What Should The Essential Gun Collection Have?


New member
What Should The Essential Gun Collection Have?

I think there is a dramatic difference between a collection and an accumulation. Which are we talking about?

A collection is a group of anything..guns in this case which have a common thread to the collector. This thread does not have to be apparent to anyone but the collector. The beginning collector often shoots off in many directions, an important stage in collecting because the result is broad understanding of the subject resulting in pinpoint scope of interest as the collector advances. An advanced collector will attempt to keep his collection stealth and the corners round. An advanced collection is often as abstract as the last sentence. Some collectors maintain several different and distinct collections simultaneously, this is an eclectic collector.

An accumulation is a group, battery, arsenal, etc. A selection of something amassed to serve a purpose.

Does a mechanic have a collection of tools or an accumulation?

A farmer a collection of equipment or an accumulation?

A road construction company a collection of vehicles or an accumulation?

For collecting I like early hardware company branded shotguns.

A good accumulation IMO is something like this:

A good .22 rifle
A powerful centerfire bolt-action (milsurps fill this role very well)
A 12 guage pump-action or semi-auto
A handgun, either an auto in .45 or 9mm or a revolver in .357


44 AMP

Q:What should....

Guns....lots of guns!

Collect what ever you want for fun, and the joy of owning.

For utility,
.22LR rifle/pistol (training, small game, plinking, etc.)
Deer/big game rifle
Personal defense handgun
Militia rifle

Specialize any way you want, get any and as many variations as you want, the above constitutes what I consider the minimum basis for a good collection.

My opinions are, of course my own. 200 antique muskets would be a nice collection. 27 pre 1900 Colt SAAs would be a very nice collection. But not a good collection, as it doesn't have overall untility. No reason why they should have utility, just that is what make a good collection to me.


New member
I see everyone is shying away from the select fire or full autos. What a shame, y'all are missing out on a lot of fun.

Oh, and before you start bitching about the cost, they are only expensive now because we ALLOW them to be.


For utility,
.22LR rifle/pistol (training, small game, plinking, etc.)
Deer/big game rifle
Personal defense handgun
Militia rifle

That covers it pretty well I'd say. Only thing I could possibly add to that is a 44 mag. Everyone should have a 44 mag and be able to reload for it to gain access to its full range of versatility.

A minimum battary of arms could be reduced to 1 ea., pistol/rifle/SG.


New member
Much like Walter from Florida's comment, I am more of a "Gun Accumulator" than a "Gun Collector"

The only thing I see missing from all these lists is a GOOD FIREPROOF SAFE


New member
I consider the following to be essential:

22LR semi-auto
9mm plastic frame semi-auto
357mag DA revolver
12gauge pump shotgun, 18" barrel


New member
My idea would include:
2 mil-surp rifles: a Garand and a "Red"
lever-action .30-30
big bore deer rifle
1911A frame variant
2 revolvers in DA and SA
and 1 beater (my Rossi comes to mind)