What sort of weird thing has happened to you while carrying?


New member
It can pretty much be anything..

The holster for my LCP is a leather belt loop (not a clip) and I thought I had fed my belt through it, of course.
So there I am at the grocery story standing still looking at something on the shelf.
As I habitually do when my pants start dragging down on that side, I give it a nudge up with the edge of my right hand and AH!!.. it pops out and hit the floor... holster and all! :eek:
It goes without saying, I scooped it up straight away despite being perplexed by how it happened. Hopefully nobody noticed?

I double check that belt loop thing nowadays ;)


New member
Stranger to me, grandfather had met him a couple times. He was there because we had recently bought a horse from him. He was there "showing us the ropes" because it was our first horse... After he grabbed at my gun though, we found someone else who understood the phrase "look but don't touch" and still help us with the horse.


New member
This didn't happen to me, but my buddy and I were out one day and stopped at a book store to kill some time. As we entered the building, he made a bee line for the bathroom and told me he'd find me in a few minutes.

About 10 minutes later, a bit red faced, he told that he entered the bathroom and saw that the first stall was occupied. The second, and last stall was open so he ducked in. He had his Beretta Tomcat in an open top holster and was careful to make sure the gun was secure as he dropped pants. After taking care of business, he stood up, and in slow motion, he saw the holster twist and the gun slid free. He was certain that the gun was going right into the john but as luck would have it, it didn't. It did however hit the ceramic tile floor and slide right under the wall separating the two stalls.

My buddy said he stood there a second, dumbfounded, then quickly reached down and retrieved the gun. He finished dressing, washed his hands and beat feet out of there.

The best part was that he said he never heard any thing louder than the sound of that gun hitting the floor and then sliding across the tile. He also said he never heard any thing so quite as the stall next to him once that gun slid under the wall.

My buddy of course had his CCW license but we thought it best kill time some place else after that.


Cavalry draw, don't shoot me!....

About 6 years ago, I worked a armed hotel security detail at a low level chain location($40-50.00/night).
I had a guest ask me if I packed my stainless GPNY .38spl "Cavalry draw" :D
I'm left handed & sometimes wore a Bianchi UM84R rig crossdraw.
The guest's strange reference was interesting. Few may know of the US Army/Horse Cav units or training.

I also had a crabby old bugger get uptight with my Ruger GPNY, saying I'd pointed it at him. I calmly & politely explained that I did not have my hands on the revolver or had any way to fire it(since it was in a $&@# holster :mad:).


Bob Wright

New member
One of the teenagers at my church bought me one of those cloth holsters that fit inside the waistband of your pants and have Velcro like stuff to keep it in place, no loops or clips. This for a Model 19 Smith.

Well, I thought I'd give it a try. I stood in front of the door mirror and checked it out. It slipped.

It , gun and holster, slid down my leg into the top of my right boot. I was wearing Lee jeans this day, and could not pull up my britches leg as the gun inside my boot leg bound it up. So, unbuckled my belt, opened the fly and dropped my jeans around my ankles.

My wife entered the room about that time and was somewhat startled. "What are you doing?" she asked.

"I'm goin' for my gun," I told her.

Kept with leather holsters with slots ever since.

Bob Wright


New member
Many years ago I was working as a bouncer in a biker bar (back when bikers were bikers) when someone behind me grabbed my sweatshirt and yanked it up, presumably going for my .38 snubby I was carrying at 5 o'clock, and I naturally whirled around to deal with whoever was going for my gun.

It turned out it was only one of the waitresses acting flirtatious, planning on tickling me, or something. She had no idea I was carrying, and was kind of spooked I had reacted so violently. It happened so fast she never even saw the gun there. I finally explained it to her a week or two later.



New member
Mag Dropped Out

I have used the same carry set-up for about 3 years now; Sig p250 Compact in a Crossbreed Supertuck. I carry this way about 80% of the time. If the wardrobe calls for it, my other option is an ankle holster with an LCP. My office has a rather relaxed dress code as jeans and button downs or golf shirts are the normal attire.

Well one day about 6 months ago, I was sitting down in a meeting with our CEO, COO, my direct boss, and a collegue. As I was sitting down, the mag release was somehow bumped and the full mag fell out right from under my shirt (button down, worn untucked). EVERYONE in the room noticed it and saw what it was. Needless to say, I scooped it up as quickly as possible and reached back under my shirt and clicked it back in place. I was quite nervous as I go out of my way to not tell anyone other than my wife and immediate family that I carry, and I did not know how they would react. Well, the CEO pulled up the pant leg of his jeans showing a snub nose revolver, and said, "Glad to know someone else around here cares about their safety," and we began the meeting like nothing had happened.

