What's a good scope for a Baretta T-3 30.06?


New member
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Stinger, for anybody to be able to help you you have got to be more specific. Answer the questions on the post above this one.


New member
Just my 2 cents:
I've got a T3 Hunter, and I've got a Nikon 2-7 X 32 Scope on it that I bought when I bought the rifle.
The 2-7 is great for quick close snap shots in heavy woods, and the 7 is great for target/longer range stuff. If I had to do it over again, I probably could have saved some cash on a scope by shopping around more, but I wouldn't trade the Nikon. All my rifles have Nikon Monarchs. Just my personal preference, but good Nikon Monarchs can be found on eBay, if you're willing to be patient, for about half of retail.
Based on what you've said, I'd go 2-7, 3-9, or 4-12. If you're going to be hoofing this rifle around in the mountains and woods, remember, the scope does add weight, and usually the higher the power, the heavier it gets.
Good luck!