Whats better

James R. Burke

New member
Just myself the .30-06 had them both. You could not go wrong with either one of them. I like the .30-06 because of it's wide range you can go from a 110 grain all the way to a 220 I believe. You can get them both anywhere. The 06 is great to reload for also, but so is the .270. Like I said they are both great rifles, and you would be happy with either one, but just myself I give the node to the 06.


New member
I prefer the 270, but I love mine. You wont go wrong with either, I hate to say it, but if I was starting over I would probably go with the '06, its more versatile.


New member
Are you going to need 200 or 220 gr bullets for moose or elk then get the .30/06 Springfield...

If all you're shooting is deer, antelope and maybe wild boar then the .270 Win is what you want...lighter bullets and flatter trajectory...

Then again you could opt for a .308 Win and a 7mm-08 Rem or .260 Win or
7x57mm and .257 Roberts as alternatives!


New member
The 270 shoots a little flatter that the 06, but the 06 is a little better for elk, moose, and bear. You are not going to get very many long shots in Alabama. For that, you will need to go west young man. Either is a great cartridge for deer, so pick the one you are more comfortable with.

T. O'Heir

New member
"...Are you going to need 200 or 220 gr bullets for moose or elk then get the .30/06 Springfield..." You don't need those bullet weights for moose or elk. A 165 is plenty for either.
"...You can get them both anywhere..." As daft as it sounds that is an important consideration when choosing a cartridge. Nothing worse than getting to Alabama or Kentucky only to find you left your ammo on the kitchen table. Critical for some odd cartridges. Doesn't apply to either a .30-06 or .270.
"...do go to Alabama and Kentucky..." That'll learn ya. snicker. You don't need range there either. Like kraigwy says, flip a coin. The felt recoil is a bit less with a .270. The rifle will be the same.


New member
"You don't need range there either". Mmm. Depends on where you are. Yes we do have pine thickets that you can't see 5 feet into but also have some clearcuts that you can't see across. The last deer I shot last year was at 283 yards according to my range finder. The same morning my buddy shot one at 257 yards. I've also sat on cotton fields where a 800 yard range finder would not read across it. You're liable to see deer anywhere from the bottom of your tree to as far as you can see. But any deer rifle will make those shots with practice. You have to know yourself and your rifle.


New member
Let me rephrase that any deer rifle wil make any reasonable shot within reasonable range. Also I'm not implying that I take 800 yard shots either. That's well out of my comfort zone.

Uncle Buck

New member
I think you should get them both, then come back and tell us which one you like best and why. Think of it as a service you would be providing to the rest of us.
I have used this argument for purchasing rifles in the past. (But sweetheart, I need to get them both so I can see which one I like the most and then explain to the guys which one I liked the best and explain why...)


New member
I like the 06 mainly due to the versatility of hand loads. Nothing wrong with the .270 as it is a fine round, just my personal tastes lead me toward the 06.


New member
Both are excellent guns and the 270 really shines on deer sized animals and long range shooting. The 30-06 is capable of killing any animal in North America and it has a better selection of bullets. Don't get me wrong the 270 Win has killed 4 Elk by our family members but the 30-06 does a better job on Elk when using heavier bullets because of the increased energy that it hits with at the same distance.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Since most deer are killed within 300 yards, there's not enough trajectory difference between the .270 and the '06 to even think about, much less worry. For either, 2" high at 100 is right at dead-on at 200 and pretty close to six inches low at 300, give or take a smidgen.

If you don't do your own handloading, there's not a nickel's worth of difference.

During deer season, I just leave the ammo in my truck. Hard to forget something that's already where it oughta be. :) Saves on thinkin'.


New member
the 30-06 is gods own rifle. Moses chooses the 270 as well as jesus.

they are just about the same. the 270 is a little flatter shooting both offer varmint to elk capable bullets. So just pick one and be happy with it.


New member
at 8:00 this morning i hit a cyote at 874 yards with my 270 win in a sig SHR970, it didnt die but i took off some hair and put the fear of god into him:Dif it would have been an elk i woulda had him, im sure you could do that with an 06 too though.... jus needed someone to brag to:D:D:D:D:D