A couple of week later, the CEO and I spent our lunch hour at the range and we have done so several times since.

I have no idea what happened that caused the mag release to be activated as it has never happened again. The leather of the holster covers the mag release and no clips or anything are near the release. I purposefully tried to re-create the situation by sitting and twisting every which way, and I can not get it to happen again. O well, it must have been some sequence of motions that happened just right (or wrong as the case may be).


New member
Mine happened Tuesday as a matter of fact. At the hair salon, no less.
I wear my DB 9mm IWB around on the back hip area. Nicely concealed by my shirts and blouses.
Tuesday, however... I was in for my 5 week trim and color, and after leaving the wash bowl and getting back to the chair, it seems there was leftover color and water on the back of the cape they put on you.
My stylist, in taking off the cape, dumped water down the back of my shirt. It was sudden and cold, so naturally I jumped forward and was just going to let my shirt soak it up. At the same time she reaches out, yanks the back of my shirt straight up and starts drying the water from my back. :eek:
I figured there was no sense in me making a scene, since she was standing behind me, and the fact I was in the chair and she was the only person that could see that I was carrying. So I let her finish, and she did, never saying a word about my gun, I sat back and we resumed with my hair.....For about 30 seconds. She then leans down and whispers to me and asks what kind of big gun was I was carrying.. :D I told her a 9mm. She smiled and whispered back that is was big compared to the 22 she carried! lol Go figure


New member
I gotta post in here to just remind myself to come back and read the new posts! Jay24bal, your story is so awesome! Way too cool!


New member
Glad I could bring a smile...

Jay24bal, your story is so awesome! Way too cool!

Glad I could brighten your day.

Seriously though, all in all it worked out pretty well for me. The only downside is that it is no longer a secret at the office that I carry.

Personally, I am a fan of the story about the gun sliding under the divider into the next stall. Talk about scaring the crap out of someone...

chris in va

New member
2004 I had just bought a holster for my CZ 75bd, meant for a 92fs. I was in the ice cream aisle at Giant food store and bent down to get some Cherry Garcia, when the gun slipped out and skittered across the floor.

Fortunately nobody was in the aisle, and I had learned a couple weeks earlier to not grab for the gun.


New member
One night about 30yrs ago, I was sitting in a movie theatre and dropped something on the floor, when I leaned forward to pick it up, my gun fell from my Bianchi shoulder holster and slide down the hill into the row of seats in front of me. Fortunately, it was before the show started and no one was sitting there yet...but I was still stunned and embarrassed.


New member
This thread sounds like impropper gear/check/wrong model holster for gun.
I was watching a bad scuba equipment video and the dude was leaking air from 3 spots, tank,regulartor and dive compass/computer. :rolleyes::rolleyes::eek:.......... Remember to check your gear/gun/holster!


New member
This actually happened about a month ago.

My buddies girlfriend was having a few people over, mostly her friends and none of which knew I carried except my buddy and his girlfriend. Well anyway, I was coming from work and had my gun cable locked under the seat but forgot to stick my holster in the center console as I usually do. So for the night I was carrying without a holster in my waistband. On the drive over the mag release button must have gotten engaged and the mag was sitting half in half out. Everyone was in the kitchen and about a minute or two after getting there the mag fell from the gun and hit the floor. Needless to say everyone noticed and started asking if I had a gun and if they could see it, which I declined. I was kinda embarrassed so I just stuck the mag in my pocket and went into the bathroom a few minutes later to pop it back in. So much for being discreet.


Mags, US Army....

When I was a active duty US Army MP in the 1990s, my M9 pistol mags would pop out often. When I turned or sat in a vehicle, it took place. It wasn't a big problem but I'd tap the magazine base often to insure it was properly seated.

Patrol work & security details will knock any weapon around. It's just how it goes. A co-worker & federal 083 police officer once told me of a PD's office that had scuffs & nicks in all the door frames from cops walking thru for decades.



New member
One of the better equipment checks is to do a handstand to see if holster etc will hold things in that position.


New member
About the only thing I can think of is while being measured for a Tux, the lady reached around me to get a measurment, hit the 1911 on my belt and said, "What in the world....Oh, Ok...we'll allow a little extra for that." and went on about her business.