What was your other choice


New member
Regolith said:
The 870 mounted to my shoulder better, and it simply felt more solid.

Some folks prefer Fords, some Chevys and others don't chose until after a test drive. Aren't you glad you took a little time to check out the R-870?


New member
My other choice would have been the ATI Safir classic in stead of the compact version. Either way I was going to end up with a Safir, I would not have accepted any other option.


New member
Some folks prefer Fords, some Chevys and others don't chose until after a test drive. Aren't you glad you took a little time to check out the R-870?




I did the same thing when I went to buy myself a rifle. I was planning on getting a Savage 110 variant, but ended up with a Remington 700 SPS. Again, the Savage felt a little cheap, while the Remington felt solid. It also had a longer and slightly thicker barrel, which was something that appealed to me (particularly since I was getting an '06).


I didn't start out liking Remington all that much, but I can't seem to stop buying their stuff after I've handled it...