Who are the Gun Owners in the United States?

the jigger

New member
Who owns guns?

73 yrs old
married to the same woman for 52yrs
3 grown children(all of whom own firearms)
Retired college administrator
I have been hunting and shooting for over 60 years
Shot competitively foe 10yrs
Have been reloading for 30yrs or so
Took my wife and grandson on their first prairie dog shoot last month
Religion: Christian
Church: none
Love the Yankees
Hate the Red Sox
The Second Amendment is one of our cornerstones!!!


New member
The American Gun Owner

African American
31yrs old
Lifetime Member of the NRA
Independent (Conservative Values)
Ex Us Army Soldier 10yrs of Service
Operation Iraqi Freedom Veteran
1yr of College
Federal Law Enforcement Officer
Born & raised in Queen NYC until the age of 10
Moved to the Poconos Mountains in 91 at the age of 11
Lives in beautiful Northeast Pennsylvania
Been shooting since the age of 11. Trained by my father who is a Vietnam Veteran with 2 Combat tours as an Engineer.
My other training with Firearms is with the Military & Law Enforcement
I own numerous Firearms
I reload for all the calibers I own
I carry 99% of the time


New member
24 year old white male
Former Marine: artillery
Operation Iraqi Freedom
Grew up in NY until I was 16 and moved to GA
All training/interest is from military. Needless to say, I enjoy military gear (old and new)
About to graduate from Rutgers University with a BA in History and a minor in Philosophy

Right leaning Libertarian. Believe in Jefferson's barter economy-like state. No world economy!
Believe 99% of the world's countries are too large to be "governed by the people"
Do not believe in regulation. The community not the government, should police itself.

Argument against regulation of certain weapons: if the founding fathers wanted gun control, they would have written laws against the ownership of cannons, grenades, "ships of war", etc. they didn't and neither should we.

Don P

New member
Just what I see at the local private gun club/range I belong to.
Air line pilots,
LE, city and county,
professors from Embry Riddle,
retired F.B.I. agents,
avid church going God fearing folks,
department chairs from county government,
like myself every day average folks,
and folks getting introduced to firearms for the first time.
Age group is from folks bringing there 8-9 year old kids to folks in there 80's and all ages in between.
To finish the group out is the women we have as members wives of members and all that shoot competition with us. One of our female competitors is a GM level shooter. The number of women shooting has been growing at steady numbers
I'm 62 and own a business, manufacturing.

My lineage is English, Irish, Scot, Welsh, Cherokee, Pawnee and Choctaw. The caucasian side of the family arrived in Virginia in 1650 and were land owners, holding endentured servants.

I currently reside in Texas, am married to my 3rd wife (a beautiful woman from Mexico City, who is 20 years my junior.) She dislikes guns. I own more than a few anyway.

Politically, I am somewhere to the right of Genghis Khan.

I support freedom in all its irritating and annoying forms. If you can't support things you disagree with, who's going to support you?

That's me, in a nutshell.


New member
I'll be 50 this year
Retired Military/combat vet
Support the President, and am a volunteer for his campaign
I do not support the NRA
Believe in and support the 2nd amendment, but I don't read into it to the extreme that some people do


New member
I only need two guns actually, the rest are for fun. Fun is the sporting part, it's an Olympic sport by golly.

I'm a middle aged educated veteran with an income that is high blue collar ish.

I have a concealed carry license. My company lists interest in guns as a prerequisite or a prelude to violence in the workplace. I lol when we have to take that training every year.


New member
College student.
Serious girlfriend.
Former National Guardsman, currently in the Reserve\
One deployment to Afghanistan
Own around about 20 guns, most gifts from my father.
Use to hunt often, now not so much.
Dabble in writing.


New member
Radically moderate

57 years old
Graduated college with a BFA with a major in Painting. Worked and paid my way through college without a red cent from my parents. I do sell some of my artwork but not enough to make a living.
Married for 36 years to the same wonderful woman with 2 beautiful daughters. We have 2 grandchildren, a granddaughter and grandson.
I have various work experiences but currently in a management position with a local manufacturer (Yes, some things are still made in America) and have been there for 27 years. I can count on one hand how many days I have called in sick in that time.
Hobbies are guitar playing, chess, darts, disc golf, model railroading and of course shooting and collecting guns. I don't hunt, I have too many other hobbies.:D
I own these firearms: Henry h001, Stoeger 20ga Coach gun, Stoeger Cougar, Remington 597, S&W 22a, 357mag S&W 686+ with 4" bbl, S&W 15-22, Ruger ingle Six with 9.5" bbl, Ruger 38spl LCR, Winchester .357mag Trapper Model with 16" bbl, and my wife has a Taurus 38 spl snubbie. I have a Windham Weaponry AR-15 on layaway. I will probably never own an AK47, the ones I have shot functioned OK but were just weren't accurate at all.
Politically I consider myself a moderate, Pro 2A, pro death penalty, pro choice, pro First amendment (NOBODY should be able to tell me what to say, write or read) and I think our government should stay out of the religion business. If I wanted to live in a theocracy I would move to Iran.
The only gun control that makes any sense to me is a background check, you should be able to own anything you want if you can afford it.


New member
Own a horse boarding farm in NOVA.

