Where should I NOT be putting oil on my P38?


New member
Tonight I'm goin to give my P38 a nice lubing, Ill be doing some searches online on how to do it properly.

aything I should know before I start?

can you guys recomend a good site for gun maintenance for a n00b.. :)


New member
Where should I NOT be putting oil on my P38?

Do not oil the propellers, it just flies right off.

Do not oil the cockpit window, it makes it hard to see.

Sorry couldn't resist.


New member
You could certainly lube it with breakfree or FP 10 or something at the time you are gonna shoot it. Grease would be good for long term storage, it will stay in place. But it may get all dirty and cruddy from firing and have to be wiped off and replaced anyway. Be sure and lube the locking block mechanism and where it mates the frame. Locking blocks take quite a beating in the P-38 and the Berettas that use the same system. Then of course the slide rails and whatever rubs together. Heck put some oil on the front of the hammer where it contacts the slide in recoil. Thin film. Don't go nuts with the oil and have it dripping all over the place or running out of the cracks though.


New member
Well Chris, aren't you fancy with your war era steel framed collectors item. Let's see ya swim with it.

That's why God created ziplock plastic bags ;) and besides, I'm not fond of taking steel weights with me in the pool

But mine's no safe queen. if it don't shoot, I don't want



New member

Do not oil the barrel on this, or any other firearm.
Or else you will see a 'spray' of oil right after firing, and then a gummy black vaseline type of substance clogging your barrel during cleaning, making it very difficult to remove without a solvent. To oil the barrel to prevent rusting, pull a very slightly oiled cloth through the barrel.