Whats better


New member
at 8:00 this morning i hit a cyote at 874 yards with my 270 win in a sig SHR970, it didnt die but i took off some hair and put the fear of god into himif it would have been an elk i woulda had him, im sure you could do that with an 06 too though.... jus needed someone to brag to

A hit and no kill is nothing to brag about.


New member
no regrets

You will never say...I wish I would have bought that 270/30-06 rather than this 30-06/270. I reccomend the .280 Remington for all the reasons above.
It is a win win compromise.


New member
Where I hunt (the Green Swamp) from what I've seen the 06 is king, 12ga probably being its closest rival. That's important if you happen to walk out of the house and leave your box of .308 behind. Ask me how I know. I must've been the only guy on 50-whatever thousand acres with a .308. Ended up hunting with a borrowed '06. Serves me right for straying from ol' reliable.


New member
Unless you reload......

......forget about the .280. Ammo for it costs more and there is less selection and availability. Stick with either the .270 or the .30-'06. I bought my first center-fire rifle 37 years ago when I was 17. I knew I wanted either a .270 or a .30-'06 ONLY with no preference to either. I also knew I wanted it to be either a Remington 700 or a Winchester model 70 ONLY, again with no preference between the two. So I went in to the gun shop and handled both the Remington and the Winchester, throwing both up to my shoulder with my eyes closed, then opening my eyes to see which one more naturally lined up its sights for me. [Yes, back then, most of them came with sights.] For me the Winchester clearly won. The Remington was the '06. I've been a .270 guy ever since 'cuz that's what the Winchester was. The .270 REALLY IS, "better", than the '06 except when the '06 is better. But each cartridges advantages over the other isn't enough to rule either out. I say find the rifle that fits you best then take either one. If I was living in Brown Bear country I'd probably want something bigger than either. Neither will disappoint. Good luck in your selection.


New member
.30-06 is a fine choice

If you choose a .30-06 over a .270 you will have a greater range of hunting opportunities throughout the country. This is based on a wide variety of bullet choices for the .30-06 (23 Sierra bullets from 110 gr to 220 gr). .270 choices are less (8 Sierra bullets from 90 gr to 150 gr).

Happy shopping.


New member
I would and did go .270 ,I have 2 and my son has 1 great kiling machines for any animal here in the states ,great gun get 1 :D:D you will be happy ;),Oh and Murph ya should not brag about grazing and animal ,I would not share that for several reasons 1 the PETS folks are looking for anything to stop us from hunting and bragging about wounding an animal is just that ammo for the PETA folks JMHO Tomas


New member
get whichever more of your buddies use. That way you could borrow ammo if you ever needed to.

Unless you are an Olympic level sharpshooter you'll probably not see any difference. lol


New member
It has been mentioned that the .280 is more expensive but by how much? $6 a box I've found online for Hornady...that's a huge 30 cent difference per shell...How much shooting do you think you'll do with a hunting rifle after sighting in?

You have to weigh the cost of ammo to quality of performance...will $6 make it another 100 yards of lethality, X" less of drop in trajectory, greater accuracy or lessened recoil...For any one of the items I’d say yes, for all of them “I’d be shouting from the rooftops”.

If you reload when do you reach break even--that's when the cost of the equipment is nil? How many rounds do you have to reload before the couple hundred dollars you spent on a press, scale, dies and powder measure have been paid for?

Sure, you’ll find .30/06 and .270 in any Ma & Pa grocery/hardware in small town USA but don’t count on it anywhere else in the world as .30/06 and the family are the American calibre for after both wars there was lots of ammo and bolt action guns available for cheap...In Canada and other Commonwealth countries it was the .303 British, in Europe it was the 8mm Mauser, 7.5 Mauser, 6.5x55 Swede, 7.62x54R so favourites were based on availability and why my first rifle was a sporter SMLE...

Granted, availability at the local Wally World is important but I can assure you that I’ll be packing and rechecking my packing many times before going on a hunt of a lifetime so forgetting my ammo is the least of my worries—having bags lost/stolen by the airlines is another matter all together and if there is a Wally World there will probably be a gun store in the area as well and as long as you don’t have something really obscure, you’ll probably be able to replace it…


New member
There are plenty of .270 bullets.....

.......there are more choices than you'll ever use. And when it comes to factory ammo; again, lots to choose from including several enhanced perfomance numbers like Federal's High-Energy or Hornady's Light-Magnum offerings. The .280 has nothing over the .270. To think otherwise is to ignore the facts. If you're gonna reload, OK, I'll concede they are equal. One may even say that there are more 7mm bullets to choose from. Big deal; there are gobs of .270 bullets to choose from. Now if someone believes the .30-'06 has advantages over the .270 they will certainly have some valid points. But the .280? C'mon now, I wasn't born yesterday....;)


New member
Yeah, I can't see using an "odd" caliber as being worth the tradeoff. The cost and availability are pretty important. If performance was a BIG difference, it might be worth it. But deer are at an extreme disadvantage no matter which you choose.

I could see using an oddball caliber if 270s and such were only killing about half the deer shot, and the .280 would kill 100% of them. But the difference is nothing like that. I'll even concede you a few percentage points for arguement's sake, and even then it just doesn't seem worth the extra trouble and cost.


New member
Thanks I will go wednesday and find out which one I like. ( i would go tomarrow but there is a hurricane hitting use:confused::() I will let you all know my choice and why