So you can guess we have a few firearms. :D

Retired Navy, rarely carried a gun, unless I had the watch.


New member
28 year old white male
College grad(business management)
Work in a blue collar field and make a decent wage
1 son, 2 years old and a soon to be EX-wife
Somewhere politically in the middle: Love my guns and freedom, dislike too much big brother.
I don't have a religion and am one of those dirty/evil atheists, but could care less what everyone else believes, so long as it brings no harm.
Hunt, fish, shoot competitively and for fun.

After writing this, I feel like the opposite of what they typical gun owner is usually portrayed as.


New member
Too many people in the news media living in a bubble and never stepping outside their echo chambers.

There are more gun owners then people realize. The sentiment for gun ownership has changed greatly.

Even on Politico recently, they had a poll for reinstating the assault weapons ban a mere 2 days after the Aurora shooting. The poll didn't stay up long, probably because it was pegged at 67% against and wouldn't budge. Although I don't usually give much weight to online polls, that seems consistent with what I typically encounter. Roughly 2/3rds of the people polled, interviewed, whatever seem to think we're fine right now. That we have plenty of gun control on the books already or maybe even want to relax some of the restrictions we have.

I think people have noticed a few things -
Blood is not running in the streets even after allowing more people to carry a weapon
Road rage incidents are not becoming common even after allowing people without concealed carry permits to have weapons in their cars
Most of these mass shootings have taken place in gun free zones

Keep in mind the legacy media is beating a drum pretty hard even as viewership and readership continue to dwindle. They'll either start coming out of the bubble they live in and reconnect with America or fade into irrelevancy.

Take heart. Some of the usual political suspects came out of the woodwork to propose legislation and most people just consider it noise and bluster. Not that we should let down our guard, but it's a far cry from the days when this kind of noise would inevitably lead to new restrictions.

Do your part. Not just by contacting your representatives in government, but by also presenting your hobby to friends and family as something you enjoy. Don't go all urban commando, talk in measured tones about why you carry, if you do, and how you honestly hope you never have to draw in anger.

This particular gun owner is a college educated 38 year old technology middle manager who has been married for 18 years and has 2 kids. I grew up in a very liberal city and still hold many of those values. I used to be very pro-gun control, but I don't live in a bubble and I've never had friends of just one political stripe. I can't ignore the reality of the world and still think that the gun control measures I used to espouse will ever work.


New member
28 year old male
Married for 8 years
Father to 3 great sons
USMC veteran.

In the same boat as many people here, not wealthy(financially) enough to buy anything I want, yet not broke enough to have to live payday to payday.

However for those that can buy whatever whenever, I believe they should have the right.

Uncle Buck

New member
Glen (post #40) I think it must be a government conspiracy, every time I try to open any of the reports on the GAO.GOV website, my computers internet explorer stops working. :D:eek:

I had totally forgotten about that site and so never thought to look there. Thanks for the reminder and if I can ever get around this blasted conspiracy of making my computer lock when I go to a government site, there are at least a dozen other reports I want to read along with the one you sited.

I could not click the link directly to the site, but by typing in GAO.GOV and then playing with various key words in the search engine, I think I have found the one you mentioned.


New member
Myself, I am a family guy, a small business owner, retired military. Although I do not live pay day to payday, I am not rich enough to be able to go purchase anything I like with-out saving first.

I worry about taxes and paying the bills. I have vehicles that break down and equipment that needs replacing. I have two suits (I know one of them still fits ) but prefer to wear blue jeans and a t-shirt.

I'm a lot like you (except I'm not sure if either suit still fits ;-) ).

I'm an engineer, hard core family guy (think Chevy Chase in Vacation) and Scout Master of a small but active Troop, 3 kids (all boys). I work on my own cars (partly because I like to do so and partly to save the money). I work security to earn some extra dollars on the side (and get the kids through college).

I like guns and so do my sons. Some of out best father-Son times have been at the range. We shoot leagues together and as my oldest is in his early 20's, we are still closer than ever.
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36 year old male (Scotch-Irish decent)
Married with one daughter
Southern Democrat
Pro-Choice,pro gay unions(marriage),
Gun owner since I was 6
Own over 30 rifles,pistols, & shotguns
VERY Pro 2A, this is my most important issue in politics
USMC veteran 12 years
Very secure in income
College grad.
Learned to hunt fish and take care of my self at a very young age.
Love my country, but worry about it's fate....
Still very proud to be an American.


New member
It is my opinion that crime is lower among legally armed populations. Texas used to have restrictive gun laws, many have been made better. There's some astounding data showing dramatic decreases in violent crimes after Texas began issuing concealed handgun licenses. They have made great strides in recent months to streamline the process, whereas most of the waiting time is for the background investigation and not so much on the administrative part of it.

Since the inception of military arms it has been natural for the various military rifles to evolve into sporting arms. Lightweight, rugged, ease of use, and ergonomics are a natural fit to the outdoorsman. It is important to allow outsiders use these rifles in a sporting, structured setting. When people unwittingly call a semi auto only rifle an assault rifle, try to explain that it is only a sporting rifle. If they have contact with responsible gun owners then they will change how they feel about them. Invite someone out shooting, wear sensible clothing and strip the scary stuff off of your AR. Many have only been influenced by media personalities putting emphasis on "assault rifle".