Whats your method of going to the range?

You guys have it tough.

I keep a "little" ammo in my car for all of my guns so all I have to do is pick out one or two to shoot. I keep a stapler, targets, target stands, and everything else in my car at all times. If I take anything out...I leave it at home and have to make a trip back.


New member

If true, we'd never get to the range from the same house unless we woke them up at 5AM for a 10:30 starting time! :p


New member
Boy, am I glad it isn't that complicated here. I have a 5 gal. bucket with a couple of bricks of .22 in it, 3 pair of earmuffs and spare eye protections for anyone who doesn't bring their own, and a ziplock bag with clothers pins, magic marker, masking tape, and stick-on dots. There are also some 8 1/2 X 11 targets for the .22 that were printed from the computer, and some beanbag type rests. Since it's my bucket, there is always some WWB .45 and .380 in it.

Everyone who wants to go to the range is responsible for their own guns and ammo, and I always grab a hanfull of cardboards cut form the bottom of boxes that are smaller than the ususally torso targets. These are our main pistol/CCW targets.

Since it is more than 50 miles round trip to the range, we always have at least 2 or three of us every time, and I usually have a large cup of coffee from a 7-11 since we are at the range for quite a while.

Last time we went, we had three people, and shot .45, 9mm, .380, .22, and 12g shotgun with slugs, buck, and #6. On this range visit, I was accompanied by only two of my sons.


New member
obxned -- at the bottom of that 5-gallon bucket toss in a 3" stack of cheap paper plates to use as impromptu targets.


After a trip to the range when I complete gun cleaning I make sure everything is repacked for the next trip. I have 3 range bags. One has all my wife's and my gear, ears, shooting glasses, some clean rags, spare mags, etc. One has extra ears (for kids and grandkids). The third has small tool kit, a few cleaning supplies, tape for targets, stick-on reflective targets, etc.
Ammo is kept in 2 .50 cal. ammo cans, and targets are rolled in a 2 1/2' x 4" dia. pvc pipe.
So all we do is grab the bags we want, the ammo cans and targets, then get what guns we plan to shoot from the safe, and throw them in the pickup. If any neighbors see us it's NBD, they all have guns too.


New member
+1 tThunderHawk88 on re-stocking the range bag after cleaning the days gun(s) of choice. Makes it easier to grab-n-go if the chance to go shooting comes up. Want to be a hit on your next range trip ? Pack a box of thumbtacks or push-pins with you. Work almost as good as a stapler, cheap enough to give away, and you don't have to look for the guy who borrowed your stapler (I've lost more than one)


New member
Walk to front door (from gun-vault) with weapon of choice!

Walk through door, sit at shooting bench, or stand at rail... fire downrange...

that is how I go to the range!


New member
Step 1- Retrieve whatever gun(s) I've decided to shoot with from safe
Step 2- Place gun(s) in case and/or holster
Step 3- Walk with guns in hand to Red BMW parked on curb in front of house
Step 4- Place gun(s) in trunk
Step 5- Retrieve applicable ammo, targets, and/or spotting scope from garage
Step 6- Place all the stuff from Step five in trunk of BMW from Step 3
Step 7- Close trunk and get in driver's seat
Step 8- Verify that ear plugs are in center console from last trip
Step 9- Fire up BMW and shift from Park to Drive (occasionally stopping in Reverse before getting to Drive)
Step 10- Use long skinny pedal and occasionally short fat pedal in conjuction with steering wheel and turn signal
Step 11- Arrive at range and shift frome Drive to Park
Step 12- Unload stuff from Steps 4 and 5 and take to appropriate range (30, 50, 100, or 200 yards)
Step 13- Staple targets to board, Load guns with appropriate ammo, and set up spotting scope if applicable
Step 14- Squeeze trigger