Which State Is The Most Dangerous?


New member
"Wisconsin – No Issue. Open carry is permitted without restrictions."

Just try it here and see how restrictive those metal bars can be.



New member
Other things to keep in mind which are not clear on this list at all is the overall gun ownership. Since a large bulk of the crime happens in and around homes, it is important to look at more than JUST the concealed and open carry laws....


New member
Colorado – Limited Issue. Open carry is permitted with no restrictions.

EXCEPT in the peoples republick of DENVER " NO issue,NO open carry, NO carry in cars unless the weapon or bullets are in a locked area, " TRy going to the range in a PU truck. Denver confiscate your car and guns for this infraction. DENVER SUCKS and I got to move!


New member
Denvers Gun Laws

1. Sec. 38-116.5 Concealed Weapons-Permits
Chief of Police authorized to issue concealed weapons

Chief of Police may promulgate regulations on issuance of concealed weapons permits
Permitees must indemnify City from liability
Fees for issuance

2. Sec. 38-117
(a), Carrying Concealed Weapons.
Carrying of concealed guns prohibited

(b), Carrying Weapons
Open carrying of guns prohibited

(c), Display and Flourishing of Weapons
The flourishing (waving about) or threatening display of guns prohibited

3. Sec. 38-117.5, Permit to Carry a Weapon
Chief of Police may issue permits to carry guns openly

Chief of Police may promulgate regulations on issuance of concealed weapons permits
Permitees must indemnify City from liability
Fees for issuance

4. Sec. 38-118, Affirmative Defenses

It is an affirmative defense to carrying a concealed weapon and to carrying a gun openly that:

---In vehicle, if under a direct and immediate threat of harm and travelling away from home or business

---In one's own dwelling, place of business, or on property under their control

---If they hold a permit to carry or carry concealed.

It is an affirmative defense to the open carrying of a gun (but not the concealed carrying of a gun) that:

---When acting in defense, of self, others or property and there is a direct and immediate threat

---When lawfully summoned to serve as a deputized peace officer

---When coming to or from hunting, sport shooting, buying or selling a gun, other sporting use of guns, repair of the gun, collector's displays, dealers displays and the gun is unloaded.

---Member of armed forces performing duties

---When moving personal property from old residence to new residence and gun is unloaded.

5. Sec. 38-121, Firing and Discharge of Firearms

Prohibits discharging guns except where:
---shooting galleries

---On private property under circumstances where the gun can be fired without endangering other persons or property and the projectile does not leave the property.

6. Sec.38-122, Regulations on the Sale of Certain Firearms
Second hand dealers, pawn brokers, renters, and gun dealers are prohibited from displaying any pistol, revolver, machine gun, or firearm with a barrel less than 12 inches or any silencer in any show window or any window facing a street.
Second hand dealers, pawn brokers, renters, and gun dealers are prohibited from selling, renting, or exchanging any handgun, except an antique, which is made of certain shoddy metal (i.e. cheap Saturday night specials)

7. Sec. 38-123, Identification and Record of Sales
Requires every gun dealer to require at least two forms of identification

Requires every gun dealer to keep records of every gun sale, rental or exchange and to keep such records open to inspection by the police.

The records must include name, address, age, occupation, make, caliber, serial number, date of sale, name of employee making transaction, and identification provided by buyer.

8. Sec. 38-124, Sale of Weapons to Minors and Certain Other Persons
Unlawful to sell, loan or furnish any gun to a person under 18, any person under the influence of drugs, and to any person in a state of agitation or excitement.

9. Sec. 38-125, Reports of Gun Sales
The records required under sec. 38-123 must be reported to the Manager of Safety daily.

10. Sec. 38-129, Air Guns
Unlawful for any person under 18 to carry or discharge a BB or pellet gun

Unlawful to sell a BB or pellet gun to a person under 18

Unlawful for any parent or person in charge of minor (under 18) to allow the minor to carry or discharge a BB or pellet gun.

However, minor may carry and discharge BB or pellet guns in shooting galleries and on private property where the discharge does not endanger persons or property and the projectile does not leave the property.

11. Sec. 38-130, Assault Weapons
Prohibits the ownership, carrying, storage, display, sale of certain specified assault guns and their "knock-offs" except a very short-list of persons who grandfathered their guns in before the ordinance took effect.

Prohibits the possession of a magazine which holds 21 or more rounds


New member

In Iowa it's entirely at the discretion of the County Sheriff. In most rural counties it's pretty automatic if you pass a rudimentary background check (I'd guess 90 of Iowa's 99 counties are ruled by Republicans). The Johnson County Sheriff (Iowa City, ie Democrat) won't issue any. Linn County (Cedar Rapids) makes you pay some money, take a safety class, shoot a qaulitying course, jump through hoop after hoop, wait and wait..... but it is obtanable provided you have a "good" reason. A permit issued in one county is valid throughout the state. So much for equal protection... -- Kernel, NRA Life Member


New member

As a resident of Blackhawk County I was unaware of that. I was given mine with no hassles whatsoever. I just assumed Iowa was shall issue. I gotta write my reps now. This ticks me off, there's no excuse for this.

Matt VDW

New member
I think that can skew the results. I find it illogical to compare crimes of violence (murder, rape, etc.)with property crimes.

Not only that, but different crimes will be reported to the police at different rates.

Murder, for instance, is likely to be reported (or discovered) nearly 100% of the time. But in many cases, victims of burglaries and assaults don't bother to call the police.

You could have a rural town and an urban slum with identical rates of assault on paper, but in the former that might be 90% of the actual rate while in the latter it might be only 30% of the actual rate.

Master Blaster

New member
Like my grad school professor said

There are lies, Damn lies, and then there are statistics.
I could take the same exact numbers and make them appear to support a different conclusion with the right word smithing.