When they hear that pump they'll run?

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New member
To everyone who says, "I would have shot them"... Well, when some drunk kids break into your house, give 'em two in the chest and one in the head. Let us know how 12 of your peers look on the use of deadly force on unarmed intruders. You may be a local hero, you may end up someone's shower toy.

If they had been carrying deadly weapons it would be a different story entirely.

Let me start by saying it is good you didn't have to shoot because, legal matters aside, who wants to have to deal with that? The emotional toll would be something I'm sure all of us would like to avoid. No one here should second guess your decisions or try to argue that you were wrong since it worked out for you and everyone left alive.

That said, I'm not sure if Ohio is a Castle Law state or not, but TN is. If someone breaks into my house in any scenario remotely similar to what you posted, I am shooting. They have violated the sanctity and safety of my home, and for anyone to break into my home purposely with its occupants home, I am forced to assume they mean us harm, unarmed or not. Since there are already firearms in the house along with kitchen knives, golf clubs, etc, I cannot afford to give these malcontents any leeway as to their intentions.

Even without firearms in the house (yes there was a time I didn't have access to any), I would have beat an intruder or butchered them if they refused to leave when I confronted them. I feel bad for folks in states that will not allow a person to be safe from prosecution for defending their home. :barf: There is no reason for us to give criminals any reason to think that this is okay or they might come out of it unscathed. :mad:


I keep my Rem. 870 locked and loaded with Fed. Tactical 00Buck. Since there is no "pump", I just hope they run when its pointed at them.


New member
Is shooting him in the legs an option?

I think you were well within your rights to shoot him, given that he kicked in your door. Him being intoxicated is irrelevant.


New member
My state, Illinois, does have a king of the castle doctrine. I would have racked the slide (I keep mine unchambered -- I want one more incentive for him to run) and trained the shotgun on him and told him to get the hell on the floor. If he runs, I don't give chase, and I become the best witness that I can. If he complies, he can leave in handcuffs after the police arrive.

But if he charges me (even if he appears to be unarmed), I have no idea if he's about to pull a gun or a knife. I don't care if he's unarmed -- I'm not letting him get close enough to have a chance to kill me with my own gun. I'd back up and create distance as best I could, but if I'm cornered, it's over for that low-life. He would have never gotten close enough to my muzzle to demand face-to-face that I "shoot him."

The lawyers and DA could figure it out later.


New member
Is shooting him in the legs an option?

Shoot to stop the threat. Hands/CNS are what operate a possible concealed gun.

Plus, you might just **** him off :D Next time you'd see him is when he rolls his wheelchair into court for the civil suit.
You could be naked as a Jay Bird, but if you kick in my front door I'd blow your guts out and worry about it later. Kicking in my door, day or night, threatens me and gives me the right to kill you. Zero warning.
Not to chap anyone's tender bits, but what's with this forum? In the tactics realm, arming a possible future legal foe with goodies like the following isn't smart:

notably and quotably (with my emphasis in bold):
I would have beat an intruder or butcheredthem if they refused to leave when I confronted them.

You could be naked as a Jay Bird, but if you kick in my front door I'd blow your guts out and worry about it later. Kicking in my door, day or night, threatens me and gives me the right to kill you. Zero warning.

So, hopefully keeping my criticism on-topic: tossing this stuff out on the web seems to me bad tactics for post-incident life should you be unlucky enough to have an incident. Also, when you're practicing your mental scenarios with mall ninja mental imagery, aren't you making your training less effective? What's the purpose? There is no 'right to kill you if you kick in my front door.' (I checked. :) ) It might be a really good idea at the time...or it might be the guy who's trying to break into your house to tell you the kitchen's on fire.

I'm new around here, so maybe this is just me learning the culture. If so, I'm sorry I wet the rug. :)
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