What Would You Do.....

Single Six

New member
Okay, guys...looks like it's unanimous. I've called the dealer at the aforementioned gun store; he's put the gun aside for me, and I plan to pick it up this weekend. A sincere thanks to all of you for helping me make this decision!


New member
For 25 years,I wanted a 1908 Colt 380.

When the economy dumped several years ago,a pristine one came to a gunshop for $750.

I dragged my donkey and let it get away.

If you see what you want and you really want it and it's been discontinued,you better buy it.

You can always make another hundred dollars.

You can't always find another special handgun opportunity.

Single Six

New member
Went to the gun store today and followed through with it. That NIB P-90 is no longer there; it now resides with me. When I go to the gun show in a few months, I'll just make a point of NOT looking at any P-90s I happen to see..that way, I'll never see if I could have had it cheaper!:rolleyes: Thanks again for the input, all.


New member
40 some years ago there was a model pistol that I wanted. Money was a bit tight, but I could have afforded it if I really wanted to. They wanted $68 if I remember correctly.

That particular model was discontinued about 5 years later...but I still wanted one. Well, I'm retired now, all the kids are done with college and have families of their own...so I went out looking for that pistol again, NIB if at all possible...almost $1,000 now...


Active member
Depends. If it's a NIB 1957 Colt Python, buy it now. If its a New In Box Lorcin 380 - wait for the gun show.
"Time kills all things"..

buy it NOW!;)

I missed out on a lefty Rem 700 in 30-06, excellent condition, in the used rifle section of the local Gander Mountain, $400; went back for it a week later - GONE!

Also a lefty Savage, .243, beautiful wood, excellent condition, $400, at a gun show; no going back.:(


New member
On a modern gun I think you made the right move. On a collector gun I buy both... one that's in shooter condition and one that's a safe queen (like one that's "NIB").