What Would You Do.....

Single Six

New member
...If you were looking for a gun that went out of production some time ago, and you really want it to be NIB, and you come across one at a local gun store. BUT, you know that the big gun show is coming up in a few months, where you MIGHT find the now-discontinued-but-still-NIB piece you want, but at a cheaper price than the one you found at the store. Whichever way you go, one of two things can happen: If you buy the one at the gun store now, you might see it at the gun show in a few months at a better price, and end up kicking yourself for not waiting. On the other hand, if you don't buy the one at the store, and then later go to the gun show in search of a better deal, you might not find one there at all...THEN you get to kick yourself for not buying it at the store when you had the chance! You really want this gun, you really want it brand new. The one at the store probably won't be there for long. The gun show looms, but still three more months to go. Decision time. What would you do?
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New member
As I tell my wife why pass up a sure fire for a possibility? I mean yeah you might find one at a gun show. But if you have one available... I would buy now then to say later I wish I had not passed it up.


New member
I'd buy it now. Our gunshows here are so bad that IF you did found it there, it'd prolly cost twice as much. :rolleyes:


New member
Buy it, take it to the gun show and sell it for twice as much?

Has all the elements of win right there.

Single Six

New member
Thanks for all replies thus far. Yes, the described situation is the very one I'm facing now, and my gut instinct, and every co-worker I've shared this with, have all said the same as you guys: BUY IT NOW. In all likelihood, I will, and most likely this weekend [upcoming tax refund, don't ya know:cool:]. Still, I thought it would make for an interesting discussion.

Chuck M

New member
BUY BUY BUY!...sorry

But really, if it is an item I know for a fact I want and have the money for it then the most I will wait is 1 day maybe 2. If you have the feeling it will be gone soon then you should be in the car right now.

Three months is a very long time my friend.


New member
I'd buy it now. Our gunshows here are so bad that IF you did found it there, it'd prolly cost twice as much.

Pretty much. About the only thing I go to gun shows for anymore is to sell something of my own or kill time. It's easy to undercut the overpriced guns on the tables and still make more than you would on consignment somewhere.


New member
By both of them; then you average price may be less than your original purchase, or it could be higher, but either way you have the power of volume purchases working for you.


New member
I'd buy the one now, and, if you find one at a really sweet price at the gun show, buy it too.

Odds are, if you keep them in nice shape, you can sell one at a profit sometime down the road, after you've had it in your collection for a while.

Or, you have a spare. One to keep semi-pristine, and the other to shoot.


New member
Look at it this way: In all likelihood, whatever you see at a gun show is going to be higher. If it isn't, you spent an extra, say, $50.00. Now, what is that in the grand scheme of things? A carton of cigarettes? A couple dinners out? A few DVDs that you will watch a couple of times and then put them on the shelf?

Go for it.


Buy now

Two years ago, I passed on a S&W Model 65, 3" barrel. Most of the next two years have been spent trying to find one.

The dealer had a Model 66-1, 2.5" bbl; and a Model 65. I figured I only needed the Model 66.

Never again.


New member
Single Six wrote:

In all likelihood, I will, and most likely this weekend

To many "likes" in that sentence Single Six.....buy it! If it's something you really want and know there is a chance you won't see it at the gun show why take a chance.


New member
Buy it from the LGS now and if you find one at the gun show buy it too. How will she ever know the difference between them?


New member
The best way to make sure you never see another one, is to pass on the one in front of you. It never fails.

A couple of months ago, I paid too much for a, as best I can tell, unfired, five screw, Smith & Wesson M&P 38, with a 2" barrel, from 1955/56, in the original box. I was tempted to pass it up but my wife asked me "When was the last time you saw one like it?" I said I never had. She then asked "When do you expect to see another one?"

I took it.