Who are the Gun Owners in the United States?

Uncle Buck

New member
With the recent spot light on the shooting in Colorado, I know the anti-gun people will (are) out in force. It seems most of the people they portray as gun owners in the media are the nuts and "Just good ole country boys".

So I got to thinking, who are the gun owners of the United States? If we, the gun owners, were interviewed, what would we look like?

I know we have, here on TFL, chemists, small business owners, a few lawyers, police officers, machinist, a doctor or two, active duty and retired military, farmers, and.....

Our education levels range from high school drop-outs to college grads.

Our income levels range from broke to, yeah, I will buy it if I like it.

Male and female. Family people and single folks.

Myself, I am a family guy, a small business owner, retired military. Although I do not live pay day to payday, I am not rich enough to be able to go purchase anything I like with-out saving first.

I worry about taxes and paying the bills. I have vehicles that break down and equipment that needs replacing. I have two suits (I know one of them still fits :D) but prefer to wear blue jeans and a t-shirt.

I have never seen a poll asking this question.

So folks, just who are the American gun owners?


New member
Uncle Buck, the simplest answer is everyone. Even some of the most vocal gun control advocates, such as Diane Feinstein, are known to own guns for their own personal protection.


New member
I want to know who the gun owners are who the president is quoting when he says: "...most gun owners agree that no one needs an AK..." When did that dialog or poll take place?


New member
Librarian, male, 28 - no kids, but getting married in a year. Recreational shooter for about 3 years.

"...most gun owners agree that no one needs an AK..."
I agree that no one needs an AK - but the only portion of the 2A that deals with necessity is " being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms."

Necessity is in the eye of the beholder


New member
"...most gun owners agree that no one needs an AK..."

No one needs a bunch of armed Secret Service agents surrounding them, either. I am told that U.S. Presidents are eligible for Secret Service protection for the rest of their lives. I don't know if this is true or not. Nixon declined it, I am told.

55year old male, married to first wife now 27 yrs, college grad, factory worker, USAF veteran, who doesn't appreciate interferrence in my life by people who can't run their own lives without innumerable aides. I no longer hunt, but don't have a problem with those who do.

BTW, I don't own an AK or semi auto civilian version of AK or AR. Again, don't have a problem with those who do.
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New member
53 year old black man, married 27 years, USAF veteran, 27 year local government employee, 1 child/14 year old daughter.


Hard working, passionate husband and father, tax paying, God fearing, responsible gun owner with two speeding tickets and one parking ticket (nobodys perfect). Thank God for 7mm rem mags and .308s :cool:
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New member
Gun owner.

29 year old male.

Active duty US Army.

4th deployment (3 Iraq, 1 'stan).

Twice divorced, two kids.

Average income, small apartment when/if I am home.

Associates degree almost complete.

I think that covers most of your questions.


New member
I think most gun owners are in the category of owning several guns, knowing how to load and fire them and making a dozen trips to the range each year to shoot before dove or deer season starts. When push comes to shove they will sell them to buy groceries or pay the rent. They don't look at them as a tool to feed their families or protect themselves and have little problem giving them up. Most (probably 80% have never served in the military) Then there's the rest of us.

Myself am semi-retired, buy whatever firearms I want, shoot competitively at least 2 times weekly, hunt and kill multiple big game animals yearly, army vet, fitness nut, survivalist,Libertarian, college grad, love the Lord Jesus.
I don't need an Ak and I don't own one I do own a AR15 carbine. I don't hunt. To many civilians in the wood with guns unsupervised. I own 14 hand guns and 6 rifles.

I am 64, married 46 years.
Retired Air Force Veteran.
Collage Grad
retired social worker,addiction counselor
fixed retirement income. doing OK.
I have to save for a new gun.
Conservative liberal views.
I think if you live or work in the US you need to speak English. I don't think the goverment has to or needs to take care of you or me.


New member
This could be interesting. I wonder where I fit in, if at all. Let's see.

I graduated from a university where the sports mascot carried a rifle. I lived for a time in a log house (please, not a cabin), served in the army as did my father and my son. In fact, we all three went through basic training at Ft. Knox and we all made it to Germany while we were in, although my father went as a POW. My son went from there to Iraq. He lives in California. Please note the correct spelling. My father-in-law and my daughter's fiance also served in the army (my father-in-law in the AAF). My daughter's fiance is in the air force and will be going to Germany after they marry. So everyone will have made it there after all. My first job out of high school was working on a tobacco farm. In addition to the regular army, I also served in the District of Columbia National Guard.

I consider myself a conservative. My wife considers me a liberal. I consider most others radical, including her uncle. He's the classic radical priest. He also served in Germany in the army. Even he went there. He was engineer in the army and sold dynamite before seminary. Interesting family. We're all either R.C. or Episcopalian. My wife's first cousin lives in Kabul, Afganistan.

I've owned perhaps 40 different guns over the years but I'm down to two at the moment. I no longer shoot but I talked about that already somewhere. I used to handload, too. I have hunted but do not now. I am not a survivalist. We have a cat and three Volvos. Can't get more to the left than that but Nixon was the first president I voted for.

Let's see, there must be more stuff worth knowing but not essential.

