White supremacists claim Cindy's cause

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White supremacists
claim Cindy's cause
Holding rally: 'We don't want leftist Johnny-come-latelys' to hijack issue

Posted: August 26, 2005
4:00 p.m. Eastern

By Joe Kovacs
© 2005 WorldNetDaily.com

President Bush

The latest entrants in the saga of Cindy Sheehan vs. the White House are white supremacists, as they plan to rally against the Iraq War this weekend in Crawford, Texas.

Members of Stormfront.org are tossing their figurative hoods into the mix, as they invite supporters to come to Camp Casey to "let the world know that white patriots were first and loudest to protest this war for Israel."

"We don't want leftist Johnny-come-latelys who are misleadingly protesting this war – as if the war is about oil (not true), or as if it's right-wing patriots who launched this war (not true) – to hijack the issue from us," writes James Kelso, senior moderator of Stormfront.

Anti-war activists, including one from CodePink, suggest 'Bush stinks' near the president's property in Crawford, Texas (photo: Fausto Fernos)

"We want to challenge these leftists with the fact that their leftist leaders, like Hillary Clinton, are on the same war-for-Israel team as the cowardly Republicans who have been bought and paid for in the Senate, House, White House and media by the Jewish Neocon political machine."

Kelso is an assistant to David Duke, the Ku Klux Klansman and activist for European-Americans who was elected to Louisiana's Legislature in 1989, and more recently has served prison time for mail fraud and filing a false tax return.

David Duke and James Kelso pose in front of Charles Lindbergh's aircraft, 'The Spirit of St. Louis'

Duke, himself, is speaking publicly about the California woman who demands a second meeting with Bush in connection with the war-related death of her son, Casey, who had volunteered in the Army.

In an online column, Duke gives a host of reasons why he believes Cindy Sheehan is right to oppose the conflict in Iraq, among them:

There were no weapons of mass destruction, no nuclear program, no uranium from Niger, no links with al-Qaida, no imminent threat to the American people;

if Americans were sent to die for democracy or justice in all the countries of the world we deem unjust or undemocratic, then we must be ready to send millions of our sons and daughters to war all over the globe;

the war is massively increasing hatred and terrorism. For every one terrorist killed in Iraq, we are creating thousands more who hate and want to hurt America and Americans; and

it has secured us no new or cheaper oil, it has cost a national treasure of hundreds of billions of dollars, it has alienated friends and allies, it has hurt American business around the world ... .
Duke also claims Sheehan believes her son died for the sake of Israel, though she has repeatedly denied she ever made such a comment.

However, Sheehan did make a connection with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in a verbal tirade against the president this month in Dallas, stating:

"You get America out of Iraq and Israel out of Palestine and you'll stop the terrorism."

In a messageboard on Stormfront's website, a member with the pseudonym "Dixie Gal" provides strategy, as well as some practical advice for those attending this weekend's planned rally.

"This war needs to be stopped, our troops brought home. Then our dear president needs to put the troops on the Mexican border, to keep out all these illegals! Have a safe trip, and give Cindy our support! P.S. Don't forget your sunscreen!"


I realy start to question reality when a group talks about President Bush like he is left-wing. I am not in the TwilightZone am I?


New member
Does anyone besides me resent the fact that Ms. Sheehan has highjacked the name 'Camp Casey' for her little protest? :mad:
The real Camp Casey located in Korea, is home to the U.S. Army's 2nd Infantry Division and named after Maj. Hugh B. Casey.


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I personally could not be happier now that the Kluckers are supporting Shehan. Thy're helping to show the world exactly what she stands for.
Skinheads and Neo Nazis should also be encourage to join the circus.

I also wonder how long until the protest gets shutdown now that the unPC are getting involved.


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Never forget that Left and Right are both branches of socialism. Never think that either one is truly American in any way. This is like two LA street gangs made up of spoiled rich kids.

Should be fun to watch when they square off. Maybe somebody needs to donate them some sports equipment, hockey sticks, baseball bats and the like. :D


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I realy start to question reality when a group talks about President Bush like he is left-wing. I am not in the TwilightZone am I?

Compared to the good folks ( :barf: ) at Stormfront.org everybody is left wing.


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The real entertainment will be watching the tap dance Ms. Sheehan now has to perform to distance herself from her new-found friends. :D


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some of you who support Justice Sunday which Mr. Delay participated in also had some folks who had ties with white supremacy groups. The fact that these guys are junping into the mix is for one reason only publicity....

just another form of name calling....

Ptown Beretta

No we are not guilty by association! If we were, that would make us associated with criminals-whom I am sure are quite pro-gun.

This is America. The white supremicists have a right to speak out just as much as Sheehan. The only difference is, they speak a different frequency. both spout hatred.


New member
This is a good thing.

This a very good thing.
What very small amount of credibility this woman had will now be completely removed, and I suspect the end of her stupid little tantrum is in sight.

Not speaking for all of the military, but certainly the guys in my unit, we are all about sick of her, and feel terrible that she can use her son's death to turn herself into a half-arsed celebrity.

With any luck, once the white-power gang gets there, they will shut the whole mess down as a "security risk".

cracked butt

New member
This a very good thing.
Good thing: no
Funny thing: yes

The way things stand today, a person can have free speach and protest so long as they are politically correct, this is not a good thing. Its funny in a way that politically incorrect people are going to end up muzzling the side who control free speach and who set the standards of political correctness.
99% of criminals who carry guns, are anti-gun. In a study conducted in the eighties, it was determined that gun laws made criminals lives much easier, because they felt safer breaking into a home they knew had no guns, and within hours of getting out of jail they could obtain a handgun for under 100 dollars on the street.


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One of the unfortunate things about taking a position, is that sometimes you share that position with people you don't like for entirely different reasons.

I am against this war in Iraq, which means that I share a position with Shean and those skin heads - but I don't share their reasoning, or anything else about them.

For those of you that support the war, you are probably sharing that position with groups you don't want to be associated with either.


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Why do I care what position they take? Anyone with half a mind doesn't simply group people together because of a common position.

OTOH, I don't think many people have half a mind.


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I can just see all these folks getting together for a photo-op while singing "Blowing in the Wind".....................
Candlelight vigils with the Klan, do you think Louis Farrakhan and the Nation will join the group hug? :barf:
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