Where did Packing Dot Org Go?

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T. O'Heir,

Were I in law school the last thing I'd be worrying about is keeping up a gun forum...or any other forum for that matter. School would come first, especially the very demanding academics of law school (or medicine, etc.) which requires lots of focus, study time and little sleep.

He may or may not have tried to get someone else to take the website over...unless he couldn't find anyone or, he couldn't justify paying for its web hosting any longer...considering the expense of law school, that surely makes sense to me.

At the very least, I think he should have made a statement that the site is no longer available and put official closeure to it...rather than let Packing.org fans be left asking each other questions re: WTH happened.

But he needs to do what's best for his life, and I wish him (Mark Solomon?) the very best in his law school endeavors.

-- John D.


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The owner of the packing website should have put up a permenant notice on his site that he was no longer updating the site. And when he pulled the plug on it, he should have put up Notice that it was down for good. It doesn't matter his reasons for shutting it down, law school or whatever, we all have commitments, etc.. this is simply rude behavior and he is a rude person. If he thinks he is going to be successful in life with this type of behavior, he is going to find out the hard way.


New member
I would have to disagree...after all, he's going to be a lawyer and those "rude skills" are standard and even required equipment.

He MUST turn to the Dark Side now...no more Mr. Nice Guy.


-- John D.


New member
The owner of the packing website should have put up a permenant notice on his site that he was no longer updating the site. And when he pulled the plug on it, he should have put up Notice that it was down for good. It doesn't matter his reasons for shutting it down, law school or whatever, we all have commitments, etc.. this is simply rude behavior and he is a rude person. If he thinks he is going to be successful in life with this type of behavior, he is going to find out the hard way.

Exactly why must he give reason or notice to close a site he was offering free access on?


New member
Well, perhaps because of something lacking big-time nowadays and apparently something that eludes even you, too: Common Courtesy, that's all. Just saying Goodbye.

Wise up...money has NOTHING to do with manners/class/courtesy...that's proven every day. For those of us still able to ascertain the difference that is (an endangered species I might add).

I often read packing.org despite the criticism of "what it was vs. what it became" (whatever that meant)...just would like to know what happened to it.

-- John D.


New member
Well, perhaps because of something lacking big-time nowadays and apparently something that eludes even you, too: Common Courtesy, that's all. Just saying Godbye.

Wise up...money has NOTHING to do with manners/class/courtesy...that's proven every day. For those of us still able to ascertain the difference that is (an endangered species I might add).

I often read packing.org despite the criticism of "what it was vs. what it became" (whatever that meant)...just would like to know what happened to it.

Common courtesy doesn't elude me. I just don't see why the guy owes anyone an explanation for closing a site he opened.

Wise up yourself, he doesn't owe you or anyone else an explanation. You're whining because the guy closed down his site and didn't tell you why. Do you do the same thing when your favorite grocery store closes and doesn't send you written note about why they decided to close?

It was a good site when it was running, it's no longer running. It's time to move on to another site.
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