Which State Is The Most Dangerous?


New member
New Mexico Ranks #1 in Crime
North Dakota Once Again is Safest

LAWRENCE, KS — Not all is enchanting in the Land of Enchantment. New Mexico today was named the nation’s Most Dangerous State by Morgan Quitno Press, a Lawrence, Kansas-based independent research and publishing company, which released its annual findings. At the safer end of the rankings scale, North Dakota has a lock on the title of America’s Safest State, winning the honor for the fourth consecutive year. "Without a doubt, New Mexico struggles with crime," said Scott Morgan, President of Morgan Quitno Press. "It has the nation’s highest violent crime rate, highest aggravated assault rate and highest burglary rate. In contrast, North Dakota has the lowest violent crime rate, lowest murder rate and the lowest aggravated assault rate."

METHODOLOGY: The Most Dangerous State 2000 rankings are determined by a four step process. First, rates for six crime categories - murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary and motor vehicle theft - are plugged into a formula that measures how a state compares to the national average for a given crime category.

Second, the outcome of this equation is then multiplied by a weight assigned to each crime category. For this year's award, we again gave each crime category equal weight. Thus state comparisons are based purely on crime rates and how these rates stack up to the national average for a given crime category.

Third, the weighted numbers are added together to achieve state's score ("SUM.") In the fourth and final step, these composite scores are ranked from highest to lowest to determine which states are the most dangerous and safest. Thus the farther below the national average a state's crime rate is, the lower (and safer) it ranks. The farther above the national average, the higher (and more dangerous) a state ranks in the final list.

1 New Mexico
2 Florida
3 Nevada
4 Louisiana
5 Maryland
6 South Carolina
7 Arizona
8 Tennessee
9 Illinois
10 Michigan
11 Delaware
12 California
13 Alaska
14 Georgia
15 North Carolina
16 Mississippi
17 Texas
18 Oklahoma
19 Washington
20 Missouri
21 Alabama
22 Arkansas
23 New York
24 Oregon
25 Indiana
26 Colorado
27 Kansas
28 Ohio
29 Massachusetts
30 New Jersey
31 Pennsylvania
32 Utah
33 Minnesota
34 Connecticut
35 Hawaii
36 Virginia
37 Nebraska
38 Rhode Island
39 Kentucky
40 Idaho
41 Wisconsin
42 Iowa
43 Wyoming
44 West Virginia
45 Montana
46 Vermont
47 South Dakota
48 Maine
49 New Hampshire
50 North Dakota


It's amazing what you'll stumble across surfing the web when looking for something else. The above list is from the Morgan Quitno Press web site. In case you're wondering Kernel lives in #41 (having recently moved from #42)...... and I still lock my doors every night.

[Edited by Kernel on 05-09-2001 at 12:44 AM]


New member
So where do these states rank in gun control as the media is allwas blaming the guns for all the crime problems??
Yea I'd bet its the safest. Any state where cows out number humans will be amongst the safest states to live in. (No pun intended, just humoring my self) lol

go figure.


New member
Doesn't quite agree with the "more guns, less crime" idea, does it? Maryland, where I work, has "discretionary" issue (meaning "non-issue" in most cases) and is 5th, while Florida is shall-issue and ranked 2nd. Kansas, which has no CCW at all, is down in 27th place. Obviously there are other factors involved.


neal bloom

New member
Finally New Mexico is number one in something! All kidding aside. For states with small population counts, statistics can be misleading. In the 70's I lived in Albuquerque, NM. At the time Albuquerque had one of the highest crime rates in the country. (Probably still does) One summer the police went on strike. Guess what happened to the crime rate? It went down! Guns sales went up before the police strike and some attributed the drop to increased gun sales. Some theorized that the police were the cause of the high crime rate. (???) If the cops are on strike who do you report a crime to? Criminal acts probably stayed the same, maybe a little less with the newly armed populace, but there was no one to log in the calls.

Rather than looking at crimes per capita, one needs to look at the total number of crimes. New Mexico with its population of 1.5 million doesn't have as many murders, rapes, ... etc as a large metropolitan city with a population greater than the WHOLE state of New Mexico. Yes, New Mexico has a high per capita rate. We are just a bunch of forgotten Americans, prone to bloodthirsty violence. Actually news like this keeps people from moving here and really seeing and enjoying a beautiful state.
Some facts

Okay, I took the time and looked up the stats just because I am home sick and bored (what? TWO DAYS BED REST? Are they NUTS? Sheesh…). Also, I was curious to see which states are “shall issue” and permit open carry. Here are the results, in the same “safety ranking” order. I am not sure how up to date this information is, but it is the most current I could find.

