if it ever really was...


New member
I hate to say it, but if it is online and anonymous, I am immediately suspect. The major news outlets are at least a little accountable. No online conspiracy theories for me, thanks.

Every day I read NY Times, NPR, and Fox news online. If they all agree on something, it is probably true. If only 1/3 or 2/3, I look deeper.


New member
The inherent power of deception is that those who are deceived do not know that they are deceived. In fact, the deceived are resistant to the truth of the matter, for to admit the deception tends to be embarrassing after having invested so much of oneself into it.


New member
Bob. I trust Bob.
He has never lied to me.
Everyone else has.

Oddly enough, though, Alex Jones has been 100% correct in predicting everything this year. I don't listen to or watch his shows, but I have been force-fed some of his stuff by friends. He nailed it -- months ago.

The only thing remaining are the interdimensional vampires.
I can do aliens. I can do vampires. I can do ghosts and corrupt politicians.

But what do we do about the interdimensional aspect?
Is it time for phased plasma rifles?


New member
Not vampires... LIZARD PEOPLE. It's on Youtube, just like Alex Jones, and NPR, NBC won't acknowledge the topic... so it MUST be true! :rolleyes::D


New member
I only trust actions, not words!

And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free! (Biblical quote from, I believe, John 8:32; however, since I'm not religious I can say it is was an unofficial motto where I used to work a long time ago.)

44 AMP

And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free!

Lovely quote, but knowing the truth does not make you free. It may show you where the chains are, and who holds them, though.

Still within living memory (though barely as time passes) there was a group who used the motto Arbeit Macht Frei (Work makes you free)

Knowing the truth didn't free the people who suffered horribly under their rule. Armed men who believed in freedom did. Americans, mostly.

Something to consider today, especially today Nov 11...


New member
The inherent power of deception is that those who are deceived do not know that they are deceived. In fact, the deceived are resistant to the truth of the matter, for to admit the deception tends to be embarrassing after having invested so much of oneself into it.

This is so true, and exactly the reason I don't talk about religion with people . . . .

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