When was the last time you took your mom shooting?


New member
Took my mom to the range on Sunday after church, just a mom and son afternoon. She helped me test fire a couple of new loads and gave the target center heck doing it!:cool: She hadn't been out to shoot in about 10 years, but you wouldn't know it from the way she was shooting. She even did all of her shooting left-handed because she's had trouble with Carpal Tunnel in her right wrist. She even had the RO's giving me a hard time.:D I had so much fun that I invited my sister to go on Wednesday.

So, when was the last time you took your mom shooting? (I understand that some of our members are old enough to remember when dirt was new and the dinosaurs died, so I won't make them date themselves any further.;) :p :D )


New member
Six weeks ago.

I have been out of town for about a month, and promptly was reminded upon my return. Mom will soon turn 73, arthritis has kicked in , so handguns a bit of a chore. She handles a 20 ga quite well , and wants to play with slugs next time out (makes bigger holes):D

We have a ball, turn some heads, and enjoy our quality time. I guess its my turn , being as she ran me to the range starting at age 11 to shoot NRA sponsored rimfire. We still talk about those days and the competition.

I take mine every couple of weeks. She has her license to carry and so I want to make sure that if she needs to draw her gun that she can do so and use it correctly. She goes through 5000-6000 rounds per year.


New member
I saw my mom shoot once. I was suprised to see that she was a good shot. But she doesnt like guns.


New member
My mom is still wishing that her middle daughter had a more ladylike hobby.



The person who seeks all their applause from outside has their happiness in another's keeping . -- Claudius Claudianus


New member
Last time she came to visit we had too much to do, but we try to go whenever she's here.
It's a hoot to watch a 4'10" grandma handle a 1911 like it was hers!

She hardly ever shoots, but she used to own a Colt Commander Dad gave her (bought for himself, that is.)
She won't buy her own because "that's another ticket to see her granddaughter!"
-Try to explain to her that she may not need another ticket if instead she finds herself in need of a gun.
I guess I have to buy it for her.

Moms and guns go together like bike-riding fish and fish bikes!


New member
Gee, I must be fortunate.

I am the eldest son and mom supports my CCW, and my shooting. She actually wishes the other sibs, including one daughter, would at least get a CCW permit , or at least shoot some.

Don't mention fishing--my mom can outfish your mom :)

Navy joe

New member
Well, my mom thinks Algore is a conservative. She says "guns are not the answer" in relation to this DC sniper deal. I suppose wearing Kevlar to pump gas is. She owns a .22, I took her to the range once with it after I put a cheap but functional scope on it, she doesn't have the mindset to use it on someone though. Have seen her shoot through the hole in the top of a pop can from 50ft with an air pistol consistently. One heck of a shot, one heck of a blissninny. She thinks I should have more hobbies in addition to race cars and guns. I agree, I'm taking up reloading ;)


New member
My mom doesn't shoot. She doesn't care if I do. We always had guns around the house when I was growing up. Mom and Dad gave me my first .22 when I was 8. She just has no interest in learning to shoot.


New member
Navy joe:

Great idea, be sure mom just sends money, or buys gift certificates. She doesn't need to wrap that bulky stuff, besides she really doen't have to know what a "Dillon" is :)

Victor Romen

New member
My mom always jokes about my "musical instruments" or "golf clubs" when I have a case out at home. She doesn't partake in the activities, but does support my hobby. She has bought numerous boxes of ammo for me and even the upper for my AR. :cool:


New member
...She actually wishes the other sibs, including one daughter, would at least get a CCW permit , or at least shoot someone. "


:D ;)

Ceol Mhor

New member
I haven't taken Mom shooting with me since August, when the school semester started and I left the state. But the last time we were at the range, she was having a ball with my then-new Colt 1903 hammerless. She doesn't own any guns (I'll probably try to change this soon), but she is very supportive of my shooting.


New member
Sadly, it's been a couple of years. The last time Mom, Dad and I went shooting, I had just bought her a .38 snubbie to call her own.

Mom used to be a heckuva shot, but arthritis has confined her to the house for the most part. She's 67 now, and can no longer pull the trigger on her .38, or cock the hammer for single action. She can only use one arm, and even it won't raise more than about 45' from her body, so she couldn't shoot it even if we cocked it for her.

Dad and I still go shooting together at least a couple times a year, when mom's having a "mobile" day and can get around without her walker. I'm going to buy him a membership to an outdoor range here in town, so he doesn't have to drive so far to shoot.

Whether she likes guns or not, whether she voted for Big Al or GW, call your mom and tell her you love her... She deserves that. :)


New member
Took Mom to the range in August to get her CHL. Now she wants to get the paperwork back before she gets the gun (Something about FBI registration :). After that we will be going on a much more regular basis.
