Where should I move?


New member
Hello Friends -

I have always gotten good advice from everyone on TFL, and I know that the replies to this post will be no exception.

I currently live in Chicago, Illinois. I have the option of moving virtually anywhere in the country for the next 4-5 years. My ideal place of residence would have:

1. a local government that recognizes gun rights.
2. lots of single twentysomethings like myself.
3. a nice physcial environment--mountains, lakes, and such.

I really love Chicago, which has everything except #1. Any suggestions? I am open to anything.

Humbly, P.

Dave R

New member
Last time I replied to a thread like this on TFL, the guy actually moved here and I went shooting with him a few months ago...

I'm in Boise. We need a few more conservatives to counteract the RINO's and Californian bliss ninnies that are rapidly turning Boise into La-la land, the sequel.

Boise is really eastern Oregon. Sun Valley is Rodeo drive with skiing. Moscow (University of Idaho) is some weird relative of Berkely. The rest of the state is as it should be.

Jody Hudson

New member
Slower Lower Delaware

Obviously my personal favorite is where I am. Slower, Lower, Delaware we call it. We are an ocean resort town so we have no mountains close by. However, Dewey Beach is one of the hottest singles places in the country. I would NOT want to be a Miss America and promenade through Dewey in the summer -- no one would even notice -- the competition for fabulous looking twenty to forty year old women is fantastic.

Since we are a resort town we have lots of facilities similar to urban areas! And, we have a small local community in the off season. Hunting is good for deer, ducks, geese, turkey and ground hog. Our only real problems gun wise are that we have a wait for carry permits and no full auto weapons allowed. Other than that we are fine (so far) on our gun laws.

Check us out. Ask questions if you wish. Check out our site. Mountains are three hours away to the west and north.


New member
I'd be willing to second Boise. I was considering moving there about a year ago, however it was a little farther from family then I wanted to go (wasn't looking forward to driving across Wyoming at Christmas) but then the tech market flopped which directly effects the Graphic Design market. But it was a nice city.

Right now I'm trying to figure out how to move to Colorado Springs. As long as you're not a graphic designer I would recommend CoSp...but if you're a graphic designer then nevermind (don't need any more competition for work :p )

There's always Houston or Dallas/Ft. Worth... that's a gun friendly area (and if I remember a couple of road trips back in college, the ladies down there are friendly ;) plus I've seen Chicago in the winter :barf: .


New member
How is the IT/Tech job market in Boise?

My relatives are from E. Oregon and I really like that small rural town feeling.

However, I also like broadband internet and my wife likes to shop!

Sad to say, I aint getting out of the PRK until my wifes mother passes on. They are just too close and I rather like her as well.

Jody Hudson

New member
By the way, although it means nothing to me, we are a tax free shopping mecca as well. We have over 200 tax free "factory outlet" stores here as well. Some of them are terrific bargains!!!


New member
COME TO MAINE!!! We'll slap a lobster in one of your hands, a potato in the other hand, and.....and......Now where can we slap those taxes if your hands are full?...........:D
But seriously, we have mountains, lakes, rivers... I believe there's an ocean around here somewhere too. The people are good, hard-working, decent folk. Just bring me a pizza if you decide to visit. Can't find a freakin' decent pizza anywhere around here. :barf:


New member
How is the IT/Tech job market in Boise?

Not nearly as good as it was a year ago, just like everywhere else. Folks have battened down the hatches, and Micron (one of the big two that keeps the Boise IT market afloat) has been having serious layoffs recently. Still.. it's prolly possible to find something if you look hard enough.

My relatives are from E. Oregon and I really like that small rural town feeling.

Not here in Boise anymore. I live in an outlying area (Kuna), and it's still barely hanging on to that atmosphere. WWWAAAAYYY too many new subdivisions, mini-malls, and the like. Basically, seems that the rush of folks fleeing California over the last decade brought Califorinia with them. :barf:

Thankfully, they haven't taken over the legislature yet. I think we're getting (mostly) the better ones of the bunch from down there, for what it's worth. Oregon and Colorodo tend to get most of the liberal ones, I think.. Idaho and Arizona the political refugees. ;)

Anyhow, that's my two-paragraph take on the Boise area. Still too big for my tastes -- I'll likely skedaddle in another year or two at the outside myself.. heck, maybe back to East Tennessee where I grew up, then I can harrass Oleg and Runt and buzz_knox and Tamara and all . :D



New member
Texas, Arizona & Georga come to mind, but no one else can tell you where you will be happy.
Take time to travel and check out places you think are on your short list.


