What sort of weird thing has happened to you while carrying?


New member
Thanks Gecko- in retrospect the gun thing was an hilarious element in an otherwise terrifying situation.

We (the wife and I) got what I considered the ultimate compliment from the hospital staff- they said they had not seen many parents who kept their composure the way we did & that as much as the ER staff was what saved our daughter's life that day. Of course, once Life Flight was in the air & there was nothing more I could possibly do, I had to go find a corner by myself and have a more or less 100% collapse for the next 5 minutes..... which is pretty much the same thing I have experienced in my work, when the feces interfere with the rotating blades, you do the job first and then get the shakes when the crisis is over and there's nothing to do but mop up.


At a Little League BBQ .....

I found that:

1) standing next to the pool throwing coins in for kids to dive after is an invitation to practical jokers to give you a shove....

2) carrying a 5" Government Model and 2 8round magazines of 230gr .45ACP makes me negatively buoyant, and hightops were not meant to swim in .....

3) white cotton button shirts are near transluscent when wet......

4) if a muckety-muck at our local lake clubhouse sees you have a gun, she'll go into full blown PSH, call for the cops and ask you to leave all in one extended sentence ......
Windy day here in Miami. Leaving Costco, when a gust of wind picked up my shirt. Nicely revealing my Glock 17. Some people saw. I smiled and covered it. No big deal.


New member
First One: I was going through a haunted house that my wife works at each year. She took a break and went through with me, I got free admission for being family. We get put in the VIP line and move to the front and get lumped in with the group that's about to enter the front door. Somehow I wind up at the front of our little pack with my wife beside me... right behind me is another couple. But for some reason this lady feels the need to keep reaching for my waist and not her own man every time she get scared. It just so happens that my waist was adorned with a XD45 and I thought that someone was grabbing for my weapon. I sliced my arm down and connected onto her wrist. I wanted to apologize but it was too dark to see exactly which person it was in the group.

Second One: Most of the time when we go to eat at a restaurant we sit at a booth. You know the ones with the vinyl covered cushions? I always leave a mark... the imprint of the slide of my pistol.


Member Emeritus
Ran across two topless women at a waterfall, pretty much heads my list.
Mighta been bottomless too, but they were partially behind a large boulder & I couldn't see.


New member
This past summer my wife accidently open-carried through a whole day of shopping in the urban/suburban parts of our city. Open carry is not really allowed here... She carries her LC9 in an IWB holster, and on this day, she tucked in her t-shirt and put on a windbreaker. But as the day warmed up, she ditched the windbreaker and went about her shopping and errands, completely forgetting that the butt of the pistol was completely exposed. No one noticed. or if they did, they didn't care. Lowes, Target, a Wine shop, and the Grocery store...

As she walks in the front door, I go out to help her unload the car... I said "your pistol is showing", she glances down, eyes big as saucers, and shouts "HOLY SH!!", loud enough for the neighbors to stop what they were doing and stare at us... She couldn't settle down that whole evening... she was certain the police were going to come knocking on the door, looking for "a female suspect carrying a firearm creating a public nuisance". I had to feed her some of that wine calm her down... :)


New member
Ran across two topless women at a waterfall, pretty much heads my list.
Mighta been bottomless too, but they were partially behind a large boulder & I couldn't see.

So, was that a pistol in your pocket or were you enjoying the show?


Member Emeritus
Actually, 1911 on the belt & the show was unfortunately over by the time I got closer. :)
They saw me walking up the trail about the same time I saw them.


New member
Not funny, not weird.

I worked a stretch as a security guard part time moonlighting my pitiful Army salary back in the mid 80's. They tried me at several spots and then moved me to work at a liquor Store, (Columbus, GA.).

I had done a couple of weeks at this place and always wondered why the guys there never really tried to warm up to me at all. Anyway, I knew they all had guns stashed close to hand behind their registers and I had a cute little podium with a stool, and moved around a lot to pass time and all. The podium, the stool, my Uniform, badge, GP100 and all that stuff on my hip.

I never had an issue till one night this dude walks in ... with his hand up in the air ... with a holstered gun in the hand. Turns out he was a local bar owner, was short some stock, and need a few bottles to make it through the night. He drove a convertible and didn't want to leave his gun in it so he brought it in.

What struck me was that even with his best of intentions, of making that gun visible for all to see, he was 4 or 5 steps inside before I could cognitively realize that he had a gun in his hand.

It was at that time I realized what my real job at the liquor store was. I was the pop up target. I was the one who was supposed to take the heat so the others could get to their guns in time.

I quit.


New member
Mine happened Tuesday as a matter of fact. At the hair salon, no less.
I wear my DB 9mm IWB around on the back hip area. Nicely concealed by my shirts and blouses.
Tuesday, however... I was in for my 5 week trim and color, and after leaving the wash bowl and getting back to the chair, it seems there was leftover color and water on the back of the cape they put on you.
My stylist, in taking off the cape, dumped water down the back of my shirt. It was sudden and cold, so naturally I jumped forward and was just going to let my shirt soak it up. At the same time she reaches out, yanks the back of my shirt straight up and starts drying the water from my back.
I figured there was no sense in me making a scene, since she was standing behind me, and the fact I was in the chair and she was the only person that could see that I was carrying. So I let her finish, and she did, never saying a word about my gun, I sat back and we resumed with my hair.....For about 30 seconds. She then leans down and whispers to me and asks what kind of big gun was I was carrying.. I told her a 9mm. She smiled and whispered back that is was big compared to the 22 she carried! lol Go figure

My wife was self conscious about carrying in the salon she frequents until she got into a conversation with her stylist and learned that she and pretty much all the women in the salon carry as do a lot of the customers.
Hate to see what would happen if some jackwagon went in there intending to make trouble. :eek:
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New member
My wife was self conscious about carrying in the salon she frequents until she got into a conversation with her stylist and learned that she and pretty much all the women in the salon carry as do a lot of the customers. Hate to see what would happen if some jackwagon went in there intending to make trouble.
lol Im sure the ladies would have it handled quick enough to be able to get their foils and color rinsed out before their time went over!


New member
Not me, a co-worker- used to hang out at the local LEO off-duty watering hole when he lived down south. Was present when suspect #1 walked in and was immediately 'made' as being there to stick the place up. 12 off-duty ATF agents introduced themselves. They told suspect #1 to come out to the parking lot with them and introduce them to his getaway driver. Guy hems and haws for a minute, then leads them out the back way to the parking lot, where sure enough suspect #2 is sitting in the car with the motor running, wondering what the hell is taking so long. 2 arrests, no shots fired, local PD shows up and picks the felons up- and the ATF guys go back inside to finish their drinks. Those were the days.

Reminds me of the story about the 2 guys in the '70s who tried to rob a bank in NYC. 2 blocks from the Justice Department's New York HQ office. At 4 o'clock. On FBI payday. Heard nothing but the sound of hammers cocking behind them. :eek:


Member Emeritus
On a non-related note, years ago the "Whose turn is it to carry the gun today?" was a running joke among those of us who encountered members of a certain government bur...agency regularly.
It got added fuel when a bank robbery occurred right in front of two who had not worked out the daily gun carry, neither had their handguns on them, and both were forced to watch the show along with everybody else in the place as it progressed unhindered. :)

At my own department, when we'd do firearms training that involved drawing from the holster we normally carried the sidearm in, there was frequent pointed "joking" about requiring a couple of the detectives to draw from the briefcases they normally carried their guns in. In one case, even drawing from the car one guy carried his gun in, since he never had it with him outside of the car.