Whats your method of going to the range?


New member
I was just wondering what methods are used here when one of you guys/gals make a trip to the range.

Here it's almost like a trip to Disney Land, sans the big suitcases. The process usually starts 3-4 days ahead of time, asking my kids who wants to go and what day none of them are busy at the same time. Then 1-2 days before I start getting things ready and making sure I have everything.

From there the question I am really interested in is this: do you just more or less haul all your things out to the car in broad daylight? I mean, I have 3-4 rifles in cases that I take, a couple big range bags, 4-5 ammo cans, a spotting scope case, coolers for pop and sandwiches, etc.. I make a big production of backing out the garaged car, backing in the P.U., and then loading it all up so nobody on the outside can see what I'm doing.

My kids call me paranoid, I tell them I'm being very careful. :D I just have never felt comfortable letting whoever might be looking know that I have a few guns. I wouldn't worry so much if I had on blaze orange and was carrying only a shotgun. But I'm sure to some of the unknowing, it may look like I'm headed for the nearest rampage.

What do you guys/gals do for range time?


New member
I usually bring my .22 rifle, .30-06, and .40. Rifles are in their cases, pistol in my IWB holster where it lives, and ammo plus hearing protection, targets/stickers, and spotting scope in a blue carry bag. Nothing fancy at all. I don't think anything of it, really. My neighbors don't really know me but I don't think they care--they're used to it. Problems with sheeple might be a factor in the distant future, but nothing soon. Even when I move to PRK (forced to b/c wifey isn't comfortable being without me any longer, missing her too) I'll still have everything with me.

Colin Doyle

New member
I get the urge to shoot, place a bag of ammo and a rifle case containing my 10/22 into the back of my Subaru, make sure I've got my .38 snub on my hip, then drive across the property to the sand pit, stopping at the shop building on the way over to grab the staple gun, put up a target, and shoot. :D

Much thanks to my dad for buying this 20-acre chunk of rural Minnesota. :)


Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Open garage door, load stuff in back of vehicle. Long arm cases, range bag, food cooler. Shut the door.

Drive to range.

In TX, I don't think many flip out by seeing that kind of stuff loaded into the car.

I might feel different in an apartment complex or bad neighborhood.


Staff In Memoriam
Grab guns and some ammo... step on to raised porch... Look for the daughter's pony to make sure she ain't in the way... Sit in a cushy chair and use my home made tri-pod... and fire at will or who ever;)...


Drive halfway there and remember you forgot guns. Drive back, get guns. Drive halfway to range and discover your forgot pants and underwear is from yesterday.Dont want to be embarrassed, so drive home, change underwear. Forget pants again.

Et sec, ad infintum.

WildandgethereandfindrangeisclosedAlaska TM


New member
Well, it starts here - seeing me back the Pilot out of the garage -


Then we load up -



Big Bro Charley 202#


Little Sis Katie 199# (Bro in background)

For some reason, no one ever notices what's in the passenger seat up front


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New member
Heck everyone around knows I'm the local gun guy. Being a SWM I just pack up and go. A lot of the time a good part of my range gear is still in the back of my TrailBlazer from the last trip.


New member
Many times I go to the public range I wish more people had suppressors. .30-06 under a tin roof is LOUD! For some reason I find a lot of .308's annoying too. Dunno why. I guess I'm more used to open field shooting than enclosed stuff.

Capt. Charlie

Moderator Emeritus
A typical range day for me :D.

'supposed to meet buddy at the range in X hours. Runnin' late, as usual.

Mad dash to make room in the Jeep for all the junk, even though I've never used more than 10% of it.

Where'd I put that bleeping spotting scope? Oh yeah, same place I always put it. :eek:

Tool box... tool box... tool box. Aw nuts, contents are scattered all over the garage. Heck with it; I won't need it.

*looks at watch* Honneeee! Have you seen my stapler? The one I use to put up targets? Dammit! Forgot to buy staples! :mad:

Lessee... ammo for the .38, the .45, my .223 & .270... oh, and I might as well throw the Mossy in. Might have time to pop a few clay birds.

*looks at watch again & fires up Jeep* @%$#@!!!! Amost outta gas!! :mad:

*half an hour late, half way there, and half a paycheck in gas later* Choke... sputter... cough... gasp. *Jeep dies*.

Now what in the heck was his cell phone number? Oh yeah.

"Hi Greg! Wassat? Yeah, I know you've been waiting a half hour. Sorry 'bout that, but I'm broke down. Wassat? Where's my tool box? Well, it's sorta, kinda, still back in the garage. Didn't think I'd need it."




New member
The range I go to most of the time is at my office and I have free use of it as long as it is not being used for requalifications.

Preload mags, ensure weapons and range bag are in order the night before.

1) Get wife up nearly (if she is going)
2) Load range bag, extra ammo, weapons in their cases. misc. gear in the
3) Stop for coffee and a quick breakfast (drive through). Listen to wife complain about how early it is.
4) Arrive at range. Pray that I have remembered to bring the key to the range door.
5) Shoot, reload my mags AND my wife's mags.
6) Change out targets
7) Shoot, reload my wife's mags again. Shoot.
8) Clean up brass, make sure fresh targets are in place, turn lights and exhaust system off. Lock up range.
9) Pray that I did not lock key inside range.
10) Go home, unload SUV, clean all weapons.
11) Sit home and listen to wife boast how she "outshot" me.:rolleyes:
12) Set up next range date.

Actually my wife isn't that bad. She always helps with the targets and the brass cleanup!:D


Apparently, going to the local range is a lot more casual for me than for some of you guys. Sometimes I spontaneously decide to go to the range. I then retrieve whatever firearms I intend to shoot from my safe, having loaded up my range bag with ammo, and head for the range.