New member
I've been to Chicago. The snow there is grey and black and stays as late as April.

You have never lived until you have seen Texas women.

It helps if you like good food, great music, don't mind getting a tan and enjoy wide open spaces, fast cars, 300 yard rifle ranges and friendly people.

PS. Harbinger, there is lots of Pizza in Texas...and brautwurst, chili, barbecue, grits, french fires and gravy, steaks two inches thick...;)

The sky, did I mention the sky?:p


New member
Yes, TEXAS IS GOOD! The women here really are hot! I have been to Chicago, and the chicks there are DOGS. Plus, you can't own any firearm worth owning in Chicago, so you can't impress the chicks with your badass shooting irons!


New member
TEXAS!!!! EVERYONE TO TEXAS!!!!! ( you're enticing me even more, Vlad, but I pity you if there are any women from Chicago on this forum) ;)


New member
Well. you guys finally did it. I've lurking around here for almost a year, and never saw a good reason to jump in.

Well, almost never.

But, the straw has finally come to rest, and the camel's back is s-waaaay back. so here goes.

Poplin, if you're looking for a place that doesn't care how many guns you have, come to South Dakota. I know, I know, it's Tommy the Commie's territory, but he hardly comes here anyway, and when he does it's strictly low profile, and straight to his hole. Lots of conservative folks out here, and not many people to boot, which means lots of coutryside in which to shoot.

Only one thing. If you come to Rapid City, or anywhere nearby (100 mile radius), you hafta like Harleys. And watch yer wallet.

Jeff Thomas

New member
Tempe, Arizona. Home to Arizona, so it is a very "target rich" environment for co-eds.

Guns laws in Arizona are generally considered some of the best in the country.

A vibrant economy, albeit a bit tender lately.

Beautiful mountains, deserts, lakes and Ponderosa pine forests. Great landscape, and fine hunting.

You would be welcome.

Regards from AZ


New member
Goochland County Virginia.
-Atlantic Ocean 1.5 hours east
-Blue Ridge Mountains .75 hours west
-big bar scene (read singles) next door in Richmond
-low taxes
-~2 weeks wait and ~10 bucks for a CCL!


New member
How about??????

Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, Plenty of women young singles. North side, South side and out in boros three teams, two new stadiums. Fish the rivers for walleye downtown Lake Erie 2 hrs on expressway, BIG WALLEYE and perch . License to carry firearms is downtown available. at any time you'll see a pickup with a gun in rack, hunting on pUBLIC GAME LANDS. shooting ranges there also.and we got good Italian pizza. luck, hotdog:D


New member
Colorado Springs, CO

We have everything you asked for and more. You can carry a loaded firearm in your car for "lawful protection while traveling". We have our own instant check (CO Bureau of Investigation [CBI}). We have good hunting and fishing and the tax base is low. You can buy a 3 bdrm 2 ba house for about $140K brand new.

You can see a real horizon to the East and fourteen-thousand foot Pikes Peak to the West. There are real smells of cows and horses and woodstoves. The roads are reasonable (but not as good as NM and UT) and the main highways (I-25 and I-70) bisect the state N-S and E-W.

Denver is not particularly gun friendly but they are 50 miles away. I just stay on the freeway. Our sheriff, John Anderson, is very liberal on CCW here in El Paso county.

You can actually speak to the governor of the state as he goes on a popular radio talk show once a month and he takes all comments/complaints/gripes/praise without screening. The station, KOA, covers the entire state.

The worst thing about this state is the gravel they use on the roadways so figure on replacing a windshield every year.

Scott Conklin

New member
Step right on across the border from the Peoples Republik of Illinois and visit Indiana. Avoid Bloominton and a couple other Twilight Zones and there's a little bit of everything here topgraphically and socially and the gun owners are everywhere, especially the further south you get.