What's the difference?

44 AMP

Something else worth considering, perhaps you just reached a personal "plateau", and just recognized it.

It doesn't happen to everyone, but it does happen to some of us. Doing a specific task, (like shooting or playing an instrument), and not doing it all that well for some time, and then, almost magically, being able to do it noticeably better.

For myself, I was never able to hit the proverbial bull in the butt shooting a DA revolver DA. Forget rapid fire, I couldn't hit well enough to be happy even slow fire. Then, one day, (About the time I turned 30) with no extra practice, or effort, I was able to land every DA round on my backyard steel plates. (slow fire)

I was amazed and dumbfounded, not having done anything different, but out of the blue, my ability to get hits improved drastically. Don't know why, it just seemed to happen.

So, MAYBE its not the great 1911A1 trigger, maybe, its you.

Or, maybe, since you were shooting .22s before, maybe your subconscious just didn't realize you were shooting a .45 until after you had shot so well! :D:rolleyes: