Which Caliber for Predators???


New member
Seriously, your 223, 260 and 30-06 would work just fine. Save the 338 for those assault coyotes:D If you hand load, there are plenty of choices for your 260 and 06. I think Remington is still making the accelerator rounds for your 30. I have tried them in my 308 and they group about as well as standard factory ammo, but I prefer to handload some 125-130 grain stuff for varmints and take advantage of the smaller groups my rifle is capable of. I take my Remington VS in 308 out with my favorite handloads, as well as my 10/22 for the close in stuff, loaded up with 40 grain solids, and it has worked very well. Also have a 270 win and with 100 grain handloads, it reaches out as far as I have any business shooting. If there's a lot to shoot at, rotate your rifles so you don't overheat them. I also have an M96 Swede which I have purposely left stock and open sighted and try my hand at the running stuff, which is coming along nicely.


New member

Definitely go with the .223 given the other calibers you own. It's enough gun, light on the shoulder and wallet and should you need bigger I'd go with the .260.

Don't be shy though about using larger calibers on coyotes unless you want a mount or a hide. It's good practice for the other game seasons and the shooting is not as fast and furious as prairie dogs or woodchucks. I frequently hunted coyotes with a .270 Winchester loaded with 110 V-Max bullets and they were devasting. It was excellent practice when I took the same rifle deer hunting in the fall.