What was your first revolver?

Old Grump

Member in memoriam
H&R 922 (9) shot revolver. Choice made because wife needed a self defense gun and on lower ranking enlisted sailors pay it was the best I could do at the time. Not the best gun I own but I fed up to 21 dogs at a time by shooting jackrabbits with it, lots of jackrabbits. As much as I love my S&W M41 I really have to say I learned to shoot handgun with this little revolver. Pigeons and squirrels don't like it much either but rabbits were easier, the gun is not a tack driver.


New member

I bought a Smith Centennial in a pawnshop in Texas just before I shipped out for Vietnam.I kept it until I got discharged in New Hampshire in 1971 and I had to get rid of it because of asinine NY gun laws.Too bad because I got an LE job about 7 months later and I could've kept it.
I got the S&W remake,the +p rated 40-1.NO lock:D


New member
My first revolver, was my first handgun. A Ruger KGP-100 with a 6" bbl. The only other revolver I have ever owned was a Ruger S. Blackhawk Hunter. Beautiful gun, but I just never got proficient enough to take it hunting, so I sold it to a co-worker who wanted it for whitetail and bear.

Still have the GP tho, in the nightstand:cool:

b money

New member
First one I shot(heck that was the first gun other than bb guns that I shot) was my dads 357mag blackhawk, and yes we where shooting full house 357's.That started my love for guns.

The first revolver I bought was a 45LC blackhawk