What to pocket carry if I already have P938?

I already have a Sig P938. I pocket carry it from time to time but I feel it is a little large/heavy. When I think about buying a P238, people say, "Its practically the same size!" I also have a Shield and face the same issue when thinking about a Kahr CM9. I don't want an LCP as I already sold one. What to do? Sometimes I wonder if I should have bought the P238 instead of the the 938.
What to do?


New member
You reach a point with handguns where if you go smaller you enter into the realm of not overly shootable. I'd rather a 9mm than a 380ACP. The P238 is very shootable, but it's not drastically smaller than a P938. You say the P938 is too large and heavy. Do you mean as a pocket pistol or in general you find it too obtrusive? If you find it too big for a pocket, you could try an IWB holster. If you find it too big in general, I'm not sure what to recommend as you're already into a fairly small size. At some point a gun is supposed to be more comforting than comfortable.
I find the P938 too big for pocket carry. Do-able but not great. I have plenty of holster pistols, but I'm lacking in the pocket category right now. Sometimes that method of carry is my best option based on the daily activity and clothing.


New member
I really like my CM9. About as light, compact as you can get in a 9mm while still being a good shooting platform. The CM9 is noticeably smaller than the shield.


New member
Since you have the 938 and presumably like it (I know I would!) the P238 sounds like a great option. I also liked the Glock 43 and the Shield but those a a bit bigger than your 938.


New member
i would consider the sig 238 or glock 42. Even 1mm can make a big difference when you are trying to pocket carry. There are other smaller guns in 380 but they dont seem to get the same reliability reports as the sig/glock. I understand not wanting to go to 380 but you are talking pocket carry/highly concealable weapons and 9mm's are just a tad too big for that. I have a glock 26 and plan to get either the sig or glock this spring for the same reason. I considered the SW bodyguard but there seem to be too many problems although I might still bite.


New member
If I felt that there were times with the 938 was too big I'd either get a Ruger LCP or I would consider other pants. You can buy pants with bigger pockets and line them with leather for less than you can buy a gun for.

Also do not discount the use of a good knife. You need to learn to use it as a weapon just as you would a gun. Buying a weapon doesn't turn you into a warrior.

But at touching distance a good knife in the hands of a trained man can be deadlier than a small gun.


New member
I mention this as an option, not a recommendation: the Remington RM380 is just slightly larger than the Ruger LCP but is all metal (alloy frame, steel slide), and it's .380acp as well. I have one with just 150 rounds through it so far (no problems) & it is a very comfortable pocket carry. It'll have to prove its reliability & durability over time to get a recommendation.


New member
why carry a different gun that does the same thing as the one you already carry?

you want lighter, thinner, you will have to go lower caliber... maybe a kel-tec.

btw, nix the Tomcat idea. unless you can live with cracked frames.


New member
I struggled with pocket carry for several years. Kel-Tec P32, Sig 238, S$W 638, Ruger SP101, Ruger LCR, Ruger LC9. I simply couldn't find anything that was comfortable, and comforting, to carry. If it was a large enough caliber, and had decent capacity... it was too heavy. If it was a micro, like the P32, it carried well, but I felt under-gunned, and it was difficult to shoot well because of the size.

I don't like wearing a belt, so any type of waist holster was out.

I started thinking a shoulder holster might be the best for me, then I remembered I had bought a Kangaroo Carry a while back. but never wore it much because the velcro closure was scratchy. I tried it again, found I could carry a fairly heavy pistol comfortably, but the velcro needed attention. I took a black tube sock, cut out the toe, slipped it over the velcro, and now 2 years later, its still the best for me. I carry a Ruger P345 daily, and its great.

I suggest give up on pocket carry. Find a holster that you can comfortably carry a larger gun, and don't look back.


New member
Berreta tomcat loaded with buffalo bore's super hot 32 auto+p seems like a good pocket carry option.

I believe the Beretta Tomcat user's manual prohibits the use of high-powered rounds, which precludes the standard European loads. Thus, the use of any +P round would kill the warranty.


New member
Sometimes I wonder if I should have bought the P238 instead of the the 938.

With the P238 you lose about 0.5 in in length and about 2 oz in weight. Those don't seem like substantial improvements. If you carry in a sticky holster, such as a Remora, the weight may be somewhat better distributed in your pocket.

Go to a gun store and compare a P238 in your pocket to your unloaded P938 in your pocket. If the difference is meaningful to you, negotiate a trade, or buy the P238 as another gun. Or, start shopping for a true mouse gun, and I would recommend focusing on .32s and .25s if size is your primary criterion.


New member
You probably do void the warranty if you shoot 32+p ammo in the Berretta tomcat, but if you are looking for a size you can reasonably pocket carry, you pretty much have to scale down to that realm of caliber, so I would do it and not worry about the warranty if pocket carry were the primary goal. The keltec p32s are VERY light but only have about 500 rounds of life in them.

As to the tomcat having cracked frames, that did happen at first but the problem is long since fixed. They beefed up the blued version to prevent it and also came out with the inox version in stainless steel which is both lighter and stronger to deal with the issue. They are not a problem now. Just don't buy a blued used one just in case.


New member
I don't always pocket carry, but when I do my pocket carry of choice is a Ruger LCP - sort of a no-brainer really. It weighs nothing and simply disappears in my pocket.

And no, I don't feel under-armed with .380 ACP.

Bill DeShivs

New member
Whoever told you that the Keltec P32 was only good for 500 rounds was very wrong. :rolleyes:
The factory rates them at "over 6000 rounds".