What type of targets do you practice with?


New member
If its over 250 yards I post a 3" orange target center mass on an IDPA carboard target. (I don't shoot varmints anymore, so 3" targets with my 16" m4/ aimpoint is fine for me.)

Under 250 I like grid paper with 1" squares and a 1" orange dot.


New member
Paper plates, various paper targets, cans and soda bottles, hanging tie plates, or cut out cardboard targets such as this:



New member
As of late I've gotten used to shooting NRA 50yd. small bore rifle targets with the 5 bulls eyes on them. Perfect for .223 at 100yds.


New member

I like to be creative I guess I hang tennis balls to watch them bounce around or throw out a golf ball usually neon. Some guys like balloons, barney toys, but for me my favorite is lollipops in a 2x4. Oh I forgot shaving cream cans, and other stuff put under pressure should be shot safely at range. It's fun to watch it go but be safe. Baggies of cheap paint or left overs from the garage are always fun to shoot too, add food color to change white into somethin else. The possibilites are endless.


New member

Caldwell shootn'see is what I use the most. The best I had was a case of V8 tomato drink which I thought was more fun shooting than drinking. Shooting them at 50 yards with full power 270 Win makes the can explode with the red stuff all over the place. The only downside is the clean-up.


New member
Paper, cardboard, wood, plastic, steel (many shapes and sizes and stay away from cast iron), balloons (filled with air, helium, hydrogen, water), clay pigeons, automobiles (only pre dead ones, and no classics please), cans, bottles (if glass only if in a dump area to be covered in earth), used shotgun shells, the little balls out of sycamore trees (no doubt someone will have fun with that one), matches, needles, string, wire, various animals and insects (some taste good others not so good), crackers, sheets of aluminum foil (to trigger a camera flash, but that’s another story), and just plain dirt (some I’ve known choose to shoot the chronograph instead but that’s “just the way I roll”). No doubt I’ve forgotten a few, but that’s a good start.


New member
When shooting at distance, where I wouldn't be able to spot my hits with a spotting scope, I like to use steel targets. You can see where they hit, you can see them swing or fall over, and you can hear them. Lots of fun. If I'm shooting for groups or load testing, I just use a plain peice of paper with a black dot just large enough to see and aim at with the crosshairs. I've also been known to blow up jugs of water and balloons.


New member
old flower pots filled with wet earth/ clay birds/ and pumpkins and other assorted gourds (they break into smaller pieces you can also use as targets)


New member
Used to shoot all sorts of things but since i started reloading ive been shooting mostly paper.
Someone gave me a bunch of 100yard rifle targets, Ive been using them as 20 yard pistol targets.

roy reali

New member
Not Glass, I hope

Soda bottles? I hope you are refering to plastic ones. There are some places out here in the desert littered with shards of glass from idiot shooters. Folks that do that should be forced at gunpoint to get on their hands and knees and pick up every little piece of glass.:mad: