Which C&R would you take deer hunting?

Which gun would you choose for deer hunting?

  • British Lee-Enfield No.4 Mk.1*

    Votes: 13 17.6%
  • Soviet Mosin Nagant M44

    Votes: 8 10.8%
  • Soviet Mosin Nagant M91/30

    Votes: 4 5.4%
  • Yugo M48 Mauser

    Votes: 8 10.8%
  • German K98 Mauser

    Votes: 19 25.7%
  • Swiss Schmidt Rubin K31

    Votes: 22 29.7%

  • Total voters


New member
All things being equal the K-31 would be more accurate with the K98k nearly as good if it has a good bore.

I have 4 or 5 I would not hesitate to take 200 yard shots with and a short side rail that would reach way over that and using 185 PSP most of my decent bored K98k will shoot 2MOA with the sniper about 1.5 MOA (With match bullets .75 MOA)

A guy posted a tale about his K98k and deer hunting at GB.
He said he had a lick out and when a small fawn showed up he waited and then a bigger one came by. As he was setting up his shot a Doe ( a female deer) appeared. He shot the doe and went to dress it and noticed he had also nailed one of the two fawn with the same shot. So, he dressed that one when he realized the bullet had passed through that one and he also got the third one, all with one shot. Three deer with one 8MM round.
He did not say what bullet he used but I would bet it was a 196gr that 20 million Ivans were familiar with. Can't blame him for not wanting to say, though, not legal and all.



New member
I voted Mosin 91/30. Have taken several deer with my Yugo M48A, but decided to use the Mosin last week, filling a doe tag 15 min after leaving the truck. Use a scout mount scope and Barnaul 203gr sp. One shot to the shoulders= DRT.


New member
except fot the Yugo M48, I have everything on the list(plus the Japanese T38 and T99....no carcanos however) and I would pick my Lee Enfield for most things C&R bolt action...it has the best sights, and speediest action.


these days it wears A.J. Parker Match target sights