I wore a kilt in my wedding, which was in Washington, DC, across the street from where both my wife and her father were born. My favorite color is olive green. I had red hair as a child. My family name is anglized German. I am the first in my line not to have been born in Carroll County, Virginia, since before 1800. My late father-in-law owned a Marble Game Getter. My future son-in-law's grandmother, still living, served in the R.A.F. My wife is a direct descendent of George Mason (through John) and also of the last owner of Mt. Vernon, who was killed in the first year of the Civil War. And also of General Samuel Cooper of New York, adjutant general of both the US Army and the CS Army. I am descended from no one of any note. I'm still married to my first wife. I am three weeks away from being 66. I have neither plans nor expectations of retiring.

My boss grew up in the former Northern Rhodesia. He makes frequent trips to Transylvania, so I think he's suspicious. My first boss in this area went to high school with my next door neighbor. The world is getting smaller.

I've never been arrested, so far. I'm just an average guy.
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New member
64, retired Small Business owner,
Vietnam Vet,
fixed income,
home owner (not debtor)
Libertarian to Ron Paul type Republician,
Always paid my own way, even through college (EE/MBA).
I own several different types of firearms,
open carry advocate, and do so, do not carry a recorder and have never needed one since my first OC in 1970. Never been robbed either.
Confessional Lutheran.
If I hunt, it is only on my own property.

I am of the opinion that if my neighbor wants to own a full automatic, and feed it, he sould be able to. If he wants an fully configured Abram's Tank, he should be able to do that too. the NFA and GCA68 need to be repealed.


New member
29, Italian and Cuban, recently married, recently bought a house (townhouse). Born and raised in NJ. Non-practicing Roman Catholic. Middle-of-the-road with my political views. I believe that the government doesn't need to hold my hand or feed me. I firmly believe the 2nd amendment is a non-negotiable right. I support gay marriage. I drive a Prius (to save money, I'm not really much of a tree hugger). I believe in a woman's right to choose. I work as a trainer for a large electronics company in the car audio category. I am a high school drop-out with a GED. I hold several industry specific awards and certifications.

I own two handguns with plans for many more as time and budget permits. Just started shooting seriously about 3 months ago. I have a Sig P226 Elite in 9mm and a Sig 1911-22.

That's me in a nutshell!


New member
25 years old
White male
College student
part-time automotive service writer
no children
politically conservative
not rich by a long shot, but financially secure with enough left over to enjoy a few hobbies.


New member
Who are the gun owners?

I am one.
Age, 72 and counting.
Married once living with my SO now.
Politically liberal, support gay marriage, support a woman's right to choose.
Support The President
Former Marine ('62 - '65)
College Grad.
Retired Social Services Director in Vermont.
40 + years a motorcyclist, current ride a 2012 HD RoadGlide Custom
Support the 2nd Ammend.
Do not support the NRA
Home Brewer

Own currently:

Savage/Stevens 22lr and 12 gauge single
AK47 WASR 10 63
Mosin Nagant 91 30 (1943)
Ruger P85 MkII
S&W M&P22
Ruger LC9 and a CCW

Currently live in the armpit of the US, Floriduh.

Semper Fi



New member
in a nut shell.

39 years old,
On my 2nd marriage. 4 great kids. For medical reasons the military wouldn't take me (not for lack of trying on my part). I do work in private security sector. I do attend church on a regular basis and try to live a good life. I no longer hunt, but still find time to escape to either a local range or my uncle's farm. I own 5, although one is for my young son. I have a list of wants for future purchases for firearms, but only as I save up the funds. I do lean towards the conservative side of politics

My father is 65, 'nam vet who has 10+ firearms. Some of them are hand-me-downs he inherited from my grandfather. He is a retired engineer from a defense contractor. Married for 39 years.

My brother is 34 years old, never married. Works as an equipment tech. He owns 1 shotguns and an AR.

Us boys, get together to shoot, and have recently started taking my 9 year old son with us.

As far as most gun owners the President says don't feel there is a need for an AK-47. I don't remember him or one of his staff calling any gun owners I know.

I don't feel that folks need class 3 weapons, but I will not tell anyone that they can't have them. I do believe in the 2nd amendment and all it stands for. Of course where I live, we cannot own then anyway.


New member
32 year old white male
English, Irish, and German ancestry
Parents divorced when I was 1. Have one older sister.
Never married
No children
Police officer
Bachelors Degree (also a HS dropout with a GED)
Pro 2nd Amendment
Vote Republican
Currently own 7 handguns (5 Glocks, 2 M&P's) a Rem 870 and a Rock River AR15
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Staff In Memoriam
43 year old Native American (cuz I was born here that's why)...
Married 23+ years to the mom of my 2 kids... Son is 22 and Daughter will be 21 in October...

Only been "upwardly mobile" in a couple careers...

Now in my first job since my '07 suv rollover crash that messed up my strong side left arm and hand...

Don't make much money as Maint. Assoc. at the massive retailer that once was proud of "Made in America"... But I am workin' and live 100% debt free for a peaceful nights sleep...

Own guns for utility and self defense...



New member
If you want to know who gun owners are, go to a gun show. Gun owners vary by sex, age, income, education level, and ethnic background. I went to the Dulles Gun Show today and it was packed with people from all walks of life.

Nobody, including the President, speaks for me.