What's the best bore solvent/cleaner?


Staff Emeritus
Elbow grease. :D

The Army introduced me to Breakfree/CLP and it seems to work as well as anything else out there.


Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
Myself and the Law Dog agree on this one; in
my opinion, there's nothing better than Break
Free CLP!!! :)

Ala Dan, Life Member N.R.A.


New member
I've always liked G96. The odor is pleasant and it cleans really well. Military LSA is my favorite for leaving a longlasting, yet non-gummy, protective film over finishes.


New member
I mix my owne:
Ed's Red... It has a quart of DEXTRON [1,2 OR 3]; 1 quart of K-1 Kersosene; 1 quart of VARSOL. It makes 85 ounces.

Break Cleaner and Carborator Cleaner also work well.