What's the next step? Turret vs Progressive


New member
You don't need to clean the primer pockets. Some people still do that, but none of them can give you any other reason other than "I like to."

I like to.

I've been strongly thinking about going progressive myself. (I don't see the point in a turret press, btw - maybe it's a rifle thing. I only load pistol.) But I'm so set in my ways with brass prep, and hand priming, and my powder drop-n-check method, etc. I'm just really hesitant to take that leap.


New member
I've loaded for years on a single stage. I recently purchased a Lee Classic Turret press. I'm still getting the hang of it but have enjoyed using it for pistol ammo. Simple enough for an idiot like me but produces a whole lot faster than single stage. Lots of cranks of the handle though.