White supremacists claim Cindy's cause

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New member
I bet that news of the skin heads coming put them into a real tizzy. Singing Kumbaya with them while making smores (over the hot asphalt, no fire needed) would make an interesting photo-op. :D
Farrakhan and the Klan are a match made in heaven, both rabid racists and dedicated to the extermination of each others races. I hope they succeed in destroying each other.


In a messageboard on Stormfront's website, a member with the pseudonym "Dixie Gal" provides strategy, as well as some practical advice for those attending this weekend's planned rally.

"This war needs to be stopped, our troops brought home. Then our dear president needs to put the troops on the Mexican border, to keep out all these illegals! Have a safe trip, and give Cindy our support! P.S. Don't forget your sunscreen!"
Weel stop maw ears Geeorge!!!! That sowns awfooly whitey supreemecist ta 'me now!!

You want to see racialists? Look at the government of the State of Israel. No "diversity" there ;)

This Bravo Sierra is nothing more than another plug on the tour bus. "And coming up on the righthand side you can see ...." [everyone rush to the right side windows]



New member
LAK-the Israeli government allows and has allowed Arabs to live in their country and operate businesses there.

Take a SWAG at how many practicing Jews are in places like Saudi Arabia?

Marko Kloos

New member
You want to see racialists? Look at the government of the State of Israel. No "diversity" there

There are both Arabs and Druze members of the Knesset, and there have been Arabs and Druze in the Knesset since the first one in 1948. All transactions in the Knesset are translated simultaneously in Arabic, and Arab members may address the Knesset in Arabic. Furthermore, Arabic is one of the official languages of the State of Israel.

How many Jewish members do any of the parliaments in the Arabic world have? How many Arabic states offer the same civil rights to Jews as they do to Arabs? How many Arabic states have Hebrew as an official language alongside with Arabic?


Between that uninformed comment and the USS Liberty.org link, I get you now.

Makes total sense
Ah, I am sure it does to someone that has claimed to know an awful lot about certain middle east states - but apparently knows very little.

Both facts; if you know otherwise lets hear all about it.

On the subject of the USS Liberty, while you're at it; why not write to each of the surviving crew, and the families of those who are not, and tell our troops and their families "just how lying and delusional they all really are". ;)



Both facts; if you know otherwise lets hear all about it.

Why bother, your mind is already made up. Besides this is a fun gun board, if I want be amused by smug pusedo intellectual tin foil hat jew hating, ill go put on my yamulka, hitch up my handle of the "Elder of Zion" and go poke sticks at the pinheads on the Stormfront Board....maybe like a thread "We Control the Banks, the Media and George Bush and We Are Gonna Make America into A Province of Israel and What Are you Nordic Types Gonna Do About it Anyway", that will get em going :D

Und jetzt, meine Damen und Herren, gute Nacht!



Marko Kloos,

Right; Semites. They are all Arabs. The Druze are really only distinguished by their religion.

How about the other groups living in the State of Israel? How many of those hold key positions in the government of the State of Israel?



Mike P.
White Supremacists also claim the progun, anti-illegal immigrant, and English only causes too
Right; and we know Al Sharpton also likes to be around white supremos too right? ;)


New member
Marko and WildAlaska have it on this thread.

LAK, If you're referring to your thread on persecution, I read your whole list of sources, and after realizing that you just cut them from google without reading them (probably hoping I wouldn't read them), I didn't respond. It was pointless.

But I must say.....arguing that Israel displays no "racial diversity" whatsoever by admitting Muslim Arabs and Arab Druze into its government!

I lost my latenight coffee on the keyboard. Oh boy. I guess Israel is a "racialist" state because it only allows Muslim Arabs (you know, the same people as the Palestinians!) and Druze (different language, different culture, enormously different religion) into its government, as opposed to electing one of the +/-1% of its citizenship holding population that is not one of the three!

But they're all "semites", and that's what matters. I guess this whole middle east ethnic tension thing is just a scam.


Edited to add:


All primary sources listed.

NOTE: This is a picture perfect example of what is being discussed. Just because LAK expresses anti-semitic views and uses a heavily charged anti-semitic website as his signature line, does not mean that all gun owners are anti-semitic or believe that Israel is involved in a secret mission to kill US citizens. Likewise, I fall on the side of saying that extremists taking Sheehan's side doesn't make her position any more or less palatable. We should judge what she says and believes, not what others who also oppose the war say, if we're going to talk about Ms. Sheehan.


Why bother, your mind is already made up. Besides this is a fun gun board, if I want be amused by smug pusedo intellectual tin foil hat jew hating, ill go put on my yamulka, hitch up my handle of the "Elder of Zion" and go poke sticks at the pinheads on the Stormfront Board....maybe like a thread "We Control the Banks, the Media and George Bush and We Are Gonna Make America into A Province of Israel and What Are you Nordic Types Gonna Do About it Anyway", that will get em going
This is the garble of an intellectual coward.

And the usual chicken leg often employed to attempt to beat over the head anyone that points out any crimes of the State of Israel, their cronies elsewhere, or anyone perceived as being "Jewish".

The oft vomitted "Jewish" connection is moronic; since most all of the people in the government of the State of Israel, and often referred to in banking and media, are as "Jewish" as a side of bacon.

Your intellectual world extends about as far as the distance between your two ears. If the "smug pusedo intellectual tin foil hat jew hating" crew of the USS Liberty spoil your fun - I am quite happy to rub it in on their behalf.



But I must say.....arguing that Israel displays no "racial diversity" whatsoever by admitting Muslim Arabs and Arab Druze into its government!
All Arabs. And yes; all Semites. So????? How about the other racial groups living in the State of Israel?

You are having vision problems again ... or was it comprehension :D

Another "anti-semitic" chicken leg. This one already half-eaten.

The crew of the USS Liberty "anti-semitic"? Let me guess; they have been claiming all these years that Israeli aircraft fired Menorahs at the ship? Or was it Kosher dills?

The State of Israel, the armed forces of the State of Israel, are not, never have been, "Jewish".




This is the garble of an intellectual coward.Your intellectual world extends about as far as the distance between your two ears.

Well isnt that just...so...so...wounding bwaaaaaaaaahahahahahahah

Anywho, despite my lack of mental acuity :eek: , your posts consistently bring to mind the famous adage of Petronius "In alio pediculum, in te ricinum non vides", :D or even better, as Gibbon once wrote:

"Where the subject lies so far beyond our reach, the difference between the highest and the lowest of human understandings may indeed be calculated as infinitely small; yet the degree of weakness may perhaps be measured by the degree of obstinacy and dogmatic confidence" :p



On second thought, what's the point?

Hmm.....good point....as my nice Jewish Grandma used to say
"Jeder wird geknetet, aus dem gleichen Teig heraus aber gebacken nicht im gleichen Ofen." (Everyone is kneaded out of the same dough but not baked in the same oven.)

..... my yiddish spelling and grammer is very bad, not much opportunity to use it in Alaska :D

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