New Mexico – No Issue. Open carry permitted with no restrictions.
Florida – Shall Issue. Open carry prohibited.
Nevada – Shall Issue. Open carry permitted with no restrictions.
Louisiana – Shall Issue. Open carry permitted with no restrictions.
Maryland – Limited Issue. Open carry prohibited.
South Carolina – Shall Issue. Open carry prohibited.
Arizona – Shall Issue. Open carry permitted with no restrictions.
Tennessee – Shall Issue. Open carry permitted, but prohibited “with the intent to go armed.”
Illinois – No Issue. Open carry prohibited.
Michigan – Limited Issue. Open carry permitted, but open carry in a vehicle requires a specific license.
Delaware – Limited Issue. Open carry permitted with no restrictions.
California – Limited Issue. Open carry permitted so long as the gun is not loaded.
Alaska – Shall Issue. Open carry permitted with no restrictions.
Georgia – Shall Issue. Open carry prohibited.
North Carolina – Shall Issue. Open carry permitted with no restrictions.
Mississippi – Shall Issue. Open carry permitted with no restrictions.
Texas – Shall Issue. Open carry permitted with no restrictions.
Oklahoma – Shall Issue. Open carry permitted so long as the gun is not loaded.
Washington – Shall Issue. Open carry is prohibited, but local cities and counties may opt out of the prohibition.
Missouri – No Issue. Open carry is permitted with no restrictions.
Alabama – Shall Issue. Open carry is permitted, but open carry in a vehicle requires a specific license.
Arkansas – Shall Issue. Open carry is permitted, but prohibited when carrying “with the purpose to employ it as a weapon against a person.”
New York – Limited Issue. Open carry is prohibited.
Oregon – Shall Issue. Open carry is permitted with no restrictions.
Indiana – Shall Issue. Open carry is prohibited.
Colorado – Limited Issue. Open carry is permitted with no restrictions.
Kansas – No Issue. Open carry is prohibited.
Ohio – No Issue. Open carry is prohibited in certain cities and counties.
Massachusetts – Limited Issue. Open carry is prohibited.
New Jersey – Limited Issue. Open carry is prohibited.
Pennsylvania – Shall Issue. Open carry is permitted, but open carry in a vehicle requires a specific license.
Utah – Shall Issue. Open carry is permitted so long as the gun is not loaded (and Utah’s definition of “loaded” is pretty interesting and too long to go into here.)
Minnesota – Limited Issue. Open carry is prohibited.
Connecticut – Shall Issue. Open carry is prohibited.
Hawaii – Limited Issue. Open carry is prohibited.
Virginia – Shall Issue. Open carry is permitted without restrictions.
Nebraska – No Issue. Open carry is permitted without restrictions.
Rhode Island – Limited Issue. Open carry is prohibited.
Kentucky – Shall Issue. Open carry is permitted without restrictions.
Idaho – Shall Issue. Open carry is permitted without restrictions.
Wisconsin – No Issue. Open carry is permitted without restrictions.
Iowa – Limited Issue. Open carry is prohibited.
Wyoming. Shall Issue. Open carry is permitted without restrictions.
West Virginia. Shall Issue. Open carry is permitted without restrictions
Montana – Shall Issue. Open carry is permitted without restrictions.
Vermont – Everyone can carry concealed without a permit. Open carry is also permitted, but prohibited when carried “with the intent or purpose of injuring another”.
South Dakota – Shall Issue. Open carry is permitted with no restrictions.
Maine – Shall Issue. Open carry is permitted with no restrictions.
New Hampshire – Shall Issue. Open carry is permitted with no restrictions.
North Dakota – Shall Issue. Open carry is permitted so long as the gun is not loaded. (and their definition of “loaded” is a lot like Utah’s)

Pretty interesting that the of the ten "safest" states, eight are shall issue states that allow open carry. Hmmm...


New member
California – Limited Issue. Open carry permitted so long as the gun is not loaded.

Sorta makes you wonder what the point is... Permitted as long as it's not loaded??? "Stop! Or I'll dry fire!!"
Jim... BWAHAHAHAHA...kinda like, "Stop, or I'll call you really bad names!"

Actually, it got me curious as to what California's legal definition of "loaded vs unloaded" is. Enquiring minds want to know!



It is unlawful to carry a loaded rifle, shotgun, or handgun in any public place or on any public street in an incorporated area or an area where firing a firearm is prohibited. In California, a firearm is considered loaded if unexpended ammunition capable of being used in the firearm is attached in any manner to the firearm. The following persons and situations are exceptions:

1. Persons shooting on target ranges, or while hunting on the premises of a shooting club.
2. A person who reasonably believes that he or his property is in immediate danger and the weapon must be carried for "preservation."1 (see note below)
3. A person "engaged in the act of making or attempting lawful arrest."
4. A person carrying a firearm while at home or at his place of business, including temporary residences and campsites.

Carrying a handgun concealed is prohibited without a license. The law states that "Firearms carried openly in belt holsters are not concealed within the meaning of this section."

1 - Claiming this exception is difficult, since a person accused of a violation must prove in court the "reasonableness" of his belief.

SOURCE: Cal. Penal Code sec, 12020 et. seq.

Hmm...seems there are a few inconsistencies here...
Oh and in contrast to California, here is my home state of Utah's definition of "loaded" (which I find much more reasonable.)

"Rifles, handguns and shotguns are deemed loaded when there is an unexpended cartridge, shell, or projectile in the firing position. Pistols and revolvers shall also be deemed to be loaded when an unexpended cartridge, shell, or projectile is in a position whereby the manual operation of any mechanism once would cause the unexpended cartridge, shell, or projectile to be fired. A muzzle loading firearm is loaded when it is capped or primed and has a powder charge and a ball or shot in the barrel or cylinders."

SOURCES: Utah Code Sec.; 53-5-701 et seq., 76-10-301, 76-10-501 et seq.

Wow. Its amazing what I learn when I am home sick and only have to sit around, be a bum and cruise the internet. :D


New member
With all the gang activity in California I am surprised that it ranks so low, something sounds fishy there. I live in Florida, didn't know crime was that bad, must be Miami throwing us up there.
Now I am terrified and need the soothing lies of the loving .gov to legislate my salvation</sheeple>.... well, maybe not.


New member
Oh and in contrast to California, here is my home state of Utah's definition of "loaded" (which I find much more reasonable.)

AZ uses the traditional definition of loaded: Every gun is always loaded :).


New member

I don't know where you get your information, but Texas is most definitely NOT open carry. It IS a shall issue state, but only for concealed carry. I imagine that quite a few of the other states you have listed are wrong also.


New member
Indiana is shall issue. Once you have a permit carry is allowed in any form (some police seem to have an opinion that open carry is illegal - the State AG disagrees - but you need a permit for either).


Staff Emeritus
Elizabeth, I'm wondering if your list is handguns only, or does it include the laws for longarms (rifles, shotguns) also?

Texas is open carry/no restrictions for rifles and shotguns, but pistols are concealed carry only, with some exceptions for certain outdoor activities.


Matt VDW

New member
Second, the outcome of this equation is then multiplied by a weight assigned to each crime category. For this year's award, we again gave each crime category equal weight.

So a state with 10 murders and 100 car thefts would be just as "unsafe" as a state with 100 murders and 10 car thefts.

Yeah, right. :rolleyes:


New member
You will notice that the study gave the six crime categories equal weight. That is, for example murder carried the same weight as car theft or burglary.

I think that can skew the results. I find it illogical to compare crimes of violence (murder, rape, etc.)with property crimes.

For example, Maryland is number 5 on the list. However, I recently read its largest city of Baltimore leads the nation in armed robbery.

Maryland has some of the strictest gun laws in the nation and is very stingy about issuing conceal carry permits.

I got my info from the NRA website, and from a book I have about concealed carry/open carry laws nationwide, both of which are usually pretty accurate about state/federal gun laws. Perhaps I missed a distinction somewhere between handguns and rifles/shotguns, etc.

Going to go digging some more. Be back with an update.

"Stay tuned".


New member
criminal "migration"? ? ? ?

I think an important thing to notice is non CCW bordering CCW states.

For instance, MD (and DC which isn't on the list??) next to PA and VA and WVA.

MD makes 5. (DC I would think would be higher.)
PA and VA and WVA are 31st and 36th and 44th respectively... neat-o.

in addition..
I'd be interested in seeing these miraculous equations. Especially the burglary and auto theft and how and why they are weighted equally with murder/rape and whether violence was used in the theft. Numbers always mis-inform, folks.


Ok...so my "update" was just too long to post here. Its in another thread "Open carry laws".

Oooh...LawDog...you're gonna hate me. I confused Texas law with Tennessee law when I posted the earlier overview.

DOH